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Section I

Preparation, Properties,
and Characterization of
Coatings and Films
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Standard and New Processing Techniques
Used in the Preparation of Films and
Coatings at the Lab Level and Scale-Up

Maria A. Bertuzzi and Anibal M. Slavutsky

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1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Historical Progresses........................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Film and Coating Formulation ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Forces Involved in Film Formation.................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Film Formation Process ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Casting or Wet Process ........................................................................................................ 8 Film Formation Mechanisms ............................................................................... 8 Film Drying ........................................................................................................11 Film or Coating Application Methods ............................................................... 12 Film and Coating Production Technologies ...................................................... 12 Drying Technology ............................................................................................ 15
1.5.2 Dry Process ........................................................................................................................16 Extrusion Process................................................................................................17 Compression Molding .........................................................................................18
1.6 Challenges and Future Trends.........................................................................................................18
References ................................................................................................................................................ 19

1.1 Introduction
Ongoing research on biodegradable/edible films is being made, and there is a great interest to make this
knowledge more widely available and used. In the last 30 years, considerable progress has been made in
developing these materials driven by the increasing consumer demand for safe, high-quality, convenient
food with long shelf lives, along with an ecological awareness of the limited natural resources and the
environmental impact of packaging waste (Janjarasskul and Krochta 2010; Kester and Fennema 1986).
Nevertheless, the use of edible films or coatings to extend storage life of food is an ancient human prac-
tice of food preservation. Some examples of those old practices are fruit waxing used since the twelfth
century in China, meat larding used in England since the sixteenth century (Kester and Fennema 1986),
and the production of soy films from soy milk (yuba) traditionally employed in the Orient to wrap and
shape ground meats or vegetables (Gennadios and Weller 1991).
Although edible films and coatings cannot totally replace synthetic packaging, they can advanta-
geously substitute it in several applications due to their biodegradability. Edibility gave these coatings
additional functions where plastics were not useful, such as providing a barrier between components in a
heterogeneous food or giving individual protection to small pieces or portions of food materials (Guilbert
1986). Besides acting as a passive barrier, edible films and coatings have many other applications such

4 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

as controlled release of active ingredients, immobilization of drug or enzyme, encapsulation of microor-

ganisms or food ingredients, and establishment of modified atmosphere to protect food.
Edible films and coatings are defined as thin layers of material that can be eaten by the consumer
and provide a barrier to mass transfer (moisture, oxygen, and solute movement) within the food itself
or between the food and the environment. Films are formed as stand-alone sheets of materials, whereas
coatings are directly formed on the product (Bourlieu et al. 2009; Guilbert 1986).
Edible packagings are prepared by using edible compounds derived from diverse renewable sources.
Polysaccharide, protein, or lipid materials are used in various forms (simple or composite materials,
single-layer or multilayer films) to prepare edible films and coatings. Due to their low affinity with water,
lipids are generally considered as the most effective moisture barrier. On the other hand, because of their
nonpolymeric characteristic, they are usually opaque and present poor mechanical properties (Rhim
and Shellhammer 2005). Conversely, due to their hydrophilic nature, polysaccharide and protein films
exhibit limited water vapor barrier, but they present good mechanical and gas barrier properties at low
relative humidity (Janjarasskul and Krochta 2010). A detailed description of the characteristics of films
and coatings made of lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides or their combinations are presented in other
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chapters of this book.

1.2 Historical Progresses

Throughout the time that edible films have been studied and developed, different strategies have been used
to improve the functional properties of these materials. In the early stages, films based on pure hydrocol-
loids or lipids were studied and numerous publications reported physicochemical, mechanical, and bar-
rier properties of these materials (Janjarasskul and Krochta 2010; Krochta 1992; Liu 2005; Rhim and
Shellhammer 2005). As an alternative to improve barrier and mechanical properties of biopolymer-based
films, the polymer network was modified through the formation of intramolecular and intermolecular
covalent cross-links, for example, by applying thermal treatments or by adding chemical cross-linkers
(Kim et al. 2002; Micard et al. 2000). Another approach consisted of combining oppositely charged hydro-
colloids such as chitosan with alginate, carboxymethylcellulose, or many other negatively charged polysac-
charides or proteins (Arzate-Vázquez et al. 2012; Li et al. 2011b). Lipids have also been used in combination
with hydrocolloids as emulsion-based films or bilayer films in order to reduce water vapor permeability of
hydrophilic films (Debeaufort and Quezada-Gallo 2000; Pérez-Gago and Krochta 2005; Wu et al. 2002).
In the last years, the progress in the application of nanotechnology to edible films has been reviewed by
some authors (Azeredo 2009; Chivrac et al. 2009; Rhim et al. 2013). Nanotechnology has been applied
to edible films through the incorporation of nanoreinforcements into the film matrix or the preparation
of nanolaminated films. Bionanocomposites consist of a biopolymer matrix reinforced with organic or
inorganic particles (nanoparticles) having at least one dimension in the nanometer range (1–100 nm).
These materials exhibit improved thermal, mechanical, and barrier properties compared to the base
biopolymers due to the high aspect ratio and high surface area of nanoparticles. A nanolaminated film
consists of two or more layers of material with nanometric dimensions that are physically or chemically
bonded to each other (Fabra et al. 2013). All these developments resulted, to some extent, in improved
functional properties of biopolymer-based films. Nevertheless, there is still a big challenge ahead, in
order to obtain competitive materials for the food packaging market.

1.3 Film and Coating Formulation

The formulation of edible films and coatings involves using at least one component capable of forming
a continuous and cohesive matrix, a characteristic feature of polymeric materials (Guilbert and Gontard
2005). Films may be homopolymeric or heteropolymeric depending on whether they are prepared from a
single polymer type or from blended polymers. Composite films are mixtures of hydrocolloids (polysac-
charides and proteins), lipids, and additives where film formulation is tailor-made to suit to the needs of
a specific product or required functional properties. Such heterogeneity may provide uniquely tailored
Standard and New Processing Techniques 5

