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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

Since my last capstone update, I have finished my first fully textured model with my mentor, a Fast MT
helmet. With this being my first model, I'm very proud of how it turned out and feel more comfortable
with using adobe substance painter and blender. My mentor also sent me some accessories that he had
made in his spare time and let me attach them to the helmet. I have also begun the process of retexturing
the model to incorporate different colors and camouflage. My mentor has also taught me the importance
of reference photos. He taught me that without any reference photos, it's going to be extremely difficult to
replicate something on a 1:1 scale.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I plan to finish my first retexture with my mentor and begin finding and
organizing reference photos before I begin creating my second model. I will try to not ask for as much
help as I did with the last model because Im trying to become more independent and teach myself in the

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

My needs for my capstone project still remain the same, lots of time with not only my mentor but also
time to myself to become more and more of an independent worker. With a project like the one I chose,
my needs don’t really change, unless something bad happens to my computer, in that case then I will have
to replace that broken part.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The biggest challenge I have encountered was trying to balance schoolwork and my capstone project at
the same time. What makes this more challenging is still the fact that my time zone and my mentor's time
zone are essentially opposites, so it's way more difficult to schedule when we can collaborate. I’m trying
to overcome this by focusing on the most important schoolwork like tests and quizzes, and since I still
have so much time for my capstone project, I’m using more of my free time to work on it
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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