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Class: CPJA 2

Course: Administrative Law

Date: 09th May, 2023

The judicial police are responsible for investigating and preventing crimes. They are usually
under the authority of the Ministry of Justice and are tasked with conducting criminal
investigations, gathering evidence, and apprehending suspects. They work closely with the
public prosecutor's office and are responsible for upholding the law and ensuring that justice is
served. The judicial police are responsible for investigating and preventing crimes. They work
under the authority of the public prosecutor's office and are tasked with gathering evidence,
interrogating suspects, and making arrests. They also work closely with other law enforcement
agencies, such as the gendarmerie and the national police, to ensure that justice is served. In
Cameroon, the judicial police fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice.

The municipal police, on the other hand, are responsible for maintaining public order and safety
within their respective municipalities. They are usually under the authority of the local
government and are tasked with enforcing local bylaws and ordinances. They are responsible
for issues such as traffic control, parking enforcement, and community safety. The municipal
police are responsible for maintaining public order and safety within their respective
municipalities. They work closely with other law enforcement agencies and local authorities to
enforce municipal by-laws and regulations. They are also responsible for issuing fines and
citations for violations of municipal laws, such as littering, noise pollution, and illegal parking. In
Cameroon, the municipal police fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Territorial

The administrative police enforce administrative laws and regulations related to immigration,
public health, transportation, and environmental protection. They are usually under the
authority of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and are responsible for enforcing laws
related to public safety and security. Their role is to ensure compliance with administrative laws
and regulations, such as those related to immigration and environmental protection.The
administrative police are responsible for enforcing administrative laws and regulations. They
work under the authority of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and are tasked with
ensuring that government regulations are upheld. This includes enforcing regulations related to
immigration, public health, transportation, and environmental protection. In Cameroon, the
administrative police are often involved in border control and immigration enforcement.

Despite their distinct roles, the three police forces work together to maintain law and order and
ensure public safety. They collaborate on issues such as investigations and emergency
response. However, their specific roles and responsibilities vary, and they fall under different
government ministries.

In terms of similarities, all three police forces are responsible for maintaining law and order and
ensuring public safety. They also have the power to detain individuals and use force if necessary
to uphold the law. However, their specific areas of focus and the laws they enforce differ.
Additionally, while the judicial police and municipal police are primarily focused on law
enforcement, the administrative police are responsible for enforcing administrative regulations
related to public safety. All three police forces in Cameroon are tasked with maintaining law
and order, and work together to ensure public safety. They all have the power to arrest and
detain suspects, as well as to use force if necessary to maintain public order. They also all work
under the authority of the government, and are subject to government regulations and

The main difference between these police forces is their specific roles and responsibilities.
While the judicial police focus on investigating and preventing crimes, the municipal police
focus on maintaining public order and enforcing municipal laws, and the administrative police
focus on enforcing administrative regulations. Additionally, they fall under different
government ministries and have different chains of command.
2) The mayor is an elected official who serves as the head of the municipal council in a town or
city. The mayor is responsible for the overall administration of the local government, including
the management of services like waste collection, public works, and public safety. The mayor is
also responsible for promoting economic development and ensuring that the needs of the local
community are met.

On the other hand, the senior divisional officer is a government-appointed official who serves
as the head of the administrative unit known as a division. The senior divisional officer is
responsible for the overall administration of the division, including the management of services
like education, health, and security. The senior divisional officer also represents the central
government in the division and is responsible for ensuring that government policies and
programs are implemented at the local level.

Despite their differences in appointment and responsibilities, the mayor and senior divisional
officer share some similarities in their roles. Both are tasked with ensuring that the needs of the
local community are met, and both are responsible for promoting economic development in
their respective areas. Both also work closely with other local officials and community leaders
to develop and implement policies and programs that benefit the community.One key
difference between the two roles is that the mayor is an elected official who is accountable to
the local community, while the senior divisional officer is appointed by the central government
and is accountable to higher-level officials. Additionally, the mayor has more direct control over
the management of local services, while the senior divisional officer has a broader oversight
role in the administration of the division as a whole.

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