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Personal Achievement

I got third place in weaponed and weaponless kung-fu demonstrations couple years ago. One of
the few achievements that I have.
I got third place in combat and staff demonstration. I was around seven for the combat award,
and ten or twelve years old for the weapon award. The weaponless performance was won using
the “Sup-Gee Kun,” which translates into Cross Fists. These set of movements was the second
one you learn in our kung-fu academy. The first set is about the basics. The second is about
ferocity and power, while the third technique is about swift and agile movements to deceive the
enemy. I believe the reason “Sifu,” or master in English, chose the second technique was because
it highlights my physical strength and stamina. With fierce punches and nimble movements, this
entertains the audience and makes me look stronger than I really am. The technique I won for the
weaponed competition is called the “Dai-Jung-Guan" which translates to “Big Battlefield staff.”
This staff style is used to fight off hordes of enemies. Using sweeps and swings, combined with
hip movements, this simple yet powerful art form shows the judges and audience that I am
someone who should never be messed with.
Personal Relevancy:
I do not have that man awards in my life, so this is why I remember this award. Another notable
event I remember during the weapon demonstration, where I outperformed my senior several
years older than me.
Skill Development:
I believe the most important skill I learned in this peculiar event is that I am a lot more
comfortable performing on stage than I would have if I had not participated. I have a bit of stage-
fright, and this was a good step in trying to not become so nervous performing.
My ego has gotten larger after the events of the demonstration. I would be much more brash and
reckless towards other people. Now I realized how stupid and emotional I was back then. I know
deep inside that I never really know how to fight. I am just a fool that wants to have a fight and
think he could win with fake training. I also learned that I am not suited to performing in front of
crowds. The audience has affected the results of my performance. I need to work on my fear of
performing in front of people.
Future Connections:
The only future connection that would be helpful from this event is that I am more comfortable
performing on stage, despite my instinctive fears of being seen by many people. If I need to do
something that involves a crowd, hopefully I will not panic.

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