properties, for example, the decrease of glass transition temperature, the prevention of crack propagation
through the system, and the improvement of water resistance (Wu et al. 2002).
Film-forming materials used in edible films and coatings are polysaccharides, proteins, lipids, and res-
ins. Polysaccharides are polymeric carbohydrate structures, formed by repeating units (either mono- or
disaccharides) joined together by glycosidic bonds forming long chains. Polysaccharides have good film-
forming properties with a wide range of solution viscosities. Generally, polysaccharide films are formed
by disrupting interactions among long-chain polymer segments during dissolution and by forming new
intermolecular hydrophilic and hydrogen bonding upon evaporation of the solvent to create a film matrix.
The main advantages of polysaccharide-based films are their mechanical resistance, their efficient bar-
rier properties against oil and lipids, their gas barrier properties, and, particularly, their selective perme-
ability against oxygen transmission. However, due to the hydrophilic nature of these materials, humidity
greatly affects their functional properties (Lacroix and le Tien 2005; Liu 2005; Nisperos-Carriedo 1994).
Proteins are also hydrophilic materials consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
Depending on the amino acid sequence, native protein structures are random—coil, fibrous, or globular.
Usually, formation mechanism of protein films involves the denaturation of the protein by the applica-
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tion of heat, solvents, or change in pH. The film matrix is formed when the extended peptide chains
associate through new intermolecular interactions, depending on the protein, treatment, elaboration, and
drying conditions. Generally, protein-based films have good mechanical and optical properties. They
present more flexibility but less tensile strength than polysaccharides based on their strong intra- and
intermolecular linkages. On the other hand, their disadvantages are the potential allergic responses by
some individuals and the detrimental effect that humidity has on their functional properties due to their
hydrophilic characteristics (Gennadios et al. 1994; Lacroix and Cooksey 2005).
Many lipid materials, mainly waxes and resins, have been used as protective coatings against mois-
ture transfer. They have also been used to add gloss in spite of their being opaque and brittle since they
are not polymers. They are fragile and do not form cohesive, self-supporting film structures. Owing to
their low polarity, lipids have been incorporated into film-forming materials to provide a moisture bar-
rier within composite films. Disadvantages of lipids films are related to their waxy taste and texture,
greasy surface, and potential rancidity (Hernandez 1994; Morillon et al. 2002; Rhim and Shellhammer
Film additives are incorporated to enhance structural, mechanical, and handling characteristics or to
provide active functions to the film matrix. Plasticizers are nonvolatile, high boiling point, nonseparating
substances that modify certain physical and mechanical properties of the material. Plasticizers com-
monly used in edible films are mono-, di-, and oligosaccharides (e.g., glucose, fructose, and sucrose),
polyols (e.g., glycerol, sorbitol, and polyethylene glycols), and lipids and their derivates (e.g., phospho-
lipids, fatty acids, and surfactants). They reduce tensile strength and glass transition temperature by
decreasing the intermolecular forces along the polymer chains (reduction in cohesion), which generally
produce a decrease in brittleness, improve flow, impart flexibility, and increase toughness as well as tear
and impact resistance (Sothornvit and Krochta 2005). Water is the universal plasticizer of hydrophilic
materials, and the influence of water content on functional properties of protein- and polysaccharide-
based films must be considered.
Film formulation based on emulsions requires surface-active compounds with both polar and nonpolar
character capable of modifying interfacial energy at the interface in immiscible systems. Surfactants
perform critical functions in the film-forming process, including emulsion stabilization, and antifoam-
ing during solution preparation. They also serve as wetting agents to ensure adequate adherence to the
substrate, leveling agent to minimize surface defects in the film, and releasing agents to ensure easy
release of the dry film from the support where it was formed. Some common surfactants or emulsifiers of
food grade are acetylated monoglyceride, lecithin, glycerol monostearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, sorbitan
monooleate, and many proteins due to their amphiphilic nature. The amount usually incorporated into
the formulation is 1% or less, based on the weight of biopolymer (Rossman 2009).
Some compounds are added to the film-forming solution as preservatives. Antimicrobials such as
methylparabens, propylparabens, and sodium benzoate and antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytolu-
ene, butylated hydroxyanisole, and ascorbic acid are used to protect the solution and the dry film during
storage from deterioration and spoilage.
6 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

Active compounds are also incorporated into the film matrix in order to add functions to the passive bar-
rier generated by the film or coating. Films and coatings formulated with active ingredients are known as
active films. Incorporation of antimicrobials such as plant extracts, bacteriocins, organic acids, and enzymes
have been reported in the literature (Ibarguren et al. 2010; Sánchez-González et al. 2011). Oxidation of food
can be reduced by the use of oxygen scavengers and antioxidant agents in the packaging. Antioxidants are
compounds that delay oxidation reactions and can be incorporated into active films and coatings to intro-
duce this function. Some examples of antioxidants incorporated in edible films are phenolic compounds,
tocopherols, ascorbic acid, and tartaric acid (Gómez-Estaca et al. 2009; Pereira de Abreu et al. 2010).
The addition of dispersed particles (macro-, micro-, or nanosized) in the polymeric matrix has been
used as a way to modify some physical and functional properties such as gas and vapor permeability,
thermal stability, tensile strength, and abrasion resistance (Avella et al. 2005).
A composite material is made by combining two or more materials that work together in the structure
to impart the material unique properties. Usually, the combined materials have very different prop-
erties. Composite films are prepared by incorporation of a filler compound into a polymeric matrix.
Composites are used to reinforce film structure, to limit the dependence of some film properties on
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moisture, to reduce film permeation, and to restrain molecular rearrangement. Typical fillers include
talc, clays, silica, lipids, biopolymers, and cellulose fibers particularly microcrystalline cellulose and
cellulose nanofibers (Azeredo 2009).
In general, macroscopic fillers present poor interaction at the interface, while nanofillers present bet-
ter interaction between both phases because of their large surface/volume ratio. In the last years, many
studies have been dedicated to organic–inorganic systems and, in particular, to those in which layered
silicates are dispersed in a polymeric matrix (Avella et al. 2005). The properties of nanocomposites are
governed by the extent of the dispersion of nanoparticles in the biopolymeric matrix and by the interaction
between nanoparticles and biopolymer (Ray and Bousmina 2005). Thermal stability, gas barrier proper-
ties, strength, and low melt viscosity are among the properties that can be achieved by nanoreinforcements
of biodegradable polymers. A uniform dispersion of nanoparticles leads to a very large matrix/filler inter-
facial area that changes the nanostructure, molecular mobility, the relaxation behavior, and the tortuosity
of the permeate pathway through the film (Janjarasskul and Krochta 2010). Thus, selection of appropriate
techniques to form the nanoparticle dispersion in the film matrix is a critical factor in their performance.
Some composite films were developed to combine complementary functional properties of hydrocol-
loids and lipids to overcome their individual shortcomings. The edible films based on polar biopoly-
mers, such as polysaccharides and proteins, are sensitive to humidity and their properties are negatively
affected by moisture. The efficiency of the lipid material in composite films and coatings depends on the
nature of the used lipid, its chemical structure, hydrophobicity, state of aggregation (i.e., solid or liquid),
and the interaction with the hydrocolloid (Rhim and Shellhammer 2005).

1.4 Forces Involved in Film Formation

When a polymer film is formed on a substrate, a set of attractive forces operates between the molecules of
the same material, on the one hand (cohesion), and between the surface molecules of different substances,
such as the film and the substrate surface, on the other hand (adhesion) (Banker 1966). Cohesion refers
to the ability of contiguous surfaces of the same material, at molecular or supermolecular level, to form
strong bonds that prevent or resist separation at the contact point. Therefore, cohesion depends on polymer
structure, that is, molecular length, geometry, molecular weight distribution, and type, and position of
lateral groups. Cohesion requires high attractive forces between molecules and coalescence of contiguous
surfaces of the particles of film material. Compatibility between components is required to obtain strong
cohesion and film strength. Coalescence or the disappearance of boundary layers or surfaces occurs by
the diffusion of individual macromolecules between and within these layers. Only high-molecular-weight
polymers, owing to their molecular structure, combine sufficient cohesive strength and capacity for coales-
cence to produce film structures, deposited from appropriate solvents (Banker 1966; Guilbert et al. 1996).
Molecular shape exerts a strong influence on film cohesion, since it largely determines both diffusivity
of the macromolecule and the strength of its intermolecular forces. Branched structures hinder diffusion
Standard and New Processing Techniques 7

and reduce the interlacing areas. Cohesion is affected by numerous parameters like the presence, con-
centration, location, and relative polarity of polar groups along the chain, molecular weight distribution,
branching, and regularity of the chain. Intermolecular forces that promote cohesion also promote crystal-
linity. Most polymers used in films and coatings present amorphous or semicrystalline structures. The
relative degree of molecular chain order in a film varies according to such factors as film formulation,
method and conditions of film formation, and storage time and conditions. Film crystallinity affects phys-
ical and functional properties such as film strength, flexibility, permeability, and solubility (Liu 2005).
Plasticizers cause a decrease in cohesion by reducing intermolecular forces of film-forming polymers.
As a result, the degree of cohesion in film structures is fundamental to film properties. The increase in
cohesion of the polymeric structure raises film density and compactness, may decrease permeability and
flexibility, and probably, may intensify brittleness (Guilbert et al. 1996).
Furthermore, adhesive forces are the attractive forces between the film-forming material and the
substrate. They are important in the design of the production process because they are related to the
spreadability of the film-forming solution and the easy release of the dry film from the substrate in
the production system, as well as the premature peeling of the coating from the coated surface (Guilbert
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et al. 1996; Han and Gennadios 2005).

