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Blog Post #2 Questions:

1) What have I accomplished so far? (Give specific details. Include the research you have done to date.
Include sources of information you have used for research, people you have spoken to, videos you have
watched, books you are reading, etc.)
I walk into my ceramics class and start making mugs. Because I am already experienced making
mugs I don’t need tutorials. But because I want inspiration on designing mugs I used Pinterest to
look for cute products.
So far I've made:

My goal is to make a fancy teacup or a cat cup

My references are:

This is the origin of the Pinterest post!

2) What have I learned? Give specific examples of your learning, whether is has been positive or
negative. Some of our best learning comes from our struggles.)
I learned that on some days I have to do something else because the clay takes a long time to set. I
usually don’t add handles to cups, but because this project required to do so I realized that the
handle must be added a few days later after the mug (base) is set. So during the time I get to
innovate more products!

3) What still needs to be done? (Create a specific list of objectives/tasks you want to accomplish over
the next two weeks. Be detailed and realistic.)
PAINTING AND GLAZING!!! Painting and glazing take a very long time. It is hard to undo the paint
once it has been painted so I must be very precise. I created 2 more products a few days ago and they
broke down today during the process of sanding. So tomorrow and the following week I must rebuild the
broken pieces and build 2 more pieces. Because I cannot take these pieces home I must use my time
wisely .
1) Glaze and plaint
2) Make more products
3) Ask for customization designs from other peers who want to purchase

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