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Deposit slip

A deposit slip is a small paper from that a bank customer includes when
Depositing funds in to a bank account. A deposit slip by definition, contains
The data the name of the deposit , the depositors account number, and the
Amounts being deposited.
A check is a written dated, and signed instrument that directs a bank
To pay a specific sum of money to the bearer the draw, on the other
Hand. Is the bank on which the check is drawn
In addition to the receipts consumers typically receive from vendors
And service providers, receipts also issued in the business-to business
Dealing s as well as stock market transactions.
Debit memo
There are several uses of the term debit memo, which involves incremental
Billings, internal. Off sets, and bank transactions. These variations are
Explained below.
Credit memo
Accredit memo may be issued because the buyer returned goods to
The seller, or there is a pricing dispute or a marketing allowance, or other
Reasons under which the buyer will not pay the seller the full
Amount of the invoice,
Purchase invoice
Invoice is created after the purchase order which is issued by the purchaser
To the seller. The due date on the purchase invoice is the date by which the
Purchaser commits to pay the seller for the itemized goods and services.
Sales invoice
The invoice lists the items that have been purchased by the customer and
Their respective quantities. It presents a total amount owed by the customer
After deducting any given discount.
Promissory note
A promissory note is a financial instrument that contains a written
Promise by one party (the notes issuer or maker) to pay another party
(the notes payee)a definite sum of money.

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