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Edible films and coatings: Sources, properties and application

Article · January 2015

DOI: 10.5937/FFR1501011S


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4 authors, including:

Danijela Suput Senka Popović

University of Novi Sad University of Novi Sad


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DOI: 10.5937/FFR1501011S UDK 621.798.1:678.7+577.1
Review article


1 1 1 1
Danijela Z. Šuput* , Vera L. Lazić , Senka Z. Popović , Nevena M. Hromiš
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, 21000 Novi Sad,
Bulevar cara Lazara 1, Serbia

*Corresponding author:
Phone: +381214853702
Fax: +381216350262
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ABSTRACT: In order to extend product shelf life while preserving the quality scientific attention
focused to biopolymers research that are base for edible films and coatings production. Another major
advantage of this kind of food packaging is their eco-friendly status because biopolymers do not cause
environmental problems as packaging materials derived from non-renewable energy sources do.
Objective of this work was to review recently studied edible films and coatings – their sources,
properties and possible application. As sources for edible biopolymers were highlighted
polysaccharides, proteins and lipids. The most characteristic subgroups from each large group of
compounds were selected and described regarding possible physical and mechanical protection;
migration, permeation, and barrier functions. The most important biopolymers characteristic is
possibility to act as active substance carriers and to provide controlled release. In order to achieve
active packaging functions emulsifiers, antioxidants and antimicrobial agents can also be incorporated
into film-forming solutions in order to protect food products from oxidation and microbial spoilage,
resulting in quality improvement and enhanced safety. The specific application where edible films and
coatings have potential to replace some traditional polymer packaging are explained. It can be
concluded that edible films and coatings must be chosen for food packaging purpose according to
specific applications, the types of food products, and the major mechanisms of quality deterioration.
Key words: biopolymers, edible films and coatings, sources, properties, application

The largest part of materials used in pa- use of these materials, due to their biode-
ckaging industry are produced from fossil gradable nature, could at least to some
fuels and are un-degradable. For this rea- extent solve the waste problem. Biodegra-
son packaging materials represent a se- dable packaging materials are naturally
rious global environmental problem (Kir- comprised of polymers that should be ca-
wan & Strawbridge, 2003). A big effort to pable of being ultimately degraded by mi-
extend the shelf life and enhance food croorganisms through composting proces-
quality while reducing packaging waste ses to produce natural breakdown com-
has encouraged the exploration of new pounds such as carbon dioxide, water,
bio-based packaging materials, such as methane and biomass. There are two ty-
edible and biodegradable films from rene- pes of biodegradable polymers; those
wable resources (Tharanathan, 2003). The which are non-edible or edible (Nur Ha-
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

nani et al., 2014). An edible/biodegradable ption, ripening/aging, and microbial dete-

