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TOPIC: We Are Next in Line
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OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners should able to:
1. Identify the student’s role in the society.
2. Record and assess how true to your life in work ethics.
3. Support the society to make our country a better place for all.
We Are Next in Line
‘In this sense the future belongs to you, young people, just as it once belonged
to the generation of those who are now adults, and precisely together with them it has become the
present reality.
Responsibility for this present reality and for its shape and many different forms lies
First of all, with adults. To you belongs responsibility for what will one day become reality together with
Ourselves, but which still lies in the future.”
----St. John Paul II
First World Youth Day
Apostolic Letter to the Youth of the World
During the 1995 World Youth Day (WYD) held in Manila, Pope John Paul II addressed the youth and told them
that “youth is a key stage in the life of every human being,” and as such the youth play a big role in the shaping of the,
future, for they are the future.
As today’s youth, you are preparing to be the next leaders and workers who will help in nation building. Your
idealism, creativity, and energy will be put to good use as you embark on doing your share in developing yourselves and
helping your families and the economy of the country. The family and the society invest on the young because the future
of the country rests in them. The adult leaders and the members of the society will be passing the responsibility to the
young who are next in line.
Your role in the society starts in the here and now. These are
some of the important things that you have to do as students:
1. Do well in school. It is in school that important
foundations are laid to develop your knowledge, skills,
values, and principles in life. It is while you are studying
that you are molded to become the person that you
can be. Education prepares you not only to have a
meaningful life in the future but also to form you to
become a good citizen of the country.
2. Develop a strong moral character. Professionals have their Code of Ethics which they promise to keep and
uphold. This Code of Ethics aims to remind and guide professionals of their moral responsibility in their chosen
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in the Philippines
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high
Moral values as well technical and professional competence in the practice of their noble
Profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.
3. Develop good work ethics. To have good work ethics means having the value of hard work and diligence to
produce quality work. You possess good work ethics if you have a strong sense of responsibility for the tasks
assigned to you. Developing good work ethics begins in the educational process. Look at how you do your work
in school---homework, projects, group activities, quizzes, or major tests. You can somehow assess if you have
already developed good working habits through the kind of output that you produce in school.
4. Do your share in helping the community- You should be known for being helpful, you must be serious and
sincere whenever you participate in your school’s outreach programs. You must do your part in protecting the
5. Be a role model. Pass on your knowledge and values to younger siblings, cousins, or students in your school. You
are an elder to this group of young persons. Stay away from vices and avoid violating rules at home, in school,
and in the community. This is also your way of strengthening your set of values so that by constant practice they
become your virtues. Be respectful at all times to elders and persons in authority.
Answering the call to contribute to nation building starts while you are a student. The future depends on how
you develop yourself and your skills together with the other young people in the country.
What will you be and who will you be in the future?
1. Students as future human resources. We do not have to worry about people who would replace the retiring
members of the society. We have a lot of young people who are next in line. However, quantity is not enough.
We need to make sure that the incoming workers, business leaders, and professionals are well-educated and
have more than enough training for skills and work ethics. As students, it is your responsibility to make sure that
proper training and formation happen during the years that you spend in school.
2. Students as future technocrats. In this time of information technology, we need people who will be trained to be
experts in modern technology- the technocrats. The older generation may need to catch up with the
developments in technology but the younger generation are born into this world of technology. It is almost
second nature for the youth to use computers, gadgets, or surf the internet.
3. Students as future leaders. As the future of our nation, you are not only being formed and trained for gainful
employment but also to become good and responsible leaders of our country We need leaders who are persons
of integrity to become the next set of leaders in the community, church, and business.
We all dream of being happy and successful in our chosen career. As a
student, you already look forward to that time when you will be part of
the workforce of the country. We all want the comfortable life. We all
want to enjoy life. However, we need to be careful that we do not fall
into the trap of careerism.
Careerism means reducing our whole life to attaining a successful
career, limiting everything to a materialistic notion of success. It is
looking at the basic meaning and purpose of life only in terms of the
financial reward that our type of work or profession gives us.
Avoiding the trap of careerism means we must refrain from looking
only at our personal gain. Our work should be beneficial not only to us
but also to our family. The income we receive will not only provide us
some of the basic needs such as food. Clothing, and shelter, but also to
develop and to help us attain self-fulfillment. It does not stop in self-fulfillment. Preparing for a future career
also involves fulfilling our duty to choose a career which will not only help us economically but also contribute to
the betterment of the society.
Our career must develop us as we serve others. We choose a career that inspires us to contribute positivity to
the good of others, the common good.
ACTIVITY: READ the following statements and assess how true they are in your life. Check the column that correspond to
your self-assessment. 4-always 3- most of the time 2- sometimes 1- seldom

1. I attend my class daily, and if I am absent I ask for the
requirements I missed and submit them to my teacher as soon as
2. I cooperate in group activities by listening and contributing to the
discussion and doing my assigned task.
3. I submit my requirements on or before the deadline.
4. I take down notes during discussions, and these notes are very
helpful when I review my quizzes.
5. I contribute to the academic atmosphere in the classroom by
listening attentively to the teacher and by not doing anything that
will disrupt the session.
2. Write one habit which you believe is a good work ethic. Give one example of how you practiced this habit.


ASSESSMENT: Multiple choice: Direction select the correct answer

1. The abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information.
a.Learning skills b. teamwork skills c. communication skills d. organization skills
2. Defined as the knowledge and ability to use related technology efficiently.
a.Problem-solving skills b. computer skills c. time management skills d. communication skills
3. Skills you use when organizing other people to reach a shared goal.
a.Leadership skills b. listening skills c. organization skills d. teamwork skills
4. It is the ability to think about a task or a problem in a new or different way, or the ability to use the imagination
to generate new ideas.
a. Problem-solving skills b. creativity skills c. learning skills d. leadership skills
5. Refers to our ability to solve problems in an effective and timely manner without any impediments.
a.Creativity skills b. learning skills c. problem solving skills d. leadership skills
1. What does it mean for you to be “next in line”?
2. As part of the youth, what are your concerns about the future?

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