A large difference between surface energy of film-forming solution and the substrate lessens the work
of adhesion, resulting in the incomplete coating of the substrate or the easy peel-off of the film from the
substrate. Surface-active agents can be added to the film-forming solution to reduce the surface tension
of the solution and, thus, to increase the work of adhesion (Han and Gennadios 2005).
Some operational factors increase film cohesion by promoting molecular diffusion like increasing
temperature, contact time, degree of polymer solvation, or decreasing viscosity (Banker 1966). Not all of
them are readily controllable in the film formation process.
As the temperature rises, the molecular movement increases due to the dependence of diffusion rate
on temperature and the decrease on film density. An increased temperature generally facilitates adhesion
between polymer film and substrate. Nevertheless, excessive heat may cause film defects such as curling,
blisters, or fat edges (Rossman 2009).
Contact time is the period during which the polymer molecules are capable of diffusion and orien-
tation. An inappropriate high evaporation rate may produce noncohesive films due to the premature
immobilization of polymer molecules as well as the poor diffusion between polymeric particles into the
film (Banker 1966).
Viscosity is of great importance to the film cohesion, and consequently polymer solvation and polymer
concentration are also relevant for matrix cohesion. At low viscosity or high solvation levels, molecular
diffusion will be promoted. Furthermore, under these conditions, most film-forming solution will be
very dilute; the drying time will be excessively long, and some components could be separated from the
bulk of the previously homogeneous system. Consequently, an intermediate viscosity will usually result
in the highest cohesive strength. It will be a function of the solvent used, the rate of desolvation, and the
stereochemical displacement of the polymer from the solvent during evaporation (Banker 1966).

1.5 Film Formation Process

Film formation is a process where an ordered solid phase is obtained from a liquid phase. The liquid
phase may be either a melt or a solution with an appropriate viscosity for the application method. After
application on a substrate, the liquid is converted into a solid film. The chemical and physical changes
that occur in this process are critical to the final appearance and performance of the films.
Guilbert and Gontard (2005) classified the methods used for film preparation into two general process

1. The “casting” or “wet process,” based on solution or dispersion of the film-forming material in
a suitable solvent and the subsequent removal of the solvent
2. The “dry process,” based on thermoplastic properties of certain biopolymers when they are sub-
jected to high temperatures and pressures in processes such as extrusion or compression molding
8 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

1.5.1 Casting or Wet Process

In general, during the film formation in the wet process, a phase transition from a polymer-in-water
(or other solvent) system to a water-in-polymer system occurs (Han and Gennadios 2005). This can be
accomplished through different mechanisms depending on material nature. Film Formation Mechanisms

During the dissolution of a macromolecular substance, the cohesive forces between the solute molecules
are neutralized by unions with the solvent molecules (solvation). The more crystalline polymer, the
greater the intermolecular cohesive forces, and therefore, the more difficult the polymer dissolution.
The polymers used in edible films and coatings are generally aliphatic polymeric nonpolar chains with
polar substituents along the chain. Solvation conditions depend on the functional group characteristics.
As the functional groups on a linear polymer become ionized during dissolution, the charged groups will
repel each other, producing a stretching of the polymer chain. If the polymer is soluble in the solvent,
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there is an attractive interaction between the polymer and the solvent and the net interaction between the
polymer segments is repulsive. As a rule, maximum polymer solvation and polymer chain extension will
produce the greatest cohesiveness in the film structure (Banker 1966). Since solvation and polymer chain
extension is reflected in the viscosity of solution, viscosity provides a useful control parameter during
formulation and application steps (Rossman 2009).
The film formation mechanism depends on whether the polymer is in the dissolved or the dispersed
state. Film formation from polymer solutions occurs as the solvent evaporates, since the polymer chains
are intimately mixed. The polymer chains interpenetrate, going through a gel state, and finally the mem-
brane is formed during drying (Felton 2013).
The mechanism of film formation from polymeric dispersions is more complex than that from solu-
tions. The discrete polymer particles in polymeric dispersions must coalesce and the polymer chains
interpenetrate to form a continuous film. In this case, temperature plays an important role in particle
coalescence and film formation. In contrast to polymer solutions, dispersed polymer systems require the
polymer particles to deform and fuse together to form the film. Thus, these systems exhibit a minimum
film-forming temperature (MFFT). Below this temperature, a polymeric dispersion will form an opaque,
discontinuous material upon solvent evaporation, whereas a clear continuous film will be formed at
temperatures above the MFFT (ASTM 2010), since drying at temperatures above the MFFT provides
sufficient capillary force for coalescence. The MFFT depends on the polymer nature, polymer particle
diameter, and the coating formulation. In addition, these systems generally require postcoating storage in
temperature and humidity-controlled environments to ensure complete polymer coalescence. Conversely,
polymer solutions do not exhibit an MFFT and will form a film at room temperature (Steward et  al.
2000). Therefore, a previous treatment of polymeric dispersions is convenient in order to turn them into
colloidal solutions. This simplifies and facilitates the film formation process. Gelatinization of starch
granules before the film formation is a typical example of this treatment.
According to thermodynamic principles, a solid phase is precipitated from a solution if the chemical
potential of the polymer in the solid phase is less than that of the material in the solution. In the equilib-
rium state of a saturated solution, the chemical potential of a component is the same in both, solid and
solution phases. Thus, film formation occurs if the equilibrium concentration of the component of inter-
est is exceeded by some supersaturation method, including (Myers 1999)

• Solvent evaporation by heating or vacuum

• Decrease of material solubility by cooling or heating the solution, depending on the enthalpy
of the solution
• Adding to the solution another solvent that is miscible with the primary solvent, but is a poor
solvent for the material
• Salting out by the addition of substances that may contain a common ion with the polymeric
substance, thereby reducing its solubility
Standard and New Processing Techniques 9

• Chemical reaction in the solution changing a soluble substance into an insoluble one
• Changes in other factors that affect the ability of the solvent to solvate the material

These phenomena and their combinations are utilized for film formation according to the nature of film-
forming material. Biopolymeric Films

Kester and Fennema (1986) classified the mechanisms of film formation from hydrocolloid solutions
as simple coacervation, complex coacervation, and thermal gelation or precipitation. Coacervation is
the formation of macromolecular aggregates due to phase separation in initially homogeneous polymer
Simple coacervation results from the addition of a substance to a polymer solution that causes phase
separation. For example, in aqueous solution, the addition of water-miscible solvent (e.g., ethanol) or a
suitable electrolyte that causes the separation into polymer-rich and polymer-poor phases. Coacervation
is a reversible process; thus, the system may be further stabilized by changing the pH, by heating, by
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irradiation, or by chemical cross-linking (Arvanitoyannis and Dionisopoulou 2010; Mu et al. 2012).

