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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

I completed my final copy of the sturgeon drawing and had another zoom meeting with him we
discussed when we will meet with his team member to start creating the wood Plack and lasering the
design into it, we also discussed putting our native names on the Plack to resemble the 5 year
anniversary of when we were given our names and how we are connected through that. We planned
the exact spot on where we are going to be placing it and brainstormed it for a bit, we were originally
going to put it outside the building but realized with our Vancouver weather it would age quite fast,
so we decided to put it inside the building.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan to accomplish adding the rest of the designs around the sturgeon with incorporating Indigenous
designs and coming up with the final draft before we go into the workshop and create the final thing. I
will be working with my uncle tomorrow to do the designing around the sturgeon and I’m hoping to hear
back on what day we can go into the shop.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

At the moment my only need is to get the final finished sturgeon drawing completed with my uncle so
we can continue to move on.
Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

This week went by smoothly when it came to capstone, I cannot think of a challenge I had. I had lots of
fun working on this project this week and discussing what's coming next in the following days with my
uncle. The only challenge that could be a problem is trying to figure out a day where we all can meet at
the shop to start planning and playing around with this creation qwe are going to make.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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