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Macarthur Girls High School – Stage 6 Assessment Notification

Course: Preliminary English Extension 1

Module 2: Research Project
Assessment weighting: 40 %
Issue date: Week 5, Term 2, 20 3
Due date: Week 2, Term 3, 2023


You are to plo 7-minute multimodal presentation eo on the extent to which narratives can explore
philosophical issues. You should articulate a personal response that has been informed by texts chosen and studied
in your independent research project. The presentation must include visual elements to enhance its impact and
By completing this task you will be able to:
EE11-1 demonstrate and apply considered understanding of the dynamic relationship between text, purpose,
audience and context, across a range of modes, media and technologies
EE11-4 develop skills in research methodology to undertake effective independent investigation
EE11-6 reflect on and assesses the development of independent learning gained through the processes of research,
writing and creativity

Marking Rubric :
You will be marked on your ability to:
• Communicate a personal perspective on the extent to which narrative can explore or comment on
philosophical issues that has been informed by independent research
• e le o e e ex e plo or , features and structures or pe p rpo e e e
o ex , evaluating their p on meaning
• Synthesise visual, verbal and digital language to communicate complex ideas

Steps to completing task successfully:

In preparation for the presentation, you should:
1. Identify the philosophical co cer in the original text AND the appropriated text .

2. Brainstorm how and whether the values embedded in the original text parallel, challenge or offer alternatives to the
appropriated texts and pro e rele re o .

3. Evaluate to what extent each text uses narrative to explore or comment on p lo op l issues using your own ideas and
critical research.

4. Analyse the texts including their specific forms and features, and examine how their values originate in specific personal,
cultural and historical contexts. Note: Make sure to analyse how and why the values and messages of the original text
come to be lost or re-presented over time. You should also examine how manifestations of texts re-enter the popular
imagination at different times in history due to specific personal, social and cultural values.

5. Using your research, compose a 7-minute multimodal presentation that explores the extent to which narrative can
expose or comment on p lo op l issues. Your presentation should resemble a TED talk (which communicates a key
idea in a pithy and engaging manner, often reinforced by informative and striking visual images).

6. Upload the video of your multimodal presentation to the relevant folder on Google Drive by 9 am on the sche le
a e (Monday, July 24).

7. n ur a ur u a i M i ub i i n ui in a b .
Marking Criteria Marks

• Skilfully draws on independent research to communicate an insightful

commentary on the extent to which narrative can explore or comment on
p lo op l issues
• emonstrates eep re le o o e e o e ex e plo A
or e re r re or pe p rpo e e e o ex 21-25
e l er p o e
• emonstrates highly-effective synthesis of visual, verbal and digital language to
communicate complex ideas
• Effectively draws on independent research to communicate a coherent
commentary on the extent to which narrative can explore or comment on
p lo op l issues
• e o r e e e e re le o o e e o e ex e plo B
or e re r re or pe p rpo e e e o ex 16-20
e l er p o e
• emonstrates effective synthesis of visual, verbal and digital language to
communicate complex ideas
• Satisfactorily draws on independent research to communicate a sound
commentary on the extent to which narrative can explore or comment on
p lo op l issues
• e el re le o e e e ex e plo or e re C
r re or pe p rpo e e e o ex e l er p o 11-15
• emonstrates adequate synthesis of visual, verbal and digital language to
communicate ideas
• Draws on independent research in a limited way to communicate a basic
commentary on the extent to which narrative can explore or comment on
p lo op l issues
• emonstrates some re le o o e e o e ex e plo D
or e re r re or pe p rpo e e e o ex 6-10

• emonstrates some synthesis of visual, verbal and digital language to

communicate ideas

• Basic attempt at research and basic commentary on the p lo op l issues

in the narratives studied
• emonstrates re le o o e e o e ex e plo E
or e re r re or pe p rpo e e e o ex 1-5

• emonstrates synthesis of visual, verbal and digital language to

communicate ideas


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