Complex coacervation is driven by electrostatic interactions between two or more macromolecules of
water-soluble oppositely charged polymers that form a new liquid phase consisting of macromolecular
aggregates, for example, chitosan and alginate (Arzate-Vázquez et al. 2012) or arabic gum and gelatin
(Green and Schleicher 1957).
Gelation or thermal coagulation occurs during denaturation of proteins or thermal gelation of mac-
romolecules caused by heating or cooling the biopolymer solution, for example, ovalbumin, gelatin, or
agar (Giménez et al. 2013; Jerez et al. 2007). Lipid Coatings

Morillón et al. (2002) sorted the different ways in which edible coatings based on solid fats, waxes, or
resins can be formed as follows:

• Melting and solidification: The material is heated above the lipid melting point, homogenized,
and cast or applied while melted, followed by cooling in order to produce solidification.
• Solubilizing in an organic solvent: The solution is applied in a thin layer (e.g., spraying or
brushing) and then the solvent is evaporated.
• Preparing an emulsion in water: The emulsion is poured and then the water is evaporated. The
addition of a surfactant is recommended to stabilize the emulsion. Composite Films

Composite films combine materials with different properties in order to improve film functional proper-
ties. Their preparation method depends on the characteristics of film components and the desired struc-
ture and properties of the resulting film. Some composite films combine hydrocolloids, as the structural
matrix, with lipids, either as a stable emulsion in the hydrocolloid or forming a bilayer. Emulsion-Based Films A film based on a stable emulsion is formulated by adding a lipid
material and surfactants to a biopolymer solution. The mixture is heated above the lipid melting point,
homogenized, and cast or directly applied while melted or after cooling (Krochta 2002). Food grade
solvents for edible packaging are generally limited only to water and ethanol. The casting solution can
be spread in a thin layer on a support that will release the film after drying to produce a preformed stand-
alone film or applied to form a coating directly on food or pharmaceutical products (Baldwin et al. 1997;
Krochta 2002). Drawbacks of emulsion films are related to the low lipid melting temperature, the solvent
volatilization from the structural network, and the strong effect of emulsion droplet size and distribution,
polarity, degree of saturation, and polymorphism of lipid components on water barrier properties and
mechanical properties of films and coatings (Perez-Gago and Krochta 2005).
10 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications Bilayer Films They consist of a second distinguishable layer film of lipid laminated over a
preformed hydrocolloid film. Two different methods are used to prepare bilayer films:

• Lamination method: A molten or solubilized lipid is dispersed or laminated on a polysaccharide-

or protein-based film.
• Emulsion method: A lipid is dispersed in the biopolymeric solution as an unstable emulsion
before casting. The bilayer is formed during the drying process due to a phase separation.

Cracking and delamination frequently occur in bilayer films, ruining their excellent water barrier prop-
erties that depend on layer continuity. The preparation process requires two casting and drying steps
and high temperature for lipid fusion or organic solvents for lipid dissolution (Perez-Gago and Krochta
2005). Nevertheless, bilayer films have 10–1000 times better barrier efficiency against water transfer
than emulsion-based films (Debeaufort and Quezada-Gallo 2000). Nanostructured Films

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Alternatively, improved film properties have been tackled by controlling the micro- and nanostructure.
Thus, the use of nanotechnology in biopolymer films and coatings permitted the incorporation of nano-
fillers into hydrocolloid matrixes and the development of nanolaminated films. Nanocomposite Films Bionanocomposites are composite materials based on the incor-
poration of nanosized fillers into the biopolymeric matrix. Different nanofillers can be added to bio-
polymers, but in the last years, most studies have focused on layered silicates such as montmorillonite
(MMT) due to its availability, versatility, low cost, and its being environmentally friendly (Chivrac
et  al. 2009). MMT is a 2:1 layered smectite clay mineral with a platey structure and hydrophilic
behavior (Poole and Owens 2007). MMT is characterized by a moderate negative surface charge.
The limiting aspect of nanocomposite formulation using nanoclays is the difficulty to disperse them
homogeneously into a polymeric matrix due to their preferred face-to-face stacking in agglomerated
tactoids (Tunc et al. 2007). Depending on the process conditions and on the polymer/nanofiller affinity,
different morphologies can be obtained: microcomposites, intercalated nanocomposites, and exfoli-
ated nanocomposites. In microcomposites, the polymer and the clay remain immiscible (phase sepa-
ration), resulting in agglomeration of the clay into the matrix and poor macroscopic properties of the
final material. Interaction between the layered silicates and polymer chains may produce two types of
nanoscale composites: intercalated and exfoliated. The intercalated nanocomposites result from the
penetration of polymer molecules into the interlayer region of the clay. As a consequence, an ordered
multilayer structure with alternating polymer/inorganic layers at a repeated distance of a few nanome-
ters is formed. On the other hand, the exfoliated nanocomposites involve extensive polymer penetra-
tion, with the clay layers delaminated and randomly dispersed in the polymeric matrix (Azeredo 2009;
Weiss et  al. 2006). Microcomposite morphologies are common in commercially available nanoclay
reinforced material. Although a significant amount of work has been performed on hydrocolloid nano-
composites, more researches are still needed to understand the complex plasticizer–matrix–nanofiller
interaction and its influence on the resulting morphology and material properties. Many authors have
reported different techniques of MMT incorporation into the polymeric matrix. They obtained dif-
ferent types of composite structures (exfoliated, intercalated, or phase separation) depending on the
nature of film components and the preparation method (Chivrac et al. 2010; Slavutsky and Bertuzzi
2012; Tunç and Duman 2010).
Some organic nanofillers were also studied in the formulation of bionanocomposites such as cellu-
lose nanocrystals in starch or alginate film matrix (Huq et al. 2012; Slavutsky and Bertuzzi 2014). The
authors reported strong molecular interactions between cellulose nanocrystals and alginate or starch
film matrix. It was found that the reinforcement with nanofiller concentrations lower than 5% into the
film structure increases film tensile strength and thermal stability and reduces water vapor perme-
ability and surface hydrophilicity. Usually, the changes in functional properties of bionanocomposites
Standard and New Processing Techniques 11

films are significant, even with very low level of nanofiller incorporation (≤5% w/w), due to the strong
interaction between the biopolymer and the nanofiller, which results from the high aspect ratio of
nanoparticles. Nanolaminated Films A nanolaminated film consists of two or more layers of material
with nanometric dimensions that are physically or chemically bonded to each other (Rubner 2003).
Layer-by-layer assembly allows the preparation of a desired hierarchically organized composite
material with a wide variety of different components as constituents of the multilayer films. The
versatility of the layer-by-layer technique has allowed the deposition of a broad range of materials
(e.g., polyelectrolytes, charged lipids, DNA, nanoparticles, and dye molecules) and the application
to solvent accessible surface of almost any kind and shape (biological cells, colloids, fruits, etc.).
This technique is based on the alternating deposition, on a solid substrate, of different materials
achieved not only by electrostatic interactions but also by hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interac-
tions, covalent bonding, and complementary base pairing (Decher 2012; Weiss et  al. 2006). The
type of substances used to create each layer, the total number of layers incorporated into the multi-
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layered film, the sequence of the different layers, and the preparation conditions used to form each
layer will determine the functional properties (gas and vapor permeability, mechanical properties,
swelling and wetting characteristics) of the final film (Weiss et al. 2006). Furthermore, nanolami-
nated films can be used to incorporate active compounds, act as controlled release systems, and can
coat food products such as fruits and vegetables. There has been an increasing interest in nanolay-
ered systems due to their potential applications in a wide range of areas including pharmaceutical,
biomedical, and food packaging. The fabrication of nanolayered films by the layer-by-layer assem-
bly at lab scale can be made by using simple and low-cost operations such as dipping and washing
(Weiss et al. 2006). Film Drying

