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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

So far, I have set up an account on Stripe which is connected to my Weebly store which is a payment
gateway. I put up a tester top to try and see how it looks. I was flipping through Pinterest to get some
inspiration for some tops and to make mine original, I took some small ideas from tops and smooshed
them all together to come up with a final product. So far, I have made some top ideas which I have
put below. Some I just come up with on the spot, so I won’t have designs written down for every
single one.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I hope to come up with more designs and patterns. Something I thought of is selling my own patterns
as PDFs on my website for those who want to make it themselves in their own colours and size.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need to start brainstorming more ideas as I want my pieces to be original and preferably something I
have come up with. With that, I just need to set aside more time to sketch ideas

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Something that I am struggling with at the moment is getting my payment gateway to work. I put up a
tester to try and see if I can figure it out, but nothing seems to be working. I plan to reach out to my
boss/mentor to see if he can help me and figure it out. He’s been extremely busy lately, so I haven’t
been able to get a hold of him recently which has made it a bit hard.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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