film is one which is typically produced from rioration of food products. They also con-
food-derived ingredients using wet or dry tribute to visual quality, surface smooth-
manufacturing process. The resulting edi- ness, flavour carriage, edible color prin-
ble film (EF) should be a free-standing ting, and other marketing-related quality
sheet that can be placed on or between factors.
food components (McHugh, 2000). In con- 5. Shelf-life extension and safety enhan-
trast, edible coatings (EC) are thin layers cement - An increased protective function
of edible materials which can be applied of food products extends shelf life and
directly to the surfaces of food products by reduces the possibility of contamination by
dipping, spraying or panning. Edible pa- foreign matter.
ckaging formats can be consumed with, or
6. Active substance carriers and controlled
as part of the food product, but they may
release - Edible films and coatings can be
fulfil other functions; like acting as carriers
utilized for food ingredients, pharmaceu-
for targeted food additives (antimicrobial
ticals, nutraceuticals, and agrochemicals
agents, antioxidants, flavourings, etc.). EF
in the form of capsules, microcapsules, so-
and EC may also be used to inhibit mois-
luble strips, flexible pouches, and coatings
ture, oxygen or carbon dioxide migration
on hard particles.
and to improve the mechanical integrity or
handling characteristics of the food Biodegradable films can be produced by
(O’Sullivan et al., 2006). To be accepted, using two basic techniques. The first tech-
an edible film should be generally reco- nique uses wet solvent processing; com-
gnized as safe (GRAS) and used within monly known as solution casting. Solution
any limitations specified by the U.S. Food casting was developed over one hundred
and Drug Administration (FDA). Ultimately years ago. Using this method, solutions
any material that is used for direct food are spread onto leveled plates like acrylic,
contact will face regulatory scrutiny, par- silicon or teflon plates, followed by a dry-
ticularly biopolymers that act as carriers of ing process at ambient conditions or under
additives intended to migrate to the food a controlled conditions: controlled relative
for preservative effects. humidity, hot air, infrared energy, micro-
Functions and advantages of EF and EC wave energy (Dangaran and Tomasula,
(Han, 2014): 2009). After the 1950s, the use of ex-
trusion was employed for the manufacture
1. Edibility and biodegradability - To main- of thermoplastic polymers and extrusion
tain their edibility and biodegradability, all became the dominant production method
film components should be food-grade in- used for plastics manufacture. Extrusion
gredients and biodegradable (environ- uses elevated temperature and shear to
mentally safe). soften and melt the polymer (resins), the-
2. Physical and mechanical protection - reby allowing a cohesive film matrix to
Mechanical properties should be optimized form (Dangaran and Tomasula, 2009).
regarding tensile strength, elongation-at-
break, elastic modulus, compression SOURCES
strength, puncture strength, stiffness, tea- Edible coatings and films are usually
ring strength, burst strength, abrasion re- classified according to their structural ma-
sistance, adhesion force, folding endu- terial (Falguera et al., 2011). Main
rance, etc. molecule groups as sources for EF and
3. Migration, permeation, and barrier EC are polysaccharides, proteins and li-
functions - All barrier properties are affec- pids. Figure 1 shows possible sources for
ted by film composition and environmental EF and EC.
conditions (relative humidity and tempe- Biopolymers have multiple film-forming
rature). mechanisms, including intermolecular for-
4. Convenience and quality preservation - ces such as covalent bonds (e.g., di-sul-
EF and EC can retard surface dehy- fide bonds and cross linking) and elec-
dration, moisture absorption, oxidation of trostatic, hydrophobic, or ionic interac-
ingredients, aroma loss, frying oil absor- tions.
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

- Starch + PE
- Polyanhydrides
- Polyvinyl alcohol
- Poly-lactic acid (PLA)


↙ ↓ ↘
Polysaccharides Protein Lipid
Starch & modified starch Soy proteins Oils
Chitin & chitosan Pea proteins Free fatty acids
Pectins Sunflower Bees wax
Galactomannans Whey protein Carnauba wax
Kefiran Wheat gluten Paraffin
Cellulose & modified Corn zein Shellac resin
Alginate Collagen & gelatins Terpene resin
Carrageenan Casein Acetoglycerides
Gellan gum Egg white protein
Xanthan gum Fish miofibrilar protein
Pullulan Peanut protein

Figure 1. Biopolymer sources

For the resulting films or coatings to be –biopolymer. The addition of plasticizers

edible, the film-forming mechanism in- affects not only the elastic modulus and
volved in fabrication should be an appro- other mechanical properties, but also the
priate food process: pH modification, salt resistance of EF and EC to permeation of
addition, heating, enzymatic modification, vapours and gases (Sothornvit and Kroch-
drying, use of food-grade solvents, or ta, 2000, 2001).
reactions with other food-grade chemicals. In order to achieve active packaging or
The nature of edible packaging films, coating functions emulsifiers, antioxidants
which is rigid and brittle, causes limitations and antimicrobial agents can also be
in food applications. Therefore, to over- incorporated into film-forming solutions
come film’s brittleness and also to in- (Han, 2003). There are several categories
crease the workability and flexibility of of antimicrobials that can be potentially
these films, various types of plasticizers incorporated into edible films and coatings,
have been widely used (Ghasemlou et al., including organic acids (acetic, benzoic,
2011; Parra et al., 2004). These film struc- lactic, propionic, sorbic), fatty acid esters
tures are brittle due to extensive interac- (glyceryl monolaurate), polypeptides (lyso-
tions between polymer molecules zyme, peroxidase, lactoferrin, nisin), plant
(Krochta, 2002). Mechanical properties essential oils (cinnamon, oregano, lemon-
could be improved by doping some hydro- grass), nitrites and sulphites, among
philic and hygroscopic plasticizer which others (Franssen & Krochta, 2003). Active
can attract water molecules, as a result of function of the edible film and coating sys-
having interactions between plasticizer– tem protects food products from oxidation
biopolymer instead of between biopolymer and microbial spoilage, resulting in quality
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

