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Student Name: Kylie Loomis

Date: 06/06/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Dream Home - Using drawing tools to create a 2
dimensional layout of a home
What you learned/overcame: Once again this project was quite challenging and
time consuming for me. I took the hint of drawing out my home on paper first before
attempting to draw it on the computer, and it still took me around 4 hours to
complete. One of the hardest things for me was for some reason on Powerpoint it
wouldn't automatically make a line straight when I tried to hold down the shift key, so
I struggled to get my lines straight, as the slightest movement of my mouse would
make it crooked. I took a lot of time to make sure my lines were as straight as
possible though. Secondly, there was no polygon/freeform shape on my Powerpoint
tools, I even Googled to see what the icon looked like, but ultimately it was missing.
So to create the perimeter of my home I just created individual lines. Another thing
that was difficult for me was creating the doors and the arcs that showed the way the
door swings. I couldn’t figure out how to make the door/arc connect to my lines that
are my walls. I made every effort to make the doors look like they could swing all the
way within the doorway, but I do understand they still look a bit off.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S
Addressed: Standard #4 Innovative Designer 4a: Students know and use a
deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative
artifacts or solving authentic problems.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This project, while time consuming
really got me totally comfortable with the tools used in Powerpoint. I think it would be
a great project for kids to get creative with, while also tapping into critical thinking
skills. It would make them calculate in their heads how rooms and objects would
have to fit together to form a cohesive design that actually makes sense, and then
translate those ideas onto paper, then on the computer, then possibly in a 3D model.
Math would also be incorporated into this project, as students could measure
Another fun thing students could design that would really invoke creativity would be
their own amusement parks. A project like this could also greatly improve social skills
if it were to be a group project with teams of 4.

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