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Capstone Blog Update #4

Emily Kim

May 29th, 2023

As one of my last capstone blog updates, I’m pleased to say that I have almost completed my capstone
project! My main goal was to write about 100 pages, but I now realize that that was an unrealis c goal
because I didn’t take into account for the amount of scrapping I was going to have to do. Since last week,
I have wri en about 40 pages (60 pages total). I had wanted to have wri en 50 pages, but the result
wasn’t too far off from my main goal, so I’m not too concerned. In addi on to all the wri ng I’ve done, I
have also worked on some forma ng and edi ng so that the final product can look put-together and
sleek. All that’s le to do is create a cover for the book, do a li le more edi ng, and write out a few more
pages if I get the chance, which I will be comple ng this coming week. And again, I will only be needing
my laptop, material-wise.

The core competencies that I displayed this week are the usual: Personal Awareness and Responsibility
(Self-Regula on, Self Determina on), Cri cal Thinking (Analyze and Cri que, Ques on and Inves gate,
Develop and Design), and Crea ve Thinking (Novelty and Value, Genera ng Ideas, Developing Ideas). I
have displayed these values throughout the week when coming up with ideas for poems, analyzing and
edi ng, scrapping, or even as simple as finding the mo va on to write!

One of the main challenges I faced throughout the last week was edi ng/scrapping. Because when going
through my work, I found that some of my poems didn’t create as big as an impact as some of my be er
ones, and I wrote in my last capstone update that I didn’t want to incorporate any irrelevant informa on
or boring pieces. Some pieces I was able to elevate through edi ng, but some were unsalvageable, and I
ended up scrapping them, which was difficult since I wasn’t too thrilled over the idea of dele ng work
that I gave me and effort towards, but what must be done has to be done! An obstacle that I an cipate
for the up-and-coming final week to work on my capstone project is making the cover for the book. I
need to use some sort of art and edi ng so ware to create my cover, but I’m not the best with tech and
figuring these things out, so I’ll have to do some research regarding technical art.

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