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My results from the 16 Personalities test were ISFP. The I stands for introverted, which I
think is very accurate. I tend to stay quiet until someone reaches out to me first, instead of
starting the conversation myself. The S means that I am observant, which is also very true. I like
to observe everything and think about it. The F stands for feeling, which means that I feel more
than think when making choices, as in following my heart more than my head. Lastly, the P
stands for prospecting, which means that I figure things out as I go. However, the last letter
changes from a P to J often (which stands for judging). I think both are true to me because I like
to have a checklist with many backup plans, but I am also great at adapting to unexpected
challenges and figuring out how to deal with them. When I read more about both strengths and
weaknesses of these two personality types, I realized I am more of a P.

According to the test, I need more than just a career. I need creative freedom over wealth,
power, structure, advancement and security. My dream job is to become a classical dance teacher
for all ages, which ties in greatly with the description above. I would love to have at least a little
amount of freedom in which I can do things how I want to, in terms of creativity. One of my
strengths is that I can easily relate to others’ emotions, which allows me to empathize and learn
how to make learning about dance a great experience for everyone. Dance isn’t just about the
physical part, there is a mental part to it as well. Another one of my strengths that I think ties in
well to my career path is that I am passionate. Since I am passionate about teaching and dance, I
think that I will be able to figure out different ways to make learning an enjoyable experience for
everyone and to find different ways for different types of people to learn the most effectively.

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