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Syed Hasnain

Syed Hasnain

Professor Hugetz

ENG 1301 – 05

7 September 2020

Short Academic Response 2

In my English college class, we have done a lot of fun thing. However, hands down my

favorite thing was a personality test we did. In the test you had to pick four words that describe

yourself, and then take the first letter of that word. My letters were ISFJ which meant; Introvert,

sensing, feeling, and judging. To me I feel like that is a good description of me, and I think it is

very accurate in a lot of ways. I agree with the strengths part. I know that I am very serious, and I

do not really talk. I really dedicate myself to work hard at whatever I do, and I also have patience

when I do things. I know that I am very loyal and have a small circle of friends. I would say that

these descriptions are the most accurate, However, I could see some other descriptions that kind

of describe me like; is that I have a common sense to make sensible decisions. The only reasons I

kind of agree is because I can make some bad decisions that I pay for.

This feedback paper that my teacher gave me is also very accurate. When it comes to my

flaws. Like for example I will never ask questions that could probably harm or make someone

uncomfortable. I have a tendency of living in the present, and it does not let me find a easier way

too finish assignment. I think these two feedbacks really are the most accurate description, but I

do also feel like another good description by the from is. That I can make a lot of illogical

decisions just off my personal decisions. However, I just think I can make logical and illogical

decisions. I think I need to work putting myself first, and not others in front of me. I have a
Syed Hasnain

tendency of putting others first. I think if I work on these weaknesses I have. I will be a better

person, and better at what I do.

At the end of the page of the feedback paper it says what careers I could approach. I

really had some interesting careers to choose from. I would say the most interesting ones were a

nurse. I would like to be nurse because it is the best paying job of the jobs on this list, and also

there are a lot of opportunities that can be approached with this occupation. I am very also

interested in a religious educator because I love my religion, and I love listening to the religion

past history. I really interest me also to educate other people so the can have the knowledge. This

career also lets you travel a lot to religious place, and I love that because traveling is very fun to

me. I loved this activity and I wish we keep doing these activities in class.

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