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Capstone Update #1

What I have accomplished so far (if nothing – WHY??)

So far, I have not accomplished anything for my capstone, the reason for this is that I am currently
taking 6 full time courses, I am taking Chemistry 11 and Pre-Calculus 11 online on top of my classes I am
taking in school; this adds another 3-4 hours of school to my 6 hours of school during the day. Instead of
time managing better, I haven’t gotten around to starting my capstone and incorporating that work into
my day. I am working on planning better to accomplish everything on my plate.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

During the first week back to school, I want to accomplish my first steps for completing my capstone;
first, contacting potential mentors. Secondly, I want to begin the researching process, I want to develop
my video/editing skills and gain more inspiration for my capstone.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

This week I will need to create time in my busy schedule and set apart some time specifically for my
capstone research. I will also need a response from potential mentors so that I can begin the actual
process next week.

How I have interacted with my mentor recently and what I still need to do

I still need to get in contact with my mentors.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I have not begun; therefore, I have not encountered any challenges.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

No evidence so far.

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