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Strategic reveiw Structured process to identify new value-creating opportunities within a

business. It is Needed to do what is called review,for example the company needed
strategic review because strategic reveiw is the code of the company if it is no compare
with the farmer year And the current, it’s more risk on compa ny.

And the Benefit of strategic review to do the Employees hard work and they compete to each
other, so every person wants to keep the rules of the company and the main reaso that is to do
strategic reveiw is to be core core competencies. Strategy evaluation can be a complex and
sensitive undertaking. Too much emphasis on Evaluating strategies may be expensive and
counterproductive. No one likes to be evaluated too Closely! The more managers attempt to
evaluate the behavior of others, the less control they have. An the Importance of organizations
face dynamic environments which Key external and internal factors often change quickly and
dramatically.Trends of strategic evaluation: 1. the increasing difficulty of predicting the future
with accuracy 2. the increasing number of variables 3. the rapid rate of obsolescence of even the
best plans. And the main benefits of strategic evaluation and control they provide direction, the
right direction.Strategy-evaluation processes should be designed to provide a true picture of what
is happening. For example, in a severe economic downturn, productivity and profitability ratios
may drop alarmingly, although employees and managers are actually working harder. Strategy
evaluations should Fairly portray this type of situation. Information derived from the strategy-
evaluation process should Facilitate action and should be directed to those individuals in the
organization who need to take Action based on it. Managers commony ignore evaluative reports
that are provided only for informational purposes; not all managers need to receive all
reports.Controls need to be action-oriented Rather than information-oriented. The strategy-
evaluation process should not do minatedecisions; it Should foster mutual understanding, trust,
and common sense. barn Evaluating strategies on a continuous rather than on a periodic basis
allows benchmarks of Progress to be established and more effectively monitored. Some
strategies take years to implement; consequently.And strategic evaluation and control iso to
determine what to control, Meansuring perfomance and then comparing performance. the term
strategic control processes iso To allow managers to evaluate company’s marketing program
from critical long-term prospective.strategic Evaluations help determine what works well and
what could be improved in aprogram or initiative.And the Criteria for evaluating strategies
should be measurable and easily verifiable.program or initiative.And the Criteria for evaluating
strategies should be measurable and easily verifiable.

2. Some details of strategic evaluation Analyzing astrategy to assess how well it’sbeen
implemented and executed . Also A strategy evaluation is an internal analysis tool and should be
used as part of a broader strategic analysis for the organization when making decisions about
your strategy. and criteria used for strategic evaluation should be measurable and easily
verifiable. creteria to evaluate strategic evaluation acceptability, suitability and result. MethodS
or techniques of strategic evaluation swot analysis, gap analysis and value chain analysis. Swot
Analysis helps the business determine its strengths 💪 weaknesses opportunities and threats.

3.three Activities that comprise strategy evaluation: (1) examining the underlying bases of a
firm’s strategy, (2) comparing expected results with actual results, and (3) taking corrective
actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans. Examinning the under lying bases of firms
strategy: creating a unique and valuable market position making trade offs by choosing what not
to do, and creating fit by aligning company activities to with one another to support the chosen.
Comparing expects results: Another important strategy evaluation activity is measuring
organizational performance. This activity includes comparing expected results to actual results,
investigating deviations from plans, evaluating individual performance, and examining progress
being made toward meeting stated objectives. Both long-term and annual objectives are
commonly used in this process. Criteria for evaluating strategies should be measurable and easily
verifiable. Criteria that predict results may be more important than those that reveal what already
has happened. For example, rather than simply being informed that sales in the last quarter were
20 percent under what was expected, strategists need to know that sales in the next quarter may
be 20 percent below standard unless some action is taken to counter the trend. Really effective
control requires accurate forecasting. Taking corrective Actions: The final strategy-evaluation
activity, taking corrective actions, requires making changes to competitively reposition a firm for
the future.
4. Characteristics of effective evaluation : 1.Strategy evaluation process or measures should be
meaningful. These should specifically relate to the objectives/targets and the plan. There
should be clear focus and no ambiguity.

2. Strategy evaluation and control process should be economical. This means that the process
should not be made unnecessarily elaborate and incurs too much cost on evaluation itself.

3. The evaluation process should conform to a proper time dimension for control and
information retrieval or dissemination. Time dimension of control should coincide with the time
span of the activity or the implementation phase. Also, information on developments or
feedback should be timely to make evaluation and control more appropriate.

4. Strategy evaluation system should give a true picture of what is actually happening. The
objective of evaluation is not fault finding. Sometimes, performance may be overshadowed by
external factors or the environment. For example, during a severe slump in economic/business
activity, productivity and profitability may decline in spite of best efforts by the managers to
implement strategy.

5.Strategy evaluation process should not dominate or curb decisions; it should promote mutual
understanding, trust and common cause. All functional and operational areas should cooperate
with each other in evaluating and controlling strategies. Strategy evaluation process should be
simple and not too complex.

5. The meaning of Auditing :Systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating Evidence
regarding, assertions about economic actions and events, to ascertain the degree of
correspondence between these assertions and established criteria. And the Role Ouditing in
strategic evaluation: ensuring that the company’s goals, plans, and policies do not conflict with
its strategic decisions, through the testing and evaluation processes for the internal and
external environment of the company.

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