Water is the main solvent used in edible films due to the hydrophilic nature of polysaccharides and pro-
teins. However, there are some disadvantages in using waterborne systems, since the high latent heat of
evaporation of water leads to long drying times and high energetic costs.
Usually, once the polymer is dissolved at a concentration required for application, generally with a
viscosity in the range 0.05–1 Pa·s, the film-forming solution is applied on a substrate, and the solvent
is allowed to evaporate. In the first stage of solvent evaporation from the film, the rate of evaporation is
essentially independent of the polymer presence. The evaporation rate depends on the vapor pressure at
that temperature, the surface area/volume ratio, and the rate of airflow over the surface. This first stage
is the longest and lasts until the polymer has reached approximately 60%–70% volume fraction. Initially,
particles move with Brownian motion, but this ceases when molecules undergo a significant interaction
once a critical volume of solvent has evaporated (Steward et al. 2000; Wicks et al. 2007).
As solvent evaporates, viscosity increases, glass transition temperature increases, free volume
decreases, and the rate of loss of the solvent becomes dependent on how rapidly solvent molecules
can diffuse to the surface of a film so that they can evaporate. The remaining solvent leaves the film
initially via any remaining interparticle channels and then by diffusion through the fused polymer
skin, but the rate of evaporation eventually slows down to the asymptotically approach that of diffusion
alone. It is during this final stage that a wet film becomes more homogeneous and gains its mechanical
properties as polymer chain interdiffusion occurs, increasing cohesion. Reducing the rate of evapo-
ration can lead to better quality films by allowing the molecules more time to pack into an ordered
structure. In contrast, casting at high temperatures gives the particles sufficient energy to overcome
their mutual repulsion and the films are formed before the molecules are fully ordered (Wicks et al.
2007). The solvent evaporation rate in hydrocolloid solutions can be reduced by adding hydrophobic or
inert additives that increase the diffusion path length or by adding hydrophilic materials that generate
polar interactions.
12 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications Film or Coating Application Methods

Typical methods for application and distribution of the film-forming material in a liquid form onto a
substrate include spreading, enrobing, and spraying.
Hand spreading involves the spreading of the film-forming solution with a paint brush or roller onto
the substrate or food. The film or coating requires setting or solidifying at ambient temperature or by
heating (Debeaufort and Voilley 2009).
Spraying consists in applying the film coating solution onto the substrate with a spray system that
ensures consistent and uniform coating with minimal waste. However, this method requires that the
product be turned to expose the bottom surface for subsequent coating. Spray-coating is preferred for
products with a large surface area and for obtaining thinner films (Dagaran et al. 2005) and for film-
forming solution with low viscosity. Spraying is also used when a second application of a cross-link-
ing promoter is required, for example, a calcium solution on alginate (Donhowe and Fennema 1994).
Cunning and Caulkins (1965) patented an apparatus for spray-coating wax or similar materials on agri-
cultural products (fruit and vegetables), while they are moving along a conveyor.
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Enrobing involves application of a coating layer onto a substrate by falling film enrobing or by dip-
ping and subsequent dripping. The final thickness and coverage may be less uniform and thicker than
with other coating methods. This method is suitable for items with irregular shapes and sizes and for
highly viscous solution. Dipping is widely used for coating meat and vegetable product in laboratory
assays (Donhowe and Fennema 1994). Earle (1968) patented a process to preserve fresh food (meat,
seafood, and poultry) consisting of a first step of product immersion in an alginate dispersion, draining
off the solution excess, and then a second step of product immersion in an aqueous gelling solution of
calcium ions. Film and Coating Production Technologies

The most common types of equipment used to convert the film-forming solution in edible films are
preexisting technologies that were adapted to the conditions and requirements of biopolymer materials. Wet Casting

The casting technique is the most commonly used for film preparation at laboratory scale. It consists of
pouring a film-forming solution or suspension onto a leveled flat surface (e.g., Petri dishes, acrylic plates,
etc.), controlling the average thickness of the resulting films through the mass or volume of suspension
poured onto the plate. Smooth rods or wire-wound rods are usually used to spread uniformly the coating
solution onto the plate. The wire-wound rod creates many narrow ridges on the casting surface that flow
and level out during drying. In general, solvents used for edible films production include water, ethanol,
or a combination of both (Rossman 2009). Usually, dilute solution of polymer (5%–10%) and plasticizers
(up to 60% polymer weight) are used. Most published works report that the drying of film-forming solu-
tion takes place at room temperature or in a forced air circulation drying oven at moderate temperatures,
requiring drying times up to 24 h (Dagaran et al. 2009; Rhim et al. 2002; Slavutsky and Bertuzzi 2012).
However, some local irregularities are usually inevitable such as variations in drying rate or final film
thickness related to geometric and drying conditions. For these reasons and due to the long drying time
required, this methodology is not suitable for preparing larger films. Pan Coating

This is used to apply either thin or thick layer on solid, almost spherical particles in a rotating drum. The
solution is ladled or sprayed into the rotating pan, and the particles are tumbled within the drum to dis-
tribute the solution over their surface. Forced hot air is used to dry the coating. This method is utilized by
pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. Edible wax and shellac are used in confectionery to provide
a brilliant surface and a moisture-barrier coating. The drawbacks of using ethanol as solvent of these
materials are the potential explosion hazards and the environmental problems caused by solvent emis-
sions during processing. Besides, ethanol may cause nondesirable bitterness and off-flavors on lipid-based
Standard and New Processing Techniques 13

coatings such as chocolate. Whey protein–based coatings applied by pan coating resulted in transparent,
high-gloss, and flexible coating when cast from aqueous solution (Krochta et al. 2005). Arnold (1968)
patented a method of roasting pecan nutmeats by coating with a protective film of arabic gum, salt, and
spices in a rotating pan. The coated nutmeats are deposited on an open mesh-type moving belt and moved
through an infrared tunnel, where infrared heat is applied from above and below, to roast the nuts. Fluidized-Bed Coating

The equipment is comprised of a spray system that atomizes the coating solution that is applied counter-
currently to the fluidized particles of the substrate until a desired thickness is achieved. This method is
used by the pharmaceutical industry to coat tablets. Fluidized bed reduces the formation of clusters of
coated product, a problem commonly found in pan coating. Compared with pan coating, fluidized bed
requires a greater amount of coating solution because of the loss on the column wall during spraying.
However, it requires a shorter processing time, provides a complete coverage, and minimizes cluster for-
mation. Lin and Krochta (2006) reported fluidized-bed systems as a viable alternative for peanut coating
with a whey protein–based coating, considering its high oxygen barrier.
Downloaded by [Aníbal Slavutsky] at 06:27 02 December 2016 Belt Conveyors

