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November 8, 2023
Since the last blog update, I have not done much if I’m being honest. I’ve edited the website a
little bit, made a few more rings, and have now met with my mentor. I plan to accomplish the
next design still. I have learned it and made them many times, but I want to “perfect it”. The
ones I have already made are sort of messy because I’m just learning them, so I want to make it
neater. My needs are still just my basic materials that I already have, I got different pliers from
my dad that makes working with the wire and small pearls a lot easier, because of my nails.
Another need I have is maybe some more time, which I have this weekend. Last weekend I had
a lot of work and homework to get done so my capstone project didn’t get much attention. An
obstacle I might have been maybe needing more time over this weekend to make my new
design neater, but I think I will be okay since it’s a 4-day weekend and I only work one of the 4
days. A summary of my progress to now would be that I started out stressed, I had made 1 or 2
rings over 2 weeks ish. After I started realizing how fast this will be going, I started to pick up
the pace and now I feel like I am just on track. I have created the website and done some
editing on it; I’m also still editing the videos I made showing how to make the rings. The rings
aren’t difficult to make, they’re just time consuming. Some core skills I think that I’m gaining are
patience and focusing skills. Patience because it takes time to create these and especially when
creating a ton, it’s very time consuming. Focusing skills because I have a hard time focusing on
work but with this project, I have to find ways to force myself to focus so I can actually get
things done. A challenge I’ve had is my little brother. He is 5 and always wants to play but in a
lot of my spare time I’m focusing on capstone. I have gotten past this or tired to by asking my
dad to try and keep him occupied until I’m done doing what I’m doing.
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