improvement (organoleptic preference and 2010). Hitosan film lack is sensitivity to

the visual perception of quality) and en- environmental humidity so they have low
hanced safety (Kim et al., 2012; Lee et al., moisture barrier, which has limited their
2012). wide use in food applications.
PROPERTIES 1.3. Pectin
1. Polysaccharide films Pectins are a complex group of polysac-
charides in which D-galacturonic acid is a
Polysaccharides are great materials for principal constituent. They are structural
the formation of EC and EF, as they show components of plant cell walls and also act
excellent mechanical and structural pro- as intercellular cementing substances. Un-
perties, but they have a poor barrier capa- der certain circumstances, pectin forms
city against moisture transfer (Falguera et gels. This property has made pectins a
al., 2011). very important additive in jellies, jams,
1.1. Starch and derivatives marmalades, and confectionaries, as well
as edible coatings and films (Han, 2014).
The application of starch-based films in
food packaging is promising because of 1.4. Cellulose and its derivatives
their environmental appeal, low cost, flexi- Cellulose is the major cell wall component
bility and transparency (Müller et al., 2009; in plants. Besides plant source cellulose,
Bilbao-Sáinz et al., 2010). Edible films bacterial cellulose was also utilized to
made from starch are tasteless, odourless develop EF and EC. Due to a large num-
and transparent, thus prevent a change of ber of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds cel-
taste, flavour and appearance of food pro- lulose is water insoluble. Etherification of
ducts (Chiumareli and Hubinger, 2012). cellulose results in formation of water so-
Tensile strength and flexibility of starch luble ethers: methylcellulose (MC), carbo-
films are determined by macromolecular xymethylcellulose (CMC), hydroxypro-
chain mobility in the amorphous phase, pylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and hydroxy-
amylose: amylopectin ratio, plasticizer and propylcellulose (HPC) which have good
water content. Main advantages of starch film forming properties and are widely pro-
films are excellent barrier properties to O2 duced commercially (Olivas and Barbosa-
and CO2. On the other hand it has weaker Canovas, 2005). Coatings and films based
barrier properties to the water due to high on cellulose derivatives are generally
hydrophilicity (Šuput et al., 2013). transparent, flexible, odour-free, tasteless,
1.2. Chitosan water soluble, and resistant to O2 and
CO2. WVP of these films is highly in-
Chitosan is a polysaccharide obtained by fluenced by the hydrophobic: hydrophilic
deacetylation of chitin, which is extracted ratio of film components (Krochta et al.,
from the exoskeleton of crustaceans and 1994; Callegarin et al., 1997). CMC has
fungal cell walls. It has been extensively been found to reduce oil uptake in fried
used in films and coatings due to its ability potatoes, particularly in combination with a
to inhibit the bacterial and fungal patho- blanching or calcium chloride pre-treat-
gens growth (Romanazzi et al., 2002). ment. HPC can be extruded into films
Chitosan interferes with the negatively because of its thermoplastic characte-
charged residues of macromolecules ex- ristics. MC is a better barrier to moisture
posed on the fungal cell surface and as it is less hydrophilic. However, the most
changes the permeability of the plasma interesting feature for their application in
membrane. Presence of fatty acids was thermally treated foods, particularly in fried
also shown to enhance the antimicrobial products, is the reversible thermal gelation
properties of chitosan (dos Santos et al., capability of MC and HPMC in aqueous
2012). Besides natural antimicrobial pro- systems, widely utilized to reduce oil ab-
perty, biodegradability, biocompatibility sorption during the frying of various foods,
with human tissues, biofunction, null to- such as meat, poultry, starchy foods,
xicity, chitosan has a vast potential that doughs, etc. (Chidanandaiah Keshri et al.,
can be applied in the food industry (Aider, 2005; Rimac-Brncic et al., 2004).
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

