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Harsono, Developing Speaking Competence----- 1



Debora Harsono 11083033


Abstract. This research aims are to investigate the level speaking

competence of the eight grade students of SMPN-1 Kalasan and the
techniques that the teachers apply to develop students speaking
competence. The design of this research is a case study. To achieve the
credibility of data for this research, a sequence of processes of data
collection was conducted, namely speaking test, observation, field note,
interview and documentation. The findings of this research consist of
two parts. First, the students have developed the speaking ability. The
student’s ability in English progressed from fair to good level,and then
from good to excellent level, especially in pronunciation, fluency, and
vocabulary. Eventhough the students have problems in grammar, they
achieve progress in the three aspects, such as pronunciation, fluency and
vocabulary. The progress of the students is mainly due to the second
finding. Second, the six teaching techniques that the teachers apply are
imitating, repeating, practicing, role playing, making dialogue and
questions—answers process. These techniques have the benefit of
improving student’s ability in English. Before using these teaching
techniques, it is found that the students show the fair level. After
applying these techniques, the student achieve the progress in three
aspects. These techniques have proved to be beneficial to the students in
improving their English speaking competence.
Key words : developing speaking competence, techniques, teaching

As the basic tool of commu- needs to understand the language that
nication, speaking is everyone’s daily other people speak and to compare the
business. Although it is considered a message of people to our under-
merely simple way to produce words standing. Speaking, which can also be
or convey an oral message, speaking defined as an activity of transforming
needs the mastery of other language text into sounds, is also a bridge to
skills. As a matter of fact, as one of understand people or a concept. The
the four basic language skills, speak- more one speaks, the more infor-
ing is a productive skill like writing. mation can be absorbed. Some other
This means it involves using speech to definitions of speaking include:
express some meaning to other people. a. Speaking is a process of
In a simple way, people can say that expressing ideas in an oral
speaking involves making sense of the language.
words spoken out. To do this one
2 Tahuri, Volume 15, Nomor 1, Pebruari 2018

b. Speaking is an implemen- foreign language. According to the

tation of a set of cognitive School Based Curriculum (SBC), Eng-
skills for getting information lish, which has been officially decla-
in a spoken text. red as one of the four subjects in the
c. Speaking is the tool or National Examination, must be offer-
element of communication. ed in grade 7, 8, and grade 9, with at
d. Speaking is also the process of least 4 hours of learning activities
producing spoken words. each week. The National Department
Before venturing into other of Education has standardized English
language skills (reading or writing) a language teaching according to 2006
baby has to learn to speak appro- Indonesian National Curriculum better
priately. Some people believe that known as KTSP. In the KTSP the four
speaking skill is an important aspect language skills, listening, speaking,
for mastering a foreign language. Ma- reading and writing, are conditioned
ny people feel that speaking a new upon the mastery of English.
language is harder than reading, writ- The fact that reading and
ing, or listening for two reasons. First, writing must be examined in the
unlike reading or writing, speaking National Examination has led the
happens in real time meaning that the teachers focus their teachings on these
person with whom one talks to is two subjects, and consequently reduce
awaiting. Second, in speaking one their focus on teaching speaking and
cannot edit or revise what one wishes listening. The situation has weakened
to say, as if one writes. the student skills on speaking and
In speaking, one always has listening.
purposes. One is not only supposed to This unbalancing of the fours
speak out the words, but he has to skills in English teaching learning
really mean them. A number of process has created a problem of mas-
speaking purposes can be mentioned tering a language. Actually, we have
as follows : to inform, persuade, and to develop the four aspects without
to express opinion. any priority in one or another.
In this paper, the author Different from the general practice,
describes the state-of-the-art practice the English teaching learning process
of English teaching in Junior High in SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan can be
School, especially the teaching of carried out in a relatively balanced
speaking. The goals of compulsory aspects. This research would like to
English teaching vary in different reveal how the English teachers in
levels of education. In Junior High SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan develop
School, the main goal of teaching speaking competence of their students.
English is to practice English as a

Theoretical Review
The goal of teaching speaking of teaching English in Junior High
is to build up communication skills. School is to achieve functional level
Learners should be able to understand meaning that the students are able to
other people and at the same time communicate orally. A number of
make themselves understood. The goal competences of speaking may include
Harsono, Developing Speaking Competence----- 3

