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Capstone Update #2

1. What you plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I’ve planned to finish making a tutorial for four-leaf clover keychains by the end of last
week but I could only finish recording and part 1 of the tutorial. Because there are quite
a few steps to teach, I need to make 3 or 4 separate posts so I am planning to finish
editing and designing them by the end of this week.

Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts

In terms of time, I am going to need about at least 2 hours for each post so it will be
about 4 - 6 hours in total by the end of the week. Because I already have all the
necessary materials at home and don’t have any special plan or event during the
weekend, I will mostly work on the project at home. The first item I am teaching is easy
to make so there is no need to contact someone else for support/help.

Any obstacles you anticipate

Because I am focusing on making tutorials that are picture-based and easy to follow,
even though I recorded all the steps of the tutorial already, if there is something people
could find difficult and complicated, I might have to go back to the beginning and
record that specific part again. If this happens, it will make it difficult for me to keep on
track with my plan and take much longer to finish each task.

A summary of your progress up to now

I finished recording and selected good pictures for part 1 of the tutorial. Also, I finished
editing and designing the post using those pictures and posted them on Instagram. I
am currently working on sorting out the pictures for part 2 of the tutorial and now I
need to edit and design for the post.

An explanation of what core skills you employed during your work and learning that
took place

I employed digital/computer skills for this time. As my project is dealing with making
and designing Instagram posts for knitting/crochet tutorials, knowing how to use
online graphic design tools and using it effectively were important. Even though I have
some experiences on using Canva due to my club activities, there were still many
difficulties using various functions on Canva so I tried my best to get used to each
function and create a post. During my work so far, I learned that it takes a lot of time to
become professional in using online graphic tools and there are still many things I still
do not know.

Any challenges you encountered and how you moved forward

Using time wisely was the challenge I encountered. As mentioned, I’ve originally
planned to finish making posts for the four-leaf clover keychain tutorial by last week
but I only finished part 1, which means I still had 2 or 3 more posts to make for the rest
of the steps; I did not expect it to take this long and even recording and selecting
suitable pictures took a lot of time unlike what I anticipated. However, to move
forward, I tried using a planning/scheduling app so that I could be aware of what task I
was on and how I would use my time (just like what I did in the last update).

Include pictures and/or video of your progress

My instagram feed with the post for part 1

Some of the clips in the post

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