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Design a workout session outlining durations, distances, and intensity (utilizing

the Borg scale), anchored on these endurance training methods: • Continuous
running • Fartlek • Circuit • Interval training
General objective: Improve cardiovascular resistance.
Training Method: Resistance
Total duration of the session: 60 minutes
- Continuous run: 10 minutes at a pace of intensity 3-4 on the Borg scale.
- Fartlek: Run 5 minutes at intensity 4-5 pace, increase speed for the next 2 minutes at
intensity 6-7 pace, recover for 1 minute at intensity 3-4 pace, accelerate for 5 minutes at
6-7 intensity pace, recover 1 minute at 3-4 intensity pace. Repeat this series of 2-1-5-1
for 25 minutes.
- Circuit: Complete a series of exercises that includes burpees, jumping jacks, squats
and planks 3 times, performing each one for 30 seconds with a 10-second rest between
them. Rest 1 minute between sets.
- Interval training: Perform 6 intervals of 1 minute each, alternating between running at
intensity 7-8 pace and walking at intensity 3-4 pace. Rest for 1 minute between
- Continuous run: 10 minutes at a pace of intensity 3-4 on the Borg scale.
- Static stretching of legs, arms and back for 10 minutes.
Recommendation: For an adequate progression, it is suggested to increase the duration
or intensity of the exercises every 2 weeks.
2.What is the significance of a physical fitness test? Illustrate and thoroughly explain a
fitness test, specifying what it assesses.
The importance of a physical fitness test lies in the fact that it allows us to know the
state in which our body is in terms of its level of physical condition. Carrying out this
test allows us to evaluate our physical capacity and establish training plans appropriate
to our needs to improve our health and physical performance.
A fitness test includes a series of tests and assessments that measure different aspects of
our physical ability, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, and agility. These
tests allow us to know what areas we should focus on to improve our physical condition
and make adjustments in our diet and lifestyle to achieve better results.
Among the most common tests of a fitness test are:
1. Flexibility test: evaluates our ability to perform movements that require muscle
stretching. This test helps prevent injuries and improve joint mobility.
2. Strength test: evaluates our ability to lift weight and perform activities that require
intense physical effort. This test helps to increase muscle mass and improve body
3. Cardiovascular Endurance Test: Evaluates the ability of our heart and lungs to work
efficiently during exercise. This test helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve
physical performance.
4. Speed and agility test: evaluates our ability to perform fast and coordinated
movements. This test helps improve our reaction time and performance in sports or
high-impact activities.
1. Illustrate and explain an active stretching exercise for the specified muscle
groups below. How many sets and duration would you allocate to each stretch if
the aim is to enhance it? And to maintain it?
2. Design a strength training circuit using any equipment of your choice. Specify
the number of repetitions and series for each exercise.
3. If you're initiating strength and/or endurance training, what would be your
starting point (refer to your notes)?
4. What distinguishes fast-twitch from slow-twitch fibers?
5. What sets aerobic endurance apart from anaerobic endurance?
Apart from anaerobic endurance, activities such as walking, jogging, running at
a moderated rate for long periods of time, swimming, biking and jumping rope
can all be different ways to improve your aerobic endurance and, not only that,
improve your overall fitness.
6. What kind of muscle contraction is involved in the following exercises?
In the first picture, we have an eccentric contraction, in which the muscle
lengthens as the resistance becomes greater that the force the muscle is
In the second one, we can see an isometric contraction in which there is no
change in the length of the muscle. The muscle length remains relatively constat
as tension is produced.
7. Connect the heart adaptations that occur depending on whether the training is
aerobic or anaerobic.
8. Can you explain what TRX is?

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