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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

For my capstone project, I want to be a renovator for houses. I have checked YouTube tutorials
about clearing clogged plumbing in the bathroom of my house. My father has assisted me capturing
footage, but it is not the video is awful because he is terrible at filming videos, and I could not show my
entire process because I needed to use both my hands to fix the pipes. Also, the pipes were extremely
disgusting, but thanks to my experience as a meat janitor, I was used to cleaning the most sickening
pipes that smelled exactly like feces and it nearly made me vomit. Thankfully, the sink was not as
nauseating as those pipes, and I managed to fix the sink temporarily. There was also a hole in the wall in
the washroom as well, but I wanted to start the plumbing first because the sink is unusable if it is not
cleaned. The wall can wait. I will do the hole fixing in the upcoming days.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I want to fix the hole in the wall as soon as possible. The hard part will be filming the entire
scene and letting it be entertaining due to my father not being the best at filming. I also wish to find a
mentor as soon as possible, using the two footages to convince people to give me a chance. I will use the
experience to learn how to improve my renovating skills, and hopefully they will allow me to record

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I have some second-hand tools that are usable, but it is incredibly old and looks super terrible. I have
been trying to save money, so I hope that none of my tools will break during work, else it will be quite
embarrassing. Hopefully, they have tools for me to use during work, so I do not have to go through such

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

Finding a mentor is quite difficult in the contractor department. I first need to show that I have
experience, then convince them to hire a teenager. I am asking my father if he has any friends that he
could find for me to be mentored. This is my greatest chance of getting a mentor. I really do not want to
abandon this project idea after cleaning that sink and pipes. It will be such a waste of time if I must leave
and focus on something else. This was not the best idea to do if I cannot get a mentor.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

The sink was clogged with a make-up brush that somehow got stuck in the pipes. I had to get rid of the
brush by getting rid of the end of the pipe, but I forgot to capture the footage because my dad was not
there. I only captured the footage after I did the work. I could have saved so much more time and
money if I had not replaced my pipes and got them fixed. I just had to remove this tiny cap at the end of
the pipe and pull it away.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

Brief proof of me working the pipes. Not ready to be edited as video yet

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