1.5. Alginate ported to improve the water-vapour barrier

as well as the mechanical properties and
Alginate can form coatings with or without
resistance to proteolysis of films (Bour-
gelation through evaporation of the sol-
toom, 2009; Ouattara et al., 2002, Senna
vent, electrolyte cross linking (calcium) or
et al., 2010).
injection of a water-miscible non-solvent
for alginate. It has been used mainly for 2.1. Collagen
meat products, as a sacrificing agent to re-
Collagen is the most commercially
tard dehydration and as protection against
successful edible protein film. Films based
lipid oxidation (Varela and Fisz-man,
on high concentrations of hydrolyzed col-
lagen produce films with more homo-
1.6. Carrageenan geneous surfaces (Fadini et al., 2013).
Collagen fibers and collagene powder
Carragenan coatings can also act as sacri- were also shown to be suitable for the pro-
ficing agents. They have little application duction of biocomposite films in a system
in multilayered foods and are mostly used where the fibers act as filler, exerting a
to retard microbial growth in gel matrices reinforcement effect (Wolf et al., 2009).
containing antimicrobial agents and as
oxygen barriers to delay lipid oxidation in 2.2. Gelatin
meat and precooked meat products (Va- Gelatin is produced by partial acid or alkali
rela and Fiszman, 2011). hydrolysis of collagen at high tempe-
ratures in the presence of water. This pro-
2. Protein films
tein has a random configuration of poly-
Proteins are polymers containing more peptide chains in aqueous solutions and
than 100 amino acid residues (Nur Hanani gives flexible, strong films impermeable for
et al., 2014) and they must be denaturated O2 (Krochta et al., 1994). Gelatin has also
by heat, acid, alkali and/or solvent in order been reported to possess antioxidant
to form the more extended structures activity. A recent study by Gomez-Guillén
which are required for film formation et al. (2011) also revealed antimicrobial
(Bourtoom, 2008). Compared with syn- activity associated with gelatin. However,
thetic films, protein-based films exhibit the relationship between peptide characte-
poor water resistance and lower mecha- ristics and antimicrobial activity has not
nical strength. Yet, proteins are still ge- been clearly demonstrated. Gennadios et
nerally superior to polysaccharides in their al. (1994) also reported that gelatin was
ability to form films with greater me- one of the first materials used as carrier of
chanical and barrier properties (Cuq et al., bioactive components. Natural antioxi-
1998). Physical and chemical properties of dants and/or antimicrobial substances
protein films are influenced by amino acid were able to extend the functional proper-
composition, electrostatic charge, amphy- ties of these biodegradable films and
phylic properties, as well as secondary, create an active packaging bio-material
tertiary and quaternary structure changes (Gómez-Guillén et al., 2011). Like other
due to pressure, heat, irradiation, mecha- protein films, gelatin films have poor water
nical damage, acid, alkali, salt, metal ion, vapour barrier properties. However, this
enzyme action etc (Krochta et al., 1994). drawback can overcome surfactant ad-
Proteins are good film formers exhibiting dition, such as lecithin (Andreuccetti et al.,
excellent gas and lipid barrier properties 2011).
(Popović et al., 2012), particularly at low
relative humidity. Protein films are brittle 2.3. Casein
and susceptible to cracking due to the Casein molecules easily form transparent,
strong cohesive energy density of the flexible, tasteless films from aqueous so-
polymer. The cross linking of proteins by lutions without further treatment (Krochta
means of chemical (glutaraldehyde, forma- et al., 1994; Gennadios et al., 1994). Due
ldehyde, glyceraldehyde, glyoxal), enzy- to a high number of polar groups casein
matic (transglutaminase), or physical films excellently adhere to different sub-
(heating, irradiation) treatment was re- strates and prevent migration of O2, CO2
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

