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Who am I Reflection

When doing a personality test, I have been assigned as the personality “virtuoso”. People
with this personality is known as versatile workers and problem solvers in the work field. I want
to be a renovator. The most important trait a renovator needs is versatility. When me and my
father was working on a house, we have tasked with different trades specific tasks. Examples of
being versatile is when we had to work in drywall, concrete, painting, carpentry, and flooring. If
other people are hired to do all these things, they would probably only do one thing, then be
hired by another trade-specific contractor. Also, when it was my first time doing something new,
like putting on concrete to the side of the walls, it took me a very short time to learn, so my
father can save time to do other work instead of frustrating if my terrible work. With versatility,
we are very desirable, as the employer does not need to do extra work just for one project. All
they have to do is hire us.

Important skills we have as “virtuoso”, is that we are can easily become friends with
other people. When my father hired other people to work with me, I have used my skull, and
cooperate with people I have not met. This quickly makes out work much more efficient, as we
could create less conflict and not mess up the work. My father has told me that there was a time
where the concrete and plumbing workers were arguing, and so the concrete contractors poured
concrete into the plumbing, causing a fault in the drain and unable to work further. My father
was hired to save this project, but even with his experience and expertise, he could not save this
project. He taught me that we need to be friendly towards everyone, or else they would bite us in
the back. He also said that the problem with being too friendly, is that workers will be lazy and
try to not work. A good balance of kindness is important for productivity. Thankfully, virtuoso
are excellent as dealing these type of situations.

The reason why I believe that the test is accurate, is because of the personalities of
virtuoso matches with my personality. The test said the strengths about me is that I have many
friend, that I am versatile, relaxed, practical and optimistic. The most intriguing part, is my
weaknesses in personality. I am very stubborn, insensitive, easily bored, but most importantly, is
my risky behavior. This risky behavior is about me doing unnecessary things just for fun, and
poke at other’s boundaries. I would go up to strangers and scare them, then do a little dance to
ease the tension. I would also say mean things to people unconsciously, just to see how they
would react. The point is, is that almost all these descriptions describe who I am. Even the most
specific weaknesses other people shouldn’t have, is included. This means that this test isn’t just
some random generator to guess what kind personality you have, like zodiac signs.

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