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Advantages of being self-employed.

Over the last few years, self-employment has become very common as a way of subsisting in society. At
the same time, this way of life gives you millions of advantages which we will mention in the following

First of all, you have to be aware of the working hours. By working independently and autonomously,
you can control the hours you work, and also which days you work, making it an advantage not to have
to work from 9am to 5pm 5 days a week. This would help you to have more time for yourself, to be
more relaxed and it is a way to learn to become a more organized person.

Secondly, we can also find advantageous the issue of money. When you own your own company, you
usually keep 100% of the profits. This happens because if you work hard, you can make profits for
yourself and not for someone else. However, if you work with a partner, the profits are shared because
you work as a team and the money goes to both of you.

In conclusion, both advantages are good and clear. But considering the factors and realistically, I believe
that money is a very contentious issue today as a society, as well as in everyday life itself. The world of
work is a very broad field in which some benefit and some don't; and the gain one receives from it
speaks for itself.

Letter to a magazine.

Dear BBC news,

I hope you are feeling great! Thank you very much for taking me into account to describe a holiday in my
country. In fact, there are millions of holidays. But the one I really love is Argentina's national
Independence Day. It is celebrated on the 9th of July every year since 1816. On that day, the Congress
of Tucumán, made up of representatives of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata, declared
independence. On that day, popular demonstrations gathered around the Casa de Tucumán chanting
"Viva la Patria" (Long live the homeland).

It is an extremely important date for us as Argentines, since from that event, our country became a free
and independent nation, independent from King Ferdinand VII, his successors, and the metropolis. At
the same time, we do things for that day such as, for example, singing the Argentine national anthem,
acts in schools, and the best of all, eating locro and empanadas, which were typical foods of the time.
When it was the 200th anniversary, I was just a child and, in my school, they decided to make an act
where my classmates and I played different instruments and made a kind of orchestra playing the
national anthem, while the whole school watched us and they made the flag of the country.

I hope my information has been of great help, it is an honour to be part of your magazine!



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