and aromas (Arrieta et al., 2013). De- Treatment of film-forming solutions by

creased film solubility in water and gamma irradiation can improve the water
improved mechanical properties were ob- barrier properties, color, and appearance
tained through buffer treatments at the of zein films (Soliman et al., 2009).
isoelectric point of these films (Chen, 3. Lipid films
2002); by cross linking the protein using
irradiation (Vachon et al., 2000); through The efficiency of lipid materials in edible
the use of transglutaminase, Trametes films and coatings depends on the nature
hirsute laccase, and Trichoderma reesei of the lipid used, and in particular on its
tyrosinase enzyme (Patzsch et al., 2010); structure, chemical arrangement, hydro-
or by the use of a chemical crosslinker phobicity, physical state (solid or liquid),
such as formaldehyde, DL-glyceraldehyde, and lipid interactions with the other com-
glutaraldehyde, or glyoxal (Audic and ponents of the film (Rhim and Shel-
Chaufer, 2010; Mendes de Souza et al., lhammer, 2005). Lipids are usually com-
2010). Main disadvantage of casein is its bined with other film-forming materials,
relatively high price. such as proteins or polysaccharides, as
emulsion particles or multilayer coatings in
2.4. Gluten order to increase the resistance to water
penetration (Mehyar et al., 2012). Polar
Wheat gluten is a mixture of two main
resin films are good barriers for O2, CO2
proteins differing in their solubility in
and ethylene. Hydrophobic substances po-
aqueous alcohols: soluble gliadins and in-
tentially used for the lipid-based edible
soluble glutenins (Wieser, 2007). Wheat
films and coatings include natural waxes
gluten films are homogenous, transparent,
(carnauba, candelilla, rice bran and
strong and good water barriers. The de-
beeswax); petroleum-based waxes (pa-
velopment of edible coatings or films with
raffin and polyethylene wax); petroleum-
selective gas permeability is very promi-
based, mineral, and vegetable oils; aceto-
sing for controlling respiratory exchange
glycerides and fatty acids; and resins,
and improving the conservation of fresh or
such as shellac and wood rosin (Rhim and
minimally processed fruits and vegetables
Shellhammer, 2005).
(Tanada-Palmu and Grosso, 2005). The
rheological properties of gluten films can Wax is the collective term for a series of
be altered from smooth to rubber like by naturally or synthetically produced non-
high pressure treatment (Koehler et al., polar substances. Waxes either have no
2010). polar constituents or possess a hydrophilic
part so small or so buried in the molecule
2.5. Zein that it cannot readily interact with water,
Zein is a hydrophobic protein found in thereby preventing the molecule from
maize, obtained as a by-product of the bio- spreading to form a monolayer on the
ethanol and oil industry. It is traditionally surface. Their high hydrophobicity, which
used as a coating material in the con- makes them insoluble in bulk water and
fectionary industry (Arcan, and Yemeni- soluble in typical organic solvents, ex-
cioglu, 2011). It consists of alcohol-soluble plains why waxes are the most efficient
proteins (Padua and Wang, 2002). Zein is barriers to water-vapour transfer (Han,
rich in nonpolar amino acids, which con- 2014). The most common method for ma-
tribute to water insolubility and improve the king wax microemulsions is the water-to-
water vapor barrier of films (Dangaran et wax method, in which water is added to
al., 2009). Physico-chemical properties of the molten wax and/or resin in the pre-
alcoholic zein solutions are highly influen- sence of the fatty acid and a base to invert
ced by a concentration of alcohol, which, the emulsion to wax-in-water (Hagenmaier
in turn, affects film properties. Interest is and Baker, 1994).
growing in incorporating antioxidant and These formulations add a good gloss to
antimicrobial agents into zein coatings or fruits and vegetables, but limitations to
films to produce functional films for food their use are poor mechanical properties
application (Lungu and Johnson, 2005). and oily appearance in some products.
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