Film-forming solution is cast or spread uniformly on one end of a continuous belt that passes through
a drying chamber to remove excess water. The belt rotates around large drums situated at either end of
the line. The dry film is stripped from the belt and is wound into mill rolls. Another option consists in
using a carrier web, such as polyester films or paper films. The coated substrate rides on support rollers
as it enters and passes through a drying chamber to remove the water and finally is wound into rolls. For
edible films, these conveyor lines are typically 1.5–4.0 m in length and 0.5–1.5 m in width. Belts are usu-
ally made of stainless steel or silicone. If necessary, a release coating can be applied to the belt to ensure
uniform release of the film (Rossman 2009).
A shear-thinning behavior is appropriate for the film-forming solution with low viscosities at high
shear rates to ensure adequate flow conditions and high viscosities at low shear rates to prevent out-
pouring, undesired flow, sedimentation, and phase separation. During the drying process, a decreasing
contact angle between the solid substrate and the liquid is observed, the film-forming solution is con-
centrated, its viscosity is increased, and its surface energy is decreased due to the removal of the solvent
(water or ethanol). The work of adhesion increases by the approach of the surface energy values of both
phases (substrate surface and coating solution). However, if there is a very high adhesion between film
and the substrate (belt surface), the film separation of the belt will be difficult. Conversely, this is a desir-
able phenomenon for the direct coating onto food surfaces, in order to avoid the peeling problem of the
coated layer (Han and Gennadios 2005). The rheological properties and surface tension of film-forming
solution may be regulated through biopolymer selection and additives incorporation. They are the con-
trol parameters of the film formation process when a film without defects and suitable adhesion to the
substrate is desired. The main advantages of this method are the film uniformity, the film functional
properties reproducibility, and the operation and maintenance simplicity (Rossman 2009).
The solution can be applied onto the belt by using some conventional coating methods like knife coat-
ing or slot die coating that are briefly described. Knife Coating A stationary, rigid knife doctors a precise layer of solution onto a web mov-
ing under the knife. A pool of film-forming solution is held behind the knife. Micrometer adjustments are
provided to set the height of the knife above the web and to control the film thickness. These coaters pro-
duce smooth and uniform films; they are simple devices with little maintenance and they can be adapted
to small or large productions. The film-forming solution may be spread on the belt conveyor (e.g., steel
belt), on a disposable substrate (e.g., release paper), or on a dry preformed film forming a second layer.
The spreading solution is dried, in a short time, by heat conduction, heat convection through countercur-
rent hot air circulation, or infrared emission. The final thicknesses of dry films ranges from 20 µm to
1 mm and depend on biopolymer concentration, spreading speed, and the height of the doctor blade gap
(De Moraes et al. 2013; Rossman 2009).
14 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications Slot Die Coating A coating liquid is forced out of a reservoir through a slot by pressure,
and transferred to a moving substrate. The slot is significantly smaller in section than the reservoir and is
oriented perpendicular to the direction of substrate movement. Slot die coating has many variations that
can be distinguished from each other by the design of the die itself, the orientation of the die relative to
the substrate, the distance from the die to the substrate (slot die coating, extrusion coating, and curtain
coating), the coating structure (pattern coating, continuous coating), and the method used to generate
the pressure that forces liquid out of the die. The device has a sealed steel chamber containing the fluid,
which reduces its contamination. All of the coating fluid is applied to the substrate via the positive dis-
placement pump and the slot in the die exit. Film thickness is achieved by adjusting the gap between the
die lips or by increasing the speed of the belt. Film thickness ranged between 20 nm and 100 µm can be
obtained. With this device, it is possible to maintain constant fluid temperature, to distribute uniformly
the fluid, and to define the coating width. Dies can be designed to simultaneously lay down multiple lay-
ers of wet film (Rossman 2009). Nanostructured Multilayers

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Nanotechnology has many potential and novel applications within the food and packaging industry for
producing materials with new or improved properties. However, many of these developments are either
too expensive or too impractical to implement industrially. Layer-by-layer assembly and electrospinning
are examples of technologies commercially available for edible film fabrication. Layer-by-Layer Assembly Nanolayered films prepared by layer-by-layer assembly consist

of successive electrostatically adsorbed layers of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. This deposition
process involves the submersion of a substrate having an intrinsic surface charge (e.g., preformed film
based on a charged biopolymer) into a series of polyelectrolyte solutions, and water rinse bath to remove
any physically entangled or loosely bound polyelectrolyte. Layer-by-layer dipping technique is carried
out by computer-controlled slide-stainer due to the long time required to complete a multilayer. Thereby,
the solvent is limited to those with relatively low vapor pressure, such as water, to avoid evaporation and
compounds concentration during extended dipping periods. In order to eliminate rinse water contami-
nation, robotic modifications have been made to dipping systems. It involves spraying the sample with
water, which immediately drains away. Since the contaminated water drains away and is not left in the
rinse bath, the possibility of contamination is avoided. Polyelectrolyte solutions can also be applied on
the substrate by spraying. Spray deposition is less time consuming than dipping method (Izquierdo et al.
2005). The quality of the films obtained by both techniques was compared and it was found that multi-
layers prepared by dipping are thicker, denser, and less rough than films having the same number of lay-
ers, that is, having the same number of deposition cycles, obtained by spraying (Kolasinska et al. 2009).
Krogman et al. (2012) developed an automated apparatus capable of spray depositing polyelectrolytes
via the layer-by-layer mechanism onto a vertically oriented substrate. To counteract the effects of irregular
spray patterns, the substrate can be slowly rotated about a central axis. The droplet pathway can be forced
by using vacuum. In this way, a thicker or three-dimensional substrate can be coated, such as rolls of textile. Electrospinning Electrospinning is a simple, versatile, and efficient manufacturing tech-

nology capable of producing thin, solid polymer strands from solution by applying a strong electric field
to a spinneret with a small capillary orifice. Generally, electrospun polymer fibers can range in size from
10 to 1000 nm in diameter and may exhibit unusual functionalities with respect to their mechanical, elec-
trical, and thermal properties (Fabra et al. 2013). Because of the high aspect ratio, the fibers have shown
to be ideal materials to produce high oxygen barrier structures by combining layers of biopolymers
with an intermediate electrospun fiber layer of other biopolymer to enhance the barrier properties while
serving as natural tie or adhesive layer (Lagarón Cabello et al. 2013). The challenge for the development
of multilayer bio-based structures is in ensuring proper adhesion between the layers. Intermediate elec-
trospin fiber layers of biopolymers have demonstrated to have the ability of acting as natural adhesives
(Busolo et  al. 2009). Besides, the electrospinning technique allows tight control of the thickness of
interlayers and improves mechanical and barrier properties without affecting optical properties due to
the nanometric size of the fibers.
Standard and New Processing Techniques 15

