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Student Name: Kylie Loomis

Date: 06/12/2020
Portfolio Artifact Description: Music In You - Recreate a song with new lyrics to
teach a particular subject to students
What you learned/overcame: I thought this project was going to be more difficult
than it actually was. I’m not very musically inclined, but I do enjoy listening to music. I
learned that turning one of your favorite songs into a learning tool for students who
learn musically is easy and effective. This project wouldn’t have done much for me
personally in school with my 1.57 Musical intelligence score, but there are plenty of
kids out there who do learn best through song and music. Regarding my multiple
intelligence test, I was not very surprised to find out I had very strong scores in self
and nature intelligence skills. I was, however, a little shocked my 3rd highest score
was in the social category, as throughout my life I have never been very social. It got
me thinking maybe I should try my hand at more interpersonal learning styles while
I’m in college.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S
Addressed: Standard #6 Creative Communicator - 6d: Students publish or present
content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I plan to go on in college to major in
Special Education. I can definitely see myself using this project to help teach my
students various subjects. Music is a language that everyone can relate to in some
form, no matter who you are or what your background is. I also believe linking
unfamiliar information with a familiar rhythm would greatly help the content stick with
students for longer than just simply reading it from a textbook. I can see myself
rewriting popular songs with lyrics regarding math, science, maybe even history.

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