Table 1.
Application of Edible Films and Coatings
Materials for EF and EC Foods References
Fruits and vegetables
Cassava starch Strawberry Garcia et al., 2012
Tangerine Silva et al., 2012
Corn starch+beeswax Raspberry Pérez-Gallardo et al., 2012
Chitosan Asparagus Qiu et al., 2012
Pomegranate Ghasemnezhad et al., 2013
Broccoli Alvarez et al., 2013
Sliced apple de Britto and Assis, 2012
Pectin Mellon Ferrari et al., 2013
Peach Ayala-Zavala et al., 2013
Mango Moalemiyan et al., 2012
Caseinate Dried pineapple Talens et al., 2012
Alginate Mushroom Jiang, 2013
Cherry Diaz-Mula et al., 2012
Gelatin Persimmon Neves et al., 2012
Meats, poultry, fish
Chitosan Carp Zhang et al., 2012
Chitosan Sausage Krkić et al., 2012
Gelatin Chilled hake Lopez de Lacey et al., 2012
WPI Dried fish Matan, 2012
WPC Frozen salmon Kim et al., 2012
Red algae Bacon Shin et al., 2012
Bakery, snacks and dairy
Pectin Fried potato chips Garmakhany et al., 2012
WPI Cheese Ramos et al., 2012
Red algae Cheese Shin et al., 2012

APPLICATION slow down aerobic respiration, and im-

prove appearance by providing gloss. Edi-
Prior to the application of biopolymers,
ble coatings for fresh fruits are useful for
some factors need to be considered such
controlling ripeness by reducing oxygen
as microbiological stability, solubility, tran-
penetration into the fruit, thus reducing
sparency, wettability, oil and grease resis-
metabolic activity and softening changes
tance, cohesion, mechanical properties,
(Conforti and Zinck, 2002). In the lite-
sensory and permeability to water vapou-
rature, many reviews bring together the
rand gases. Preparation of biodegradable
effect of new edible emulsion coatings on
and/or edible films involves the use of at
storability and postharvest quality of fresh
least one film-forming agent (macromo-
fruits and vegetables (Lin and Zhao, 2007;
lecule), a solvent and a plasticizer. The
Valencia-Chamorro et al., 2011). Similarly,
optimization of edible films composition is
interest in the use of edible coatings in
in one of the most important steps of the
fresh-cut fruits and vegetables has grown,
research in this field, since they must be
since these coatings can also act as car-
formulated according to the properties of
riers of food-grade antioxidants and anti-
the food to which they have to be applied
microbials that help reduce enzymatic bro-
(Rojas-Grau et al., 2009). Table 1 sum-
wning and microbial growth (Rojas-Grau et
marises numerous recent researches on
al., 2009).
EF and EC applications.
2. Meat, poultry and fish products
1. Fresh and minimally processed fruits
Natural collagen casings from animal
and vegetables
intestine represent one of the earliest uses
In the case of fruits and vegetables, of edible protein packaging materials
coatings are used to prevent weight loss (McHugh and Avena-Bustillos, 2012). Stu-
(retain moisture), inhibit microorganisms, dies of colagen edible films have shown
Danijela Šuput et al., Edible films and coatings – sources, properties and application,
Food and Feed Research, 42 (1), 11-22, 2015