fluency, pronunciation, grammar, vo- and to observe the social and cultural
cabulary, interactive communication, rules that apply in each communi-
appropriateness, and complexity. cation situation. To help students
In relation to the development develop their communication skill,
of speaking competence, Bialystok instructors may employ a number of
view (1996: 357) hypothesizes that balanced activities combining langua-
linguistic knowledge is like one coin, ge input, structured output and co-
with two sides or dichotomy. Know- mmunicative output to achieve func-
ledge is either implicit or explicit but tional literacy level. This level
in subsequent formulations it is repre- requires the students to communicate
sented in terms of two intersections. orally. They have to speak with
Implicit Knowledge is equal with competence, creative exploration, and
language skill or competence. The stu- active development.
dents obtain implicit knowledge Teenagers are young people
through teaching learning speaking who are undergoing transitional pro-
process (formal practicing). When the cess between childhood and adult-
students have practiced many times, hood. They are supposed to study
automatically the teachers can im- more and more advanced grammar as
prove their language competence. they grow up from junior to senior
Explicit knowledge is the mastery of high school students. They have better
language knowledge such as structure developed cognitive base and learning
and vocabulary. skills. However, teenagers are ex-
Teaching English as a Foreign pected to speak with more sophis-
Language (TEFL) refers to teaching tication than children. In order to be-
English to students whose first come proficient in a second language,
language is not English. TEFL is teenagers need to be exposed regularly
usually offered in the student’s own to a second language and make effort
country; either within the state or to learn it. The junior high school
private school system, within or after students should achieve functional
school hours. Brown (2007 : 37) wrote literacy level. This level requires the
that learning of a second language is a students to communicate orally. They
complex process involving a numbers have to speak competently and cre-
of variables. Using their current atively to explore and develop any talk.
proficiency to the fullest, learners There are at least thirteen tech-niques
should be able to make themselves in teaching speaking that the teachers
understood. They should avoid apply to develop student speaking
confusion of the message due to faulty competence:
pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary

Research Methodology
In this thesis, the researcher studied holistically by one or more
uses a case study. The case study is a methods. The subject of this research
descriptive, exploratory or explanatory are the English teachers and students
analysis of a person, group or event, of SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan, Sleman,
decisions, periods, projects, policies Yogyakarta. This school has five
institutions or other systems which are female English teachers. They are:
4 Tahuri, Volume 15, Nomor 1, Pebruari 2018

1. ANH M.Pd. has 15 years The validation of data and

experiences in teaching analysis result of this study is done by
English. triangulation technique. The data tri-
2. TTW M.Pd has 23 years angulation which involves observa-
experiences in teaching tion, field note, interview, and docu-
English. mentation, combines many data co-
3. GRT S.Pd. has two years llecting techniques and sources. In
experiences in teaching this technique, the researcher uses
English. various collecting data technique to
4. MM ESN S.Pd. has 15 obtain data from the same resources.
years experiences in teach- Susan Stainback stated that : “ the aim
ing English. is not to determine the truth about
5. SPTN B.A. has 35 years some social phenomenon, rather the
experiences in teaching purpose of triangulation is to increase
English. one’s understanding of whatever is
The students are from 8D,E,F being investigated. Furthermore she
class of SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan in the stresses that what the qualitative
academic year 2013 / 2014. Each class researcher is interested in is not the
consists of 35 students. They still have truth per se, but rather the perspec-
low motivation to speak. Only a few tives.
of them can speak fluently but most of Thus, rather than trying to de-
them are reluctant to speak English. termine the “truth” of people’s per-
This research is done at SMPN 1 ceptions, the purpose of corroboration
Kalasan, Yogyakarta. It is not the only is to help researchers increase their
public school in Sleman Regency. As understanding and probability that this
the standard school, SMPN 1 Kalasan finding will be seen as credible or
has a good reputation in the National worthy of consideration by others”.
Examination. Through triangulation “ we can build
The researcher appreciates its on the strengths of each type of data
achievement and wants to analyze the collection while minimizing the
teaching speaking process in SMPN 1 weakness in any single approach”
Kalasan. It is widely known that their (Supriyono 2012 : 241). In this
teaching of English speaking is good research, the researcher uses Miles
and effective. The researcher is inte- and Huberman’s model of the data
rested in how SMPN 1 can gain this analysis (1994) which consists of
prestigious achievement. The achieve- qualitative data Analysis, data co-
ment is beyond the government llection, data reduction, and con-
standard. clusion. Data collection means that the
Later, the author would researcher collects the data from
describe about the Technique of Data observation, field notes, in depth
Collection. In this research, the interview, and documentation. All
researcher uses some techniques. They data are collected during the research.
are : speaking test, observation, field Data reduction means the selection of
note, interview, and documentation. significant data and the trash of
rubbish data.
Harsono, Developing Speaking Competence----- 7

Later, the researcher would like to describe the progress data which
are represented by the data from 8F class. She did the research and
presented the data of the first and the second observations in the class of 8F.

a. Speaking Students Competence of 8F class (Mrs. TTW M.Pd).

First Observation
Name of
Pronunciation Grammar Fluency Vocabulary
Pipin 1 1 1 1
Ririn 1 1 1 1
Via 2 1 1 2
Ervin 2 1 1 2
Tobias 3 2 3 2
Amanda 3 2 3 2
Second Observation
Name of Pronunciation Grammar Fluency
students Vocabulary
Pipin 2 1 2 2
Ririn 2 1 2 2
Via 3 2 3 3
Ervin 3 2 3 3
Tobias 4 3 4 3
Amanda 4 3 4 3

The low level of class 8F consists of: Pipin and Ririn.

