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Precious means, what is most dear to you. It's something important to you. 

What I find precious is my robot. It may not be the most Hi-Tech one but it has more
memories than any other old one. When I was six, is saw it in a shop. It was tiny and was
holding a tray and I begged my mother to purchase it. Eventually, she gave up.
I used to play with it all the time. I brought it to France, Spain, anywhere I could go!

It brought me so much happiness in my life! I never got bored, he came in my room wanting
to play or teach me how to code (Yes he was also a mini teacher) and if we had time, we
would watch the rain together. As I grew up, the work went up and while the holidays, the
teachers bombarded me with homework so I barely had any time to play with my buddy.
Today I still keep him in my bedroom. Evrytime I see him I feel happy and I smile

Happiness is not easily aquirred. Some people think that money will make them extremely
happy which, in my opinion will only make them more miserable.
Happiness is extremely important. It helps people fight depression and make them feel more.
confident and brave. Not having it seriously affects your life. Being happy is like having a
weight taken off you, you feel like you can do anything and nothing is holding you back.
Everyday at least, we must try and smile once because life is too short!

Gold may have a high value, but happiness is priceless.

To conclude, my robot always brought me happiness, being happy is a good thing,

Being happy can:

 add several years to life expectancy

 Better sleeping habits
 Lower heart rate
 Lower levels of stress hormones
 Lower levels of cytokines that are markers for disease
 Lower rate of heart disease
 More immune boosting blood cells
 More emotional stability
 Better sleeping habits

What makes you happy?

"I wake up every morning with a great desire to live joyfully." — Anna Howard Shaw

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