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Written Assignment Unit 7

University of the People

UNIV 1001: Online Education Strategies

Professor Lance Vegren

Assignment Due Date: October 20, 2021

1. Briefly, share a time when you set a goal and did not accomplish it, and then share a
time when you set a goal and successfully achieved it. Why weren’t you successful in
your first example? Why were you successful in your second example?

Of course there was a time when I have set a goal and I didn’t accomplish it. I have one
great example for this. Few years ago I applied to study at one University in my country.
It was a Faculty for Civil Engineering and I had a goal to graduate. But the first year
passed by, the second too, it was harder for me to be motivated and continue with my
studies. I studied day and night, every day, I didn’t have time for proper rest. And again, I
didn’t have enough time to pass every exam, and I was so stressed and nervous. The main
problem was that I realized that this faculty, this job and the possible career is not for me
and I was even more stressed about it. So, first I accepted the fact that I didn’t see myself
in near future working as civil engineer and I knew I had to do something in order to be
happy and to be productive. So the time was the problem, the lack of motivation, the lack
of support from the professors and at one point it was too much. That is why I dropped
out of University and started studying at University of People. I am beyond happy with
this decision and it proves to me that I did the right choice, every time.
There was a time when I set a goal and accomplished it successfully. Year ago, I have
started to study Graphic Design at one Academy (Brainster) in my country, North
Macedonia. At first, I was scared if this was a good choice but I had to try it. I was
always into drawing and creative stuff so I said I will try. As the time went by I graduated
from the Academy with a high score and amazing feedback from my mentors. I have
gained experiences, learned about graphic designed, even started working on project
which can help build my portfolio. I achieved this because at first I learned something
that I love and I have high interest, I have had constant motivation boost, from mentors,
my family, colleagues. I always had the support from the mentors and their feedback for
anything. This was making me happy with myself and I was also exercising in my free
time. I have managed my time for the homework, the projects and sometimes I have used
my free time to work on my creativity. This helped me to learn a lot about graphic design
and to gain skills and knowledge to work as graphic designer on many projects and
volunteering centers remotely so I can grow professionally. I did what I love and that is
why I accomplished it.

2. Why does effective goal-setting help us achieve goals? What are the characteristics
of good goals?

Effective goal-setting helps us making plan so we can achieve our goals. By creating
short term goals, it’s easier to achieve the long term goals. That is why goals must be
challenging so we can be motivated and to learn how to handle challenging situations.
With challenging goals, we are hyped, motivated, sometimes overwhelmed but it will
makes us better, gain knowledge and practice and learn life-experiences. Goals must be
precise and not overwhelming, goals must be objective and updated. With everything
organized like this, I am sure that we will achieve our goals more precisely and faster.
3. Based on your answer to questions 1 and 2, set three goals: one short-term, one mid-
term, and one long-term.

Based on my answers to questions 1 and 2 I am setting three goals for near future:
one short-term, that is to pass my exams with highest score this month. One mid-term
goal that I am setting up for myself is that I will try to apply to work abroad for few
months, these next two months. And one long-term goal is that I want to graduate from
UoPeople University with highest GPA in the next four years.

Word Count: 681

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