During the first observation, vation, the researcher finds that Pipin
the researcher finds that Pipin and and Ririn get score 2 in pronunciation,
Ririn get score 1 in all aspects of 1 in grammar, 2 in both fluency and
speaking. This data show to the re- vocabulary. This data show to the
searcher that they are so weak in the researcher that they have made a
four aspects of speaking. They speak substantial progress. In the three
very slow, stumbled with long pause, aspects (pronunciation, fluency, and )
neglected grammar and lacked of they get another score making it two.
vocabulary. In short, they show limited progress to
During the second obser- the researcher.

The middle level of class 8F consists of: Via and Ervin.

At the first observation, the grammar but in the other aspects of
researcher finds that Via and Ervin get speaking they get score 2 or fair level.
two score in pronunciation, score 1 in They speak very slowly, stumbled
grammar and score 2 in both fluency with not so long pause, neglecting
and vocabulary. This data show to the grammar, lacking of vocabulary .
researcher that they are quite weak in
6 Tahuri, Volume 15, Nomor 1, Pebruari 2018

At the second observation, the progress. In the three aspects

researcher finds that Via and Ervin get (pronunciation, fluency, and
score 3 in pronunciation , score 2 in vocabulary) they make substantial
grammar and three score in both progress from score 2 to score 3. In
fluency and vocabulary. This data brief, they perform a step forward in
show that they have made some progress.
The top level of 8F class consists of : Tobias and Amanda.

At the first observation, the have made a substantial progress in

researcher finds that Tobias and all aspects. In brief, the students of this
Amanda get score 3 in both fluency top level perform a substantial
and pronunciation, 2 in both grammar progress.
and vocabulary aspects . This data To conclude this section, it is
show to the researcher that they are found that Mrs. TTW applies the
quite good in both pronunciation and technique of imitating and repeating.
fluency but they get fair score in both The students who come from low,
grammar and vocabulary. middle and top level speaking
At the second observation, the competence perform well. The
researcher finds that Tobias and researcher finds the progress from the
Amanda get 4 in both pronunciation student reports taken at the first and
and fluency, 3 in both grammar and second observation.
vocabulary. This data show that they

Based on this research, the and repeating process. After the
students are assumed to have weak students understand their mistakes,
ability in grammar ; it is confirmed by they imitate the teacher’s pronun-
the fact that none of the students get ciation and repeat many times until
excellent scores. But, they have better they can pronounce appropriately. It is
scores in pronunciation and fluency found that the low, middle and top
meaning that there are some top level level students can improve their ability
students who get excellent score. by using these techniques.
There is none who get excellent or This research finds that prac-
poor score meaning that they are of ticing and doing role playing are
average level. appropriate for correcting wrong gra-
In this research, English teach- mmar. When the students understand
ers in SMP Negeri 1 can develop their mistake strong, the teachers ask
students speaking competence by them to practice many times to speak
using some techniques. The techniques in good grammar and later to have a
are imitating, repeating, practicing, role play to improve their speaking
role playing, making dialogue and ability. It is found that low, middle and
questions—answers process. The re- top level speaking students can
searcher learns that imitating and improve their speaking competence by
repeating techniques are appropriate using these techniques.
for correcting wrong pronunciation. The researcher finds that
These techniques stresses on imitating making dialogue and questions-answer
Harsono, Developing Speaking Competence----- 7

process are appropriate for improving scale from usual to better. It is not the
vocabulary. While the students nominal that matters but the student’s
develop their conversation into a more progress of English learning that
interactive communication, they need concerns : it is because the researcher
to add new more vocabulary in order took Qualitative research.
to make the conversation longer, wider Based on the conclusion, the
and deeper. In this learning process the researcher proposes the following
teacher can support them some new suggestions that can help the English
ideas. It is found that low, middle and teachers in teaching learning process:
top level speaking students can 1. As English teachers, we should use
improve their speaking competence by these teaching techniques in
using these techniques. teaching speaking learning process
The following is the answer to in order to increase the student’s
the two questions contained in the speaking competence. The
Problem Formulation, the researcher techniques are imitating, repeating,
tries to provide. practicing, role playing, making
First, this research is suitable dialogue and questions—answers
for eight grade students of SMP process. Because it is proven,
Negeri 1 Kalasan. They have good using these techniques can answer
ability in English to develop from poor the difficulties in teaching
to fair level. These techniques are speaking learning process.
supposed to encourage the students 2. For the students, it is important to
develop their ability in English from apply these techniques to improve
fair to good level,and then from good their speaking competence. The
to excellent level. Concisely, the students need to practice seriously
students of SMP Negeri 1 Kalasan are their speaking competence from
able to develop in all levels, from fair low to middle, then from middle to
until excellent level. high level, till they can speak
Second, this research finds that English appropriately.
the teachers apply the six techniques. 3. For other researchers, the
The techniques are imitating, repeating, researcher realizes that this
practicing, role playing, making research is yet perfect. Therefore,
dialogue and questions—answers the researcher suggests to the other
process. These techniques are researchers to conduct similar
appropriate to improve the student’s research to develop the student’s
skills in English. In fact the researcher speaking competence.
can show the data of the student’s rate

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