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What Types of Threats Does Network Security Prevent?

Network security works to safeguard the data on your network from a security breach
that could result in data loss, sabotage, or unauthorized use. The system is designed
to keep data secure and allow reliable access to the information by the various users on
the network. 

Network security solutions also help businesses provide information, services, and goods
safely and reliably to their customers. There are a variety of threats that could potentially
harm your network, each targeting a different part of your system. 
1. DDoS Attacks

A distributed denial-of-service attack is a targeted attempt to disrupt the flow of normal

traffic to a server, network, or service by overwhelming it with unexpected traffic in the
form of illegitimate requests. As the server tries to respond to the barrage of requests, its
resources are used up until it can no longer handle legitimate traffic. This attack prevents
normal traffic to a network by using compromised computer systems to block the
information from reaching its destination.
2. Trojan Virus

A Trojan virus is designed to look like a helpful program, but when used, it opens a door
for a hacker to access a computer's system. The Trojan virus can locate and activate
other malware on the network, steal data, or delete files.
3. Malware

Malware is a term that covers a variety of malicious software that computer systems and
networks can be exposed to such as Trojans, spyware, worms, adware, and others.
Each type of malware is meant to cause damage to your network through a range of
actions—from accessing sensitive personal information to stealing financial details.
4. Computer Worms

Computer worms are a type of malware that can operate on their own, without a host
program, to slow the processes of your network. These worms eat up your computer’s
processing power and the network’s bandwidth to cause the efficiency of your network to
5. Spyware

Spyware acts as a spy within the data of your computer network. It gathers information
about a specific user, person, or organization and potentially shares that information with
a third party without any consent from the user.
6. Adware

Adware works to gain information about you as a consumer and will redirect search
requests to advertising websites. It will collect data for marketing purposes and then
customize advertisements based on the information gathered from your buying and
search history.
7. Botnets

A botnet is malware consisting of potentially millions of bots that infect multiple

computers, which can then be controlled remotely. This robot network is used to make
large-scale attacks on numerous devices, simultaneously performing updates and
changes without the consent or previous knowledge of the users.

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