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Uncontacted People

Uncontacted peoples don’t prefer to interact with modernized

community. Also, uncontacted peoples are peoples who don’t interact or
communicate with peoples living outside. There are some reasons why they
are acting like this. According to the passage, “…Brazil hosts a large section
of the Amazon Rainforest, …is easy for communities to remain isolated.” (29)
The reason that they are hiding themselves might be because of the humans
who wants to get profit and benefits, by harming others.

Once, outside people tried to contacted to the uncontacted peoples. It

seemed to be successful, but outside people send the virus to the
uncontacted people. As a result, many people died because of the virus. Also,
the drug traffickers are trying to deal their drugs in the rainforest, so the
uncontacted people might be threatened.

As we see, many causes of making uncontacted people more hiding is

because of the issues that outside peoples are making. People are destroying
the rainforest, sending them the virus, and making them scared by doing
something illegal in the rainforest. Uncontacted peoples don’t prefer to
interact with modernized community because they are hard to adapting to
this kind of society. Outside people need to be more careful and helpful to
them to open their prejudice.

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