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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

So far, I have started my PowerPoint presentation to break down the importance of the vehicle
maintenance I am demonstrating. I have not posted any videos because I am editing them, but I will
continue to create my presentation.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I hope to have my website updated completely as soon as I can. I also want to prioritize my project
presentation because I have not started it. My videos will come along but i am still figuring out where to
post them, hopefully I will have this figured out.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need time as I am working at my comfortable pace and i am looking for a mentor, I would totally pick
the auto teacher but, our bond is not exactly compatible. In other words, we are not big fans of each
other, so I would like to find someone else.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I was a little weirded out about recording and documenting what I was doing because I felt shy and
uncomfortable, but it really is not that bad after a few takes. I will start posting my videos on youtube
and get passed my challenge.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress (this is mandatory)

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