their potential to reduce moisture loss, mi- coatings also showed promising results
nimize lipid oxidation, prevent discolo- (Kim et al., 2011).
ration, and reduce dripping of muscle
foods (Gennadios et al., 1997). In addition, CONCLUSION
incorporation of antimicrobials into edible The use of edible films and coatings as
coatings, gels, or films can also help con- suitable packaging for the food industry
trol the safety of meat products (Cutter, has become a topic of great interest
2006). Edible coatings can be applied to because of their potential for increasing
meat and fish products by dipping, spra- shelf life of food products. These coatings
ying, casting, rolling, brushing, and foa- and films exhibit various functions when
ming. Edible coatings can also be used to used, such as inhibition of the migration of
reduce fat uptake during deep frying of moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, aromas,
meat (Dragich and Krochta, 2010) and drip lipids, and so forth; the ability to carry food
loss during thawing of salmon (Rodriguez- ingredients; and the ability to improve the
Turienzo et al., 2011). mechanical properties of the food. Many
3. Cereals, bakery and dairy coatings functions of edible films and coatings are
similar to those of synthetic packaging
In this sense, edible coatings are used in films; however, edible film and coating
cereal products to prevent hydration and materials must be chosen for food pa-
improve quality (McHugh and Avena- ckaging purpose according to specific
Bustillos, 2012). Rice fortified with vitamins applications, the types of food products,
and minerals has been coated with zein- and the major mechanisms of quality
wood rosin mixtures to prevent vitamin deterioration. Biodegradable and/or edible
and mineral losses during washing in cold films have the potential to reduce some
water (Padua and Wang, 2002). Emul- traditional polymeric packaging materials
sified edible coatings composed of corn for specific applications. However, in order
starch, MC, and soybean oil extended the to do so, bio-based packaging must per-
shelf life of coated crackers stored at 65%, form like conventional packaging and
75%, and 85% RH compared to uncoated provide all of the necessary functions of
ones by reducing moisture uptake (Bravin containment, protection, preservation, in-
et al., 2006). Commercial confectionary formation, convenience ina legally and en-
coatings made with a variety of vegetable vironmentally-compliant manner, cost-
oils instead of cocoa butter were used for effectively.
enrobing wheat and soy cereal bars, thus
improving lightness and general accep- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
tance of the product (Aramouni and Abu-
This work is part of project „Osmotic
Ghoush, 2010).
dehydration of food - energy and envi-
4. Oil-fried products ronmental aspects of sustainable pro-
duction“, project number TR-31055 (2011-
Deep fat fried products are very appealing
2014) financed by Ministry of Education
to consumers due to a soft, moist interior
and Science Republic of Serbia.
covered with crispy crust, but can contain
up to 50% fat. Some edible coatings, parti-
cularly those based on hydrophilic poly- REFERENCE
mers, are a good barrier to fats and oils.
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Данијела З. Шупут*, Вера Л. Лазић, Сенка З. Поповић, Невена М. Хромиш
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Технолошки факултет, 21000 Нови Сад,
Булевар цара Лазара 1, Србија

Сажетак: Са циљем да се продужи рок трајања уз очување квалитета производа, пажња

овог прегледног рада је усмерена на истраживања биополимера, који су основа за добијање
јестивих филмова и омотача. Друга велика предност овакве врсте амбалаже је еколошки статус
биополимера, јер са својим „еколошки пријатељским“ статусом не изазивају негативан утицај на
животну средину, као што то чине материјали добијени из необновљивих извора енергије. Циљ
овог рада је разматрање најскоријих достигнућа из области јестиве амбалаже (филмова и
омотача) кроз истраживање њихових извора, својстава и могуће примене. Изворе јестивих
биополимера чине три велике групе једињења: полисахариди, протеини и липиди. У свакој
групи, типични представници су размотрени у погледу физичке и механичке заштите коју
пружају; у погледу миграције, пропустљивости и баријерних особина. Најважнија заједничка
карактеристика биополимера је могућност да делују као носачи активних супстанци и да
обезбеде њихово контролисано ослобађање. У циљу постизања функције активне амбалаже,
различити емулгатори, антиоксиданти и антимикробни агенси се могу уградити у филмогене
растворе у циљу заштите прехрамбених производа од оксидације и микробиолошког квара, што
резултира побољшањем квалитета и продужењем безбедности намирница. Након испитивања
особина, рад се бави питањем специфичне примене, када јестиви филмови и омотачи имају
потенцијал да замене традиционалну комерцијану полимерну амбалажу. Може се закључити да
јестиви филмови и омотачи намењени за паковање хране морају бити бирани у складу са
специфичношћу намене, на основу врсте прехрамбених производа, као и главних механизама
нарушавања квалитета упакованих производа.
Kључне речи: биополимери, јестиви филмови и омотачи, извори, карактеристике,
Received: 13 August 2014
Accepted: 21 October 2014

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