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Nachkommen von Pharamond Marcomirss

Pharamond Marcomirss ca 370-ca 427

& Argotta Genebaldsdr 376-438

& Imbergide ...


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Chlodio I Pharamondss ca 395-448

Fredemundus Chararic Adelbertus Weldelphus

Pharamondss Guerric Pharamondss Pharamondss
ca 400- 427-510

& Argotta
& Basina I Weldelphusdr ca 400-438 Genebaldsdr
& Hatilde ? ...
ca 395-

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Adelbert Chlodioss ca 421-491

Medelphus Chlodwig Sigimaerus

Chlodioss Mérovech Chlodiosson ca 415-ca 456 Chlodioss Chlodioss Cariaric Chlodioss ca 427-483
415- ca 415- ca 419-ca

& Arnegonde
van & Wife of Adelbert de
Moselle Theodomirsdr ca ...&? Arotta
Basinden ...
& Chlodeswinthe Chlodégarsdr ca 418-449 & Wife of Cariaric ?
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Childéric I Mérovechsson ca 436-481 Pretextat Adelbertss ca

Chlodonde Cariaricsdr ca 460-510

& Basina II Basinusdr ca 435-ca 470 & Chlodéric Siegbertss †509

& Spouse of Pretextat de

Reims ?

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Parovius Pretextatss ca
Audofledis Childéricsdr †526 Chlodwig I Magnus Childéricss 465-511 500-610
Theodorich Childéricss Lantraldis
Childéricss ca 470- Childéricsdr Chlodomir II Chlodériss ca 490-532
ca 452-534 469-485

& Theodoric Theodomirsson 454-526 & Clotilde Chilpéricsdr ca 470-548

& Evochilde ? ... & Nn & Gerberga

Baderichsdr ...Baderichsdr & Arnegunde ? ca 490-
ca 465-510 ca 510- ca 505-

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Amalasuintha Betton
Theodoricsdr Clothar I Cloviss ca 501-561 Baroviuss ca
493-535 535-610
Argotta Theodoric II Théodoric I Ingomer Chlodomir I Childébert I Chrotielda
Theodemirsdr Theodoricsson Chrotechilde Theodoricsdr 525-544 Cloviss ca Chlodwigss Chlodwigss Chlodwigss ca 502-ca Arégonde Chlodomirsdr ca 504-587 Ingonde Chlodomirsdr ca 506-563
ca 460-518 ca 465-535 492-534 494-494 ca 495-524 ca 496-558 531

& Adalric
Chlodébaudss & Clothar I Cloviss ca 501-561 & Clothar I Cloviss ca 501-561
ca 448-ca 515
& Suavegotha & Waldrada & Guntheuca & Autsregilde
& Wife of & Branulphe I Waudbertss ca 503-ca dei D´Aïga
Theodoric II ? 565 Sigismundsdr & Arégonde Chlodomirsdr ca 504-587 ...Longobardi ... & Ingonde Chlodomirsdr ca 506-563 ...Gundomarsdr Richemeresdr
ca 495-521 ca 529-572 495-532 ca 540-555

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Richemir D
Waudbert I Frédégonde ´Orleans
Adalricss ca Brunulphesdr Blithildis Clotharsdr ca 515-580 Blithildis Clotharsdr ca 515-580
ca 543-597 Bettonss ca
490-ca 538 555-607
Théodebert Charibert I Guntram Charibert I Guntram
Theodogotho Brunulphe II Sichilde Siegbert I Siegbert I
Theodorisdr Branulphess Waudbertsdr Théodoricss Chilperic I Clotharss ca 523-584 Chlotharss Chlotharss Chlotharss Dagobert
ca Chlotharss Chilperic I Clotharss ca 523-584 Chlotharss Chlotharss Chlotharss Dagobert
ca Chlotharss
ca 505-ca ca 517-ca ca 525- ca 517-ca ca 525-
478- ca 560-618 535-ca 575 535-ca 575
548 567 592 567 592

& Ansbertus & Frédégonde & Ansbertus & Frédégonde

Ferreoluss ca 510-ca Brunulphesdr Ferreoluss ca 510-ca Brunulphesdr
570 ca 543-597 570 ca 543-597
& Zucchilon & Deuteria & Gertrude
& Lucille dei & Chilperic I Tonantiusdr & Theodebald & Audovère & Galswintha & Brunihildi der Bayern & Theodebald & Audovère & Galswintha & Brunihildi
Clotharss ca ... I Agivaldss ca ? ca 530- ... ...Atanagildosdr Atanagildosdr ... I Agivaldss ca ? ca 530- ... ...Atanagildosdr Atanagildosdr
Zenonsdr 495- Longobardi ca ca 503-ca Theodebalsdr
460-ca 540 523-584 548 520-567 580 †ca 567 ca 545-613 ca 560-649 520-567 580 †ca 567 ca 545-613

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