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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

I have so far come up with a design of the hair clips I plan to sell. The first design consists of a string of
beads I am planning on making the same design in two colours. I’m not sure if I will stick with these
designs, I might tweak a few things such as switch out a bead for a different one or add another thin

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan on making social media platforms such as TikTok and instagram accounts and choose a creative
name for my shop. I would also like to reach an audience or following with these accounts that I make. I
would like to make at least 4 posts/videos on these accounts. Trying to gain at least 50 followers in total
should be achievable if I use the right resources. I also want to come up with more designs for my
jewelry as I have limited products that I will be able to make with my current progression. Coming up
with a name for my brand would also be something I will do by the end of this week or sooner,
brainstorming a good name for my company will be one of the most important steps because it will be
what my brand is known as or known for.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Making the instagram and TikTok accounts did not take long but I had to do some research on how to
make the accounts appealing to others. I asked one of my mentors, my aunt, on how to take good
photos of my jewelry to make them catch a potential buyer’s eye.

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

My friends mother graduated with a degree in fashion design and she sells her own beaded jewelry. She
has helped my gain an insight into the fashion industry, we’ve only gone over the business type
procedures but she has helped me market and learn how to take pictures of jewelry to make it the most
appealing. I would also like to learn how she comes up with her designs but she has a very busy schedule
running her own business so I may need to find another mentor to fill in the spot when she isn’t
available so I can maximize my learning. She has also given me reliable sources on where to get my
materials for jewelry.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I have not encountered many challenges yet because I have not done much in terms of crafting for
making the jewelry. I haven’t made any complicated designs and since I am very comfortable with
making jewelry, I didn’t have any problems making them.
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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