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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

So far, I have created my website and online store. I have uploaded pictures of my past projects so
others can see what I have made in the past and my skill level. I spent a total of about 2 hours creating
the website. I made a logo that I feel fits my aesthetic and the look I wanted to achieve. So far, I am very
happy with how it looks as it. I have spoken with some friends and people who have shown interest in
the past in my pieces and that has helped me get the word out and get people interested in buying my
products. To help separate my personal and work inquires, I have created an email just for the website
and created a contact form that is connected to the email so if anyone has questions regarding anything,
it will go to my work email.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I hope to start taking pictures of the current pieces I have and uploading them to the website. Over the
last few months, I have randomly created some tops for fun, so I have plenty of things to upload as of
right now. I also need to work out pricing and the percentage of profits I will be donating. I just need to
look at my time and money I have spent on supplies. For the start, I will be keeping things somewhat
affordable. Somewhere between 25 – 35 dollars. So far, all the people interested in buying from me are
in close vicinity, so I won’t have to worry about shipping items out and the cost

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I have more than enough materials to create my pieces, so I won’t need to worry about spending money
on yarn for a while. Setting aside enough time is at the top of the list for my needs. It takes
approximately 3 – 4 hours to create a single piece, or sometimes 2 hours on a good day. It is very time
consuming so I will be needing to come up with a schedule that fits my needs to make sure I get things
accomplished in the time frame I want.

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

My mentor is my boss, Mike. He has experience working within the video game industry and he is in
charge of creating and selling apparel at my work. I have spoken to him in person about how to price
your pieces and how to get my business out there. He gave me the idea for once I start to sell items, and
that is to donate the profits I make once I reach between 40 – 50 dollars and upload a photo of evidence
showing I am donating the money to the charity I have chosen.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Setting aside time to create my products has been a struggle I am constantly facing. I have a very busy
schedule, but starting April I will have a lot of time to get things done. What I have been doing to help
put in some time is bringing projects with me wherever I go and whenever I have downtime, I will just
start to work on it. Even if it’s only 5 minutes, it’s better than nothing.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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