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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

I have not accomplished much since my last update. I am still trying to figure out when I can go out
and look at a construction site with my dad. I still need to try to contact an architect or architecture
firm, but I am working on that. Other than that, I have not made a lot of progress with my model or

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan to contact an architect and ask questions about low-cost housing materials and affordable
housing locations. I will contact them through connections from my dad.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Mentor, low-Cost materials to create model house, time to visit site and create model.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

It is hard to find a lot of time to work on my capstone project because of all the other work I have
from other classes. It really stresses me out. But I intend to organize my time better and focus on what
I need to do at certain times.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

Not much progress made so no pictures:(

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