MECC Co. Ltd (Japan) successfully fabricated a nanofibrous membrane with better alignment that
exhibited silklike reflection using this technology. They also succeeded in scaling up the process of
fabricating aligned-fiber membranes using a modified drum collector system.
The spinning process was modified to form films from casein, replacing the spinneret with a plate die
to form flat films. Protein solutions were extruded into a coagulating bath and then collected onto a roller
(Frinault et al. 1997).
A list of providers around the world of electrospinning and electrospraying equipment for laboratory
and industrial level is provided by ElectrospinTech ( From the commercial
perspective, the application of electrospin nanofibers will be in high-performance or high-value-added
products. Most likely, the limited application of nanotechnology to the food industry will change as
nanofabrication technologies become more cost-effective. Plasma Plasma technology is used to alter chemical and physical properties of polymeric
surfaces without affecting their bulk properties. This process consists of complex reactions between
charged and neutral plasma species, between plasma and surface species, and between surface species
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(Kaplan 2004). Deposition of thin films by plasma polymerization offers several advantages over con-
ventional coating techniques; the process may occur in a single reaction step, good adhesion between
film and substrate is generally achieved, the deposition of the film is fairly uniform over the entire
surface, and problems with residual solvents are avoided (Chan et al. 1996). Andrade et al. (2005) used
plasma polymerization to modify the surface of maize starch films in order to reduce their water affinity.
They deposited hydrogenated-carbon coatings of 20–230 nm in thickness through exposing films to low-
pressure glow plasma generated with 1-butene gas. They found that the plasma coating process reduced
significantly the hydrophilic character of starch films. A good adhesion between the starch substrate and
the deposited coating was observed. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the plasma-polymerized coating as
a water barrier increased with thickness up to a critical value due to the presence of microcracks and
delamination in deposited layers of larger thickness. This may be caused by stress accumulation in the
coating due to the high cross-linking density (Chan et al. 1996). Drying Technology

Film formation requires solvent evaporation from the film-forming solution. During drying process,
polymer molecules aggregate forming a gel structure and finally a solid film is formed by progressive
evaporation of the volatile solvent. Drying requires the application of heat to evaporate the solvent up to
reach the desired moisture content in the dry film, usually between 5% and 15%, without damaging the
film characteristics. The rate at which drying is accomplished is governed by the rate at which the heat
is transferred to the film-forming solution and by the internal solvent transfer to the surface of the film
and its subsequent evaporation. Industrial dryers differ in type and design, depending on the principal
method of heat transfer employed (Rossman 2009). The dryers commonly used in edible films produc-
tion processes are described as follows:

• Indirect dryers: They are equipment in which the heating medium (e.g., steam, hot gas, and
thermal fluids) does not come into contact with the product being dried. Instead, wet material is
dried by contact with a heated surface; heat transfer to the wet material is mainly by conduction
from this surface. For example, steam can be applied to the bottom surface of the belt conveyor,
and the heat is transferred from the belt to the film-forming solution, which minimizes the ten-
dency of the wet film to develop a dry skin (Devahastin and Mujumdar 2006).
• Impingement drying: This system involves blowing hot air in a series of slots or nozzles at
high velocity against the wet film. This may cause movements of the film-forming solution
creating defects in the dry film (Rossman 2009). Since impingement yields very high heat and
mass transfer rates, it is a popular system for convective drying when rapid drying or small
equipment is desired. Nevertheless, it has high capital and operating costs because of the more
complex fabrication and increased air-handling requirements. Impinging jet drying is recom-
mended only if a major fraction of the moisture to be removed is unbound, making it suitable
16 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

for the first stage of the biopolymer solutions drying. If the drying rate is internal diffusion con-
trolled, as in the final stage of the film drying, the high heat transfer rates of the impingement
system can often result in film degradation if the material is heat-sensitive (Mujumdar 2006).
• Conveyor dryers: They are the most versatile dryers available. Hot dry air is blown into the
drying chamber and flows counter to the movement of the substrate. Hot air can be introduced
above the web, below the web, or on both sides simultaneously (Rossman 2009). Typically, the
dryer is separated into independent zones, which have their own heat source and fans. Air tem-
perature and velocity can be controlled as the film progresses through the dryer (Poirier 2006).
Air can be heated by electric heating or indirectly with heat exchangers. Infrared heating can
also be used as heat source in the drying chamber.

1.5.2 Dry Process

Dry processes are based on heat application to the film-forming material to increase its temperature and
to allow its flow. In these processes, biopolymers are plasticized and heated above their glass transition
Downloaded by [Aníbal Slavutsky] at 06:27 02 December 2016

temperature to form a uniform melt by using heat, pressure, and shear (Guilbert and Gontard 2005). The
soft and rubbery melt can be shaped into specific forms upon cooling. Cooling reconverts the rubbery
product in glassy material with solid characteristics (Hernandez-Izquierdo et al. 2008).
Dry process is based on the thermoplastic properties of some biopolymers (mainly starch and proteins)
in low water content conditions (Cuq et  al. 1997). Thermoplasticity of the film-forming materials is
modified by addition of plasticizers and other additives. Plasticizers reduce the glass transition tempera-
ture due to the decrease in cohesion in the polymeric structure. Plasticizers such as glycerol, sorbitol, and
polyethylene glycol, in an amount of 10%–60% of polymer weight, are added to modify the thermoplas-
tic properties of used materials. As water also acts as a plasticizer, its addition in concentrations up to
50% polymer weight also reduces polymer melt temperature (Ciannamea et al. 2014; Krishna et al. 2012).
Thermoplastic processes include casting via compression molding, extrusion, and injection molding
(Verbeek and van den Berg 2010). Preexisting technology used in the plastics industry has been adapted
to edible film production.
Edible films based on biopolymers have been obtained by several authors using thermoplastic pro-
cesses, such as extrusion of starch (Li et al. 2011a), soy protein (Zhang et al. 2001), zein (Chen et al.
2013), whey protein (Hernández-Izquierdo et al. 2008), and gelatin (Krishna et al. 2012); compression
molding of whey protein (Sothornvit et al. 2007), soybean protein (Ciannamea et al. 2014), and wheat
gluten (Türe et al. 2012); injection molding of egg albumen (Fernández-Espada et al. 2013); and blown
extrusion of sodium caseinate (Belyamani et al. 2014), and gelatin (Andreuccetti et al. 2012).
Most biopolymers are not thermoplastics and cannot be liquefied to stable melts. Accordingly, ther-
momechanical methods require a previous stage of biopolymer thermoplasticization in order to obtain
mixtures with enough fluidity to be processed. Without added water and/or plasticizers, the strong inter-
molecular interactions would lead to thermal degradation of the material before the film can be formed
(Hernandez-Izquierdo and Krochta 2008; Li et al. 2011a).
During heat processing of protein, protein structures disaggregate, denature, dissociate, unravel, and
align in the direction of the flow. These changes allow the protein molecules to recombine and cross-link
through specific linkages. The cross-linking reactions can result in a high glass transition temperature
and high melt viscosity, which require addition of plasticizers to increase free volume and mobility of
the molecules and to avoid degradation. As temperature increases above the glass transition, the plasti-
cized proteins turn into a soft, rubbery material that can be shaped into desired forms. Upon cooling, the
matrix network gets fixed into the desired structure through hydrogen, ionic, hydrophobic, and covalent
interactions (Hernandez-Izquierdo and Krochta 2008; Verbeek and van den Berg 2010).
Process variables such as temperature, pressure, time, and plasticizer contents determine the degree of
conformational changes, protein aggregation, and chemical cross-linking that take place during process-
ing. The cross-linking through S–H and S–S groups is significantly dependent on temperature; therefore,
the increase in processing temperature will result in films with higher density, decreased solubility, and
improved mechanical and barrier properties (Kim et al. 2002).
Standard and New Processing Techniques 17

