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Marriage and Holistic Preparation:

Unveiling the Demands of Familiaris Consortio

and Amoris Laetitia on Psycho-Social Readiness
based on Rafael Lopez’s “Bahay-Bahayan”

In the realm of understanding the complexities of marriage, the examination of

Marriage demands as presented in Familiaris Consortio and Amoris Laetitia,
Alongside the enlightening perspectives from Rafael Lopez's article
"Bahay-Bahayan," illuminates the crucial importance of comprehensive
preparation, encompassing psycho-social readiness, as one embarks on the
journey of married life.

Louis Andre C. Malaybalay

A Deliberate Decision: The Author's Prudent Approach to Family Life and Parenthood
In the article, the author demonstrates sound judgment by deciding not to hastily
commit to family life. Recognizing the profound responsibilities associated with entering
into marriage and having children, the author emphasizes the need for thoughtful
consideration and careful planning. This deliberate approach is crucial, particularly when
individuals find themselves contemplating such life-altering decisions at a young age.
The author acknowledges that family life demands a significant commitment and
should not be rushed into without due reflection. Understanding the weighty
responsibilities that come with starting a family, the author wisely chooses to exercise
restraint and ensure that they are adequately prepared. By refraining from immediate
commitment, the author exemplifies a sense of maturity and responsibility that is crucial
when embarking on the journey of marriage and parenthood.
An essential aspect of this deliberation process is the inclusion of multiple
perspectives. The author highlights the importance of seeking consent not only from
themselves and their partner but also from their respective families. This recognition of the
significance of familial support and consensus reflects a deep understanding of the
interconnectedness of family life. It demonstrates a desire to build a foundation of mutual
understanding, trust, and collaboration, ensuring a solid groundwork for the shared journey
The article also recounts a pivotal moment when the author reflects on their
childhood memories of playing "bahay-bahayan," a Filipino pretend play activity
simulating family life. This reflection evokes a sense of nostalgia and prompts the author
to question their readiness for the obligations of fatherhood. Such introspection
demonstrates a genuine concern for their capability to fulfill the responsibilities that come
with raising a child. By acknowledging their doubts and reservations, the author displays a
level of self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth before embracing the role of
a parent.
Moreover, the author expresses a desire to enjoy the single life, further reinforcing
their intention to prioritize personal development and fulfillment. This aspiration reveals
an understanding that a fulfilling family life necessitates a balanced and well-rounded
individual who has explored personal goals and experiences before fully committing to the
responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. By recognizing the weight of the
responsibilities involved, engaging in careful planning, seeking consensus from both
partners and respective families, and addressing personal doubts, the author exhibits a
mature and thoughtful approach to entering the realm of marriage and parenthood.
Cultivating Self-Control, Responsibility, and Accountability: A Journey towards Conscious
In this article, Lopez exemplified commendable qualities of maturity, including
self-control, taking responsibility for one's actions, and being accountable for future
decisions. It is widely recognized that sexual desire can be a significant factor influencing
individual premarital behavior. The author's exercise of temperance in the face of sexual
temptation showcases their remarkable self-control, effectively preventing them from
engaging in premarital sex. Not swayed by the actions of their peers or succumbing to
societal pressure, they demonstrate a remarkable ability to exhibit restraint when faced with
choices that could have negative consequences for their well-being, both in the short and
long term.
Furthermore, the author deeply grasps the immense responsibility that comes with
being human. They recognize that every individual is accountable for their own choices
and the broader impact these choices may have on the world. With a proactive mindset that
comprehends the consequences of their actions, the author embraces a transformative
approach to life. No longer content with passive existence, they actively strive to effect
change in their circumstances, allowing them to live with conscientiousness and purpose.
Our lives are shaped by an unbroken sequence of thoughts and experiences. We
constantly navigate daily challenges and make crucial decisions within fleeting moments.
Significantly, the author realizes that their ultimate accountability transcends mere self-
consideration or obligations to others, extending to a profound relationship with a higher
power, namely, God. Under this perspective, accountability becomes an intimate and
personal connection between one's own conscience and a profound respect for God's grand
While relationships are inherently comprised of individuals responsible for their
own actions, couples also bear dual accountability, as their words and deeds profoundly
impact the decisions made by those closest to them. The author emphasizes that embracing
accountability is a deeply personal choice, driven by the desire to construct a better reality
through individual actions. If we aspire to improve the world, the path lies in continual
self-improvement, fostering the adage, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
Embracing Fatherhood's Foundations: Strengthening Intellectual, Social, Physical, and
Professional Attributes
When it comes to marriage and starting a family, it is imperative to focus on four fundamental
areas that encompass the essential qualities of an exemplary father. These areas encompass
intellectual, social, physical, and professional attributes, and their development or enhancement is
crucial for personal growth. By delving deeper into each of these domains, we can lay a strong
foundation for a fulfilling family life.
1. Intellectual Growth: Knowledge and wisdom pertaining to family life serve as the bedrock
of intellectual development. To nurture this aspect, it is vital to seek guidance from
experienced individuals who can offer valuable insights on how to maintain a harmonious
relationship with both spouse and children. Drawing from the wisdom of others allows for
a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and intricacies of a healthy family unit.
2. Professional Growth: The realm of professional growth is intertwined with financial
management. To ensure the financial stability of one's family, it is essential to cultivate
responsible practices in handling finances. This includes prudent spending, effective saving
strategies, informed investment decisions, and meticulous budgeting. By honing these
skills, an ideal father can provide a secure and prosperous future for his loved ones.
3. Social Growth: Nurturing social growth entails recognizing that relationships demand
effort and commitment. Personal development contributes to fostering healthy connections
with others, and having a supportive partner by one's side can greatly aid in this journey of
growth and self-realization. Cultivating meaningful relationships and offering unwavering
support not only enhances personal potential but also creates a conducive environment for
the holistic development of oneself and the family.
4. Physical Well-being: The physical aspect of an individual's life plays a significant role in
shaping their overall character. Our bodies serve as the vessel through which we engage
with the world. Caring for our physical well-being reflects our dedication to self-care and
self-respect. Three key facets of physical well-being include nourishing our bodies with
healthy nutrition, maintaining an active lifestyle through regular exercise, and abstaining
from harmful substances such as drugs and alcohol. Prioritizing these aspects ensures that
an ideal father embodies the values of discipline, resilience, and self-awareness.
By diligently focusing on these core areas of personal growth, aspiring fathers can develop the
multifaceted qualities necessary for a fulfilling family life. Embracing knowledge, financial
responsibility, strong social connections, and physical well-being lays a solid foundation for a
father's role in nurturing a loving and thriving family unit.

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