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Soal dan Jawaban cerdas cermat Bahasa inggris

1. My pet is sick, where should I bring her?

A. Therapist

B. Dentist

C. Vet

D. Psychology
jawaban c

2. Sabian : Are you ok Arka?

Arka : I don't think so.. My head is very dizzy

Sabian : Let me help you, come with me.

Arka : Where are we going to go?

Sabian : We're going to go to ...

A. Vet

B. Clinic

C. Bookstores

D. Drugstore

Jawaban b

3. Freya : I want to see a Coldplay concert, do you want to accompany me, Rakha?

Rakha : ...... , Sorry Freya.

Freya : it's okay Rakha.

A. Sure, I can

B. Thank you

C. No, I can't

D. Could you

Jawaban c

4. The sign means .... (Don't turn around pic)

A. Don't turn around

B. Don't turn left

C. Don't turn right

D. Don't park

Jawaban a

5. Khail is .... Than Jaegar

A. Most smart

B. Smartest

C. More smart

D. Smarter

Jawaban d

6. Jake wants to play some video games, where should he go?

A. Grocery

B. Doctor

C. Playstation

D. Arcade
jawaban c

7. My cat ... milk in the kitchen yesterday

A. Drank

B. Drunk

C. Drink

D. Drinking

Jawaban a

8. Zidane has pain in his tooth. He should go to ...

A. Occultist

B. Doctor

C. Dentist

D. Pharmacy

Jawaban c

9. The capital city of Japan is ....

A. Fukuoka

B. Tokyo
C. Okayama

D. Osaka

Jawaban b

10. The form of government in Indonesia is ...

A. Republic

B. Kingdom

C. Empire

D. Country

Jawaban a

11. Seller : Good evening, can I help you?

Helga : Good evening, of course, I need some fruit

Seller : .... do you need?

Helga : I need 8 apple

Seller : Sure, here you are

A. How long

B. How many

C. How much

D. How lot

Jawaban b

12. What are they doing? (Playing soccer pic)

A. They are playing soccer

B. They are played soccer

C. They play soccer

D. They is playing soccer

Jawaban a
13. Miss Jennifer : .... the class, it is very dirty!

Danielle : Sure, mom

A. Clean

B. Mop

C. Close

D. Open

Jawaban a

14. Dean will join the mathematics competition. Alea says ...

A. Best wishes

B. Congratulations

C. Pardon me

D. Good luck

Jawaban d

15. Today is Liz's birthday, Rei says ...

A. Congratulations

B. Happy birthday

C. Good luck

D. Excuse me

Jawaban b

16. The doctor vaccines the patient with ...

A. Bandage

B. Thermometer

C. Syringe

D. Stethoscope

Jawaban c

17. Vernon has lots of stamps, His hobby is ...

A. Singing

B. Dancing

C. Cooking

D. Collecting stamps

Jawaban d
18. Who helps doctors to take care of the patient?

A. Teacher

B. Police

C. Nurse

D. People

Jawaban c

19. Giselle is .... of thunder

A. Happy

B. Afraid

C. Angry

D. Sad

Jawaban b

20. When Shaka is bored, he likes to watch movies. "Bored" in Indonesian means ...

A. Bosan

B. Malas

C. Terkejut

D. Puas

Jawaban a

21. Mention 4 seasons in Japan !

jawaban Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall (autumn)

22. Mention 5 kinds of disease !

Jawaban Fever, Stomachache, etc.

23. Mention 4 compass point !

Jawaban North, west, east, south

24. The - in - playing - girls - the - school yard - are - skipping.

The right sentence is?

Jawaban The girls are playing skipping in the school yard

25. Haga had just finished his work, he was .... with the result.

Jawaban Satisfied

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