Starch cannot be thermally processed without a plasticizer or gelatinization agent, since its decom-
position temperature is lower than its glass transition temperature. When plasticizers, such as water and
glycerol, are added during thermomechanical processing, granules suffer structural degradation, glucose
chains gain mobility, glass transition temperature decreases, and starch melts and flows. Under these
conditions, starch-based materials can present multiphase transitions, such as gelatinization, melting,
decomposition, and recrystallization (Li et al. 2011a; Liu 2005; Xie et al. 2014).
Starches with different amylose and amylopectin contents behave differently during phase transition,
have different rheological properties during extrusion, and develop different mechanical properties in
the resulting film (Della Valle et al. 2007). Higher temperatures and moisture contents are necessary
for processing high-amylose starches, due to their higher gelatinization temperature, originated by the
strong interaction forces between the long linear amylose chains. Li et al. (2011a) studied the effects
of different amylose/amylopectin ratios on the functional properties of starch-based film obtained by
extrusion. They observed that films with higher amylose content exhibit better mechanical properties. In
addition, these films retained some unaffected crystalline zones that act as reinforcements.
Downloaded by [Aníbal Slavutsky] at 06:27 02 December 2016 Extrusion Process

Extrusion is a continuous, efficient, high-performance, and low-cost process, advantageous for large-
scale production (Krishna et al. 2012). It is used extensively for the production of conventional commer-
cial plastic packaging. Extrusion requires shorter times and lower energy consumption to remove water
than casting methods (Hernandez-Izquierdo and Krochta 2008). This process uses one or two rotating
screws fitted in a barrel in order to progressively increase the pressure and push forward and mix the
ingredients through a die of desired shape where expansion may take place (Nur Hanani et al. 2012).
Prior to extrusion, the polymer is blended with plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers, lubricants, and other addi-
tives, to produce the desired product property profile. Once the ingredients are mixed, the formulation
is fed to the extruder, where it is melted, mixed, and delivered to the die. In general, the extruder barrel
can be subdivided into three processing zones: (1) the feeding zone, where the granular, low-density
raw material is introduced into the barrel and slightly compressed; (2) the kneading zone, with further
compression and increasing pressure, temperature, and material density; and (3) the heating zone, where
the highest shear rates, temperatures, and pressures are achieved along with the final product texture,
density, and functional properties (Hauck and Huber 1989). After exiting the die, the product is pulled
away from the extruder at constant velocity to attain the appropriate cross section and cooled and solidi-
fied in the desired shape.
The successful application of extrusion must ensure complete melting and sufficient mixing, while
avoiding degradation to obtain a homogenous melt. This can only be achieved by careful control of the
key processing parameters. The main process variables include feed rates, screw speed, screw configu-
ration, screw length-to-diameter ratio, barrel temperature profile, and die size and shape (Hernandez-
Izquierdo and Krochta 2008). Then, formulation of film-forming material and process variables are
important parameters that determine the extent of conformational changes, aggregation, and chemical
cross-linking in the final extruded material (Rhim and Ng 2007).
The thermoplastic materials obtained by extrusion can be shaped employing standard equipment used
for synthetic polymers, such as extrusion, blowing, injection, and compression molding. This methodol-
ogy combines two steps: (1) extrusion to obtain pellets of thermoplastic material and (2) blowing, injec-
tion, or compression molding to obtain films. Blowing
Blown film extrusion is the most common technology to make plastic films, especially for the packaging
industry. The process involves a single screw extruder, in which the thermoplastic pellets are succes-
sively compacted and melted to form a continuous viscous liquid. This molten plastic is then forced,
through an annular die. Air is blown into the center of the die, and the pressure causes the extruded melt
to expand in the radial direction, forming a bubble. The bubble is pulled continually upward from the
die and a cooling ring blows air onto the film. The film can also be cooled from the inside using internal
18 Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

cooling, and it reduces the temperature and maintains the bubble diameter. After solidification, the film
moves into a set of nip rollers that collapse the bubble to maintain the air pressure inside and collect
the film. Blown extrusion has been used to produce edible films based on sodium caseinate or starch
(Belyamani et al. 2014; Melo et al. 2014). Injection Molding

A heated barrel feeds the molten polymer into a prefabricated mold via an extrusion method. The mate-
rial is introduced into the heated barrel through a feed hopper. The screw melts the polymer and also
acts as a ram during the injection phase. The polymer is injected into a mold tool that defines the shape
of the molded part. When the material is cooled, the mold is opened and a mechanism is used to push the
product out of the mold (Fernández-Espada et al. 2013).
Injection molding is the most commonly used manufacturing process for the fabrication of plastic
parts. A wide variety of products are manufactured using this process, which vary greatly in their size,
complexity, and application. Jane and Wang (1996) have patented a thermoplastic composition based on
soy protein and polysaccharides that has a high degree of flowability for processing by extrusion and
Downloaded by [Aníbal Slavutsky] at 06:27 02 December 2016

injection molding into solid articles as well as films that are biodegradable with a high degree of tensile
strength and water resistance. Compression Molding

A specific quantity of raw material is placed into a heated mold that is closed, and pressure is applied
to force the molten material to contact all areas of the mold, giving to the material the desired shape.
Thus, it operates in a discontinuous manner. The combination of high temperatures, high pressures, short
times, and low moisture contents in compression molding causes the transformation of biopolymer–
plasticizer mixtures into viscoelastic melts (Hernández-Izquierdo and Krochta 2008).
Compression molding is usually assisted by a prior intensive mixing of all components: biopolymer,
plasticizers, and additives. Extrusion can be used to perform the intensive mixing of the film-forming
materials prior to compression molding, where, through the addition of a suitable combination of plas-
ticizers, temperature, pressure, and shear, a malleable mixture capable to be molded is obtained. Other
blenders used for the prior mixing of the film-forming materials were kitchen aid mixer or food proces-
sors (Sothornvit et al. 2007; Türe et al. 2012).
Compression-molded soy protein isolate–glycerol films were produced at an optimum temperature of
150°C, a pressure of 10 MPa, and a dwell time of 2 min (Cunningham et al. 2000). Thermogravimetric
analysis indicated that soy protein degraded at temperatures above 180°C (Ogale et al. 2000). Krishna
et al. (2012) combined extrusion and compression molding to obtain gelatin-based films with appropriate
thickness, water barrier, and mechanical and thermal properties. They observed significant differences
in functional properties upon comparing extruded films with solution cast films.

1.6 Challenges and Future Trends

There exists in the literature a lot of information regarding the effect of the preparation process variables
on the characteristics and functional properties of the resulting films and coatings based on biomaterials.
This knowledge allowed important progress in the development of suitable technologies for the fabri-
cation of films and coatings. In most of the cases, these technologies emerged from the adaptation of
previously existing ones used in plastics, to fit the requirements of these new materials. Nowadays, there
are a wide variety of available products obtained by wet casting, extrusion, or compression molding of
different biopolymeric materials, such as disposable bags, sausage casings, vessels, forks, and knives.
Nevertheless, more studies to further improve film and coating properties are needed.
The development of appropriate technologies must support the research efforts focused on films and
coatings with improved performance, active films, or intelligent packaging materials. An example of this
promising trend is the application of nanotechnology techniques in the production of nanocomposites
Standard and New Processing Techniques 19

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