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Blogging Assignment – Online Journalism

You are required to write a blog post that will be published on either your personal blogsite (wordpress or any other
such blogging platform). Your post should carry links from credible sources with your own commentary. It should be
engaging and informative (useful and authentic information for the readers, with impartial views).

The writeup should come with a title/headline of not more than 80 characters. You may also use subheadings in your
work to make it more accessible for your readers. Those titles/subtitles should use words that people often search
on the internet (SEO/SMO).

Use visuals to grab your audience because your audience (primarily young) like visually-appealing content.

About topic: It could be a passion blog (any topic or theme that is close to your heart or that excites you to write.
You still need to engage you readers in your passion.

Other opportunities include blogging lifestyles (such as dieting, foodies, gardening, cooking, sustainability, fitness
training and interior decorating etc.); entertainment (mainly analysis, reviews or criticism of popular content); sports
or hobbies; or personal experience (which is either adventurous or experimental).

Engagement: Apart from the topic/theme, writing style, use of visuals, think about ways to invite your readers to
comment on your blog or like/share, a key aspect of your work.

Words: Up to 800 words (min: 700)

Some other tips:

Make a plan and write according to the plan. For instance, what should be your intro/first (or first two) paragraph(s).
How do you plan to introduce your topic and hook your readers? Why should they care? Why should they read? In
other words, significance of the issue/topic. What should be in the body and how do you plan to end? What should
be your conclusion? Does it make them think or influence their views/opinions about the topic/issue?

Sometimes, it helps to start with a conclusion, as you get more clarity on the direction you plan to follow.

Title/headlines are written at the very last.

When done, review your work. Give it a close read and be critical of your words. Make revisions where possible.
During the revision part, focus on facts (whether those are accurate or not), grammar, spells, sentence structure and
overall structure of your copy. Aim for an error-free copy. (People love to point out mistakes online, so be mindful of
this). The revision task should help you to improve and fine tune your work, including changes to your title and lead

I hope this helps!

Should you have any question, please feel free to ask me.



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