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Demonstratio Mathematica 2023; 56: 20220212

Research Article

Miguel Vivas-Cortez*, Martin Patricio Árciga, Juan Carlos Najera, and

Jorge Eliecer Hernández

On some conformable boundary value

problems in the setting of a new generalized
conformable fractional derivative
received October 17, 2021; accepted February 16, 2023

Abstract: The fundamental objective of this article is to investigate about the boundary value problem with
the uses of a generalized conformable fractional derivative introduced by Zarikaya et al. (On generalized the
conformable calculus, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. 9 (2019), no. 4, 792–799,
articles/ In the development of the this article, by using classical methods of fractional
calculus, we find a definition of the generalized fractional Wronskian according to the fractional differential
operator defined by Zarikaya, a fractional version of the Sturm-Picone theorem, and in addition, the stability
criterion given by the Hyers-Ulam theorem is studied with the use of the aforementioned fractional derivatives.

Keywords: conformable fractional derivatives, boundary value problems, Sturm-Picone theorem

MSC 2020: 26A33, 34B08

1 Introduction
In 1965, L’Hopital gave the preliminary definition of the idea of fractional derivative. Since then, several
related new definitions have been proposed. The most common ones are the Riemann-Liouville and Caputo
definitions. For more information about the most known fractional definitions, we refer to [1–3].
The so-called fractional calculus has had a wide expansion, both from the theoretical and the applied
point of view. In either case, the classical (global) fractional derivative has been used in differential
equations, but in the case of local fractional derivatives, this type of research is very limited.
It is known that from 1960, certain differential operators have appeared which are called local fractional
derivatives. It is not until 2014 that Khalil et al. introduced in [4] a local derivative (conformable)
f (t + εt 1 − α ) − f (t )
Tα f (t ) = lim
ε→0 ε
and in 2015 Abdeljawad [5] introduced a slight modification

* Corresponding author: Miguel Vivas-Cortez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y
Naturales, Escuela de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Av. 12 de Octubre 1076, Apartado: 17-01-2184, Quito 170143, Ecuador,
Martin Patricio Árciga: Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico,
Juan Carlos Najera: Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico,
Jorge Eliecer Hernández: Departamento de Técnicas Cuantitativas, Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, Decanato de
Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Edf. Los Militares, Ofc. 2, ZP: 3001, Barquisimeto, Venezuela,

Open Access. © 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
2  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

f (t + ε (t − a)1 − α) − f (t )
Tαaf (t ) = lim .
ε→0 ε
In 2018, Nápoles Valdés et al. [6] introduced a definition of a nonconformable fractional derivative, denoted
by NFα , with very good properties, and defined by
f (t + εF (t , α)) − f (t )
NFαf (t ) = lim ,
ε→0 ε
where F (t , α) is an absolutely continuous function depending on t > 0 and α ∈ (0, 1]. Also in 2019, Abreu-
Blaya et al. [7] introduced a generalized conformable fractional derivative
1 ⌈α⌉
GTαf (t ) = lim ∑ (−1)k ⎛ ⎞f (t − khT (t , α)),
h→0 h⌈α⌉ k = 0 ⎝ k ⎠

and in 2020, Fleitas et al. [8] gave a note on this generalized conformable derivative. These definitions have
properties suitable to that of the classical Riemman derivative with a better behavior than the classical
fractional derivatives when used in different fields of application. To solve a given fractional problem, the
question arises as to what type of fractional operator should be considered, since there are several different
definitions of fractional derivative in the literature and the choice depends on the problem under
It can be seen from those articles that use the Riemann-Liouville or Caputo fractional derivative and the
corresponding definitions of the conformable derivatives that there is a quantitative and qualitative differ-
ence between the two types of operators, local and global [9]. Conformable fractional derivatives are new
tools that have demonstrated their usefulness and potential in the modeling of different processes and
As a result, several important elements of the mathematical analysis of functions of a real variable have
been formulated, such as chain rule, fractional power series expansion and fractional integration by parts
formulas, Rolle’s theorem, and mean value theorem [10]. The conformable partial derivative of the order
α ∈ (0, 1] of the real-valued functions of several variables and conformable gradient vector are also defined.
In addition, a conformable version of Clairaut’s theorem for partial derivative is investigated in [11]. In [12],
the conformable version of Euler’s theorem on homogeneous equations is introduced. Furthermore, in a
short time, various research studies have been conducted on the theory and applications of fractional
differential equations and fractional integral inequalities in the context of this newly introduced fractional
derivative [13–28].
In the literature, some problems related to the classical and fractional differential equations and
stability criteria have been published [29–34].
With the motivation given by the aforementioned works, in this research article, we focus on the
boundary value problems using a new definition of conformable fractional derivative. We have organized
our present document in a subsection of preliminary knowledge, a section of main results where we define
the Wronskian from the perspective of the conformable derivative defined in the preliminaries, some basic
properties, and we proceed to deal with a conformable version of the conformable Sturm-Picone second-
order conformable identity, establish generalized conformable Sturm-Liouville comparison and separation
theorems, construct the Green’s function and study its properties, and then prove the generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability of conformable nonhomogeneous linear differential equations with homogeneous boundary
conditions. Also we include conclusions respect to the obtained results.

1.1 Preliminaries

In [35, Definition 2.1], a generalized conformable fractional derivative was defined, and some properties are
On some conformable boundary value problems  3

Definition 1.1. Let f : [a , b] →  be a function and 0 ≤ a < b. Then the (α, a)-conformable derivative of f
of order α is defined by
f (t + εt −α(t − a)) − f (t )
Daα( f )(t ) = lim (1)
ε→0 ε (1 − at −α )

for all t > a, α ∈ (0, 1). If this limit exists, then it will be said that the function f is (α, a)-differentiable at the
point t .

Remark 1.1. Note that if a = 0, then this generalized conformable derivative coincides with that proposed in
[4], i.e., D0α( f )(t ) = Tα f (t ).

Theorem 1.1. Let α ∈ (0, 1] and h , g be α -differentiable at a point t > a . Then,

(1) Daα(uh + vg )(t ) = uDaαh(t ) + vDaαg (t ) for all u , v ∈  ,
(2) Daα(hg )(t ) = h(t )Daαg (t ) + g (t )Daαh(t ),
(3) Daα ( )(t ) =
h(t )Daαg (t ) − g (t )Daαh(t )
g 2 (t )
(4) Daα(c ) = 0 for all constant functions h(t ) = c ,
(5) Daα(h ∘ g )(t ) = h′(g (t ))Dαag (t ), if h is differentibale at g (t ).
(6) If, in addition, h is differentiable then Daαh(t ) = tα − a
h′(t ), for t α ≠ a.

Also some (α, a)-fractional conformable derivatives for several classic functions are established.

Theorem 1.2. Let α ∈ (0, 1], t > a , t α ≠ a, and c, n ∈  . Then we have the following results:
(1) Daα(t n) = tα − a
nt n − 1,
c (t − a)
(2) Daα(e ct ) = t α − a e ct ,
c (t − a)
(3) Daα(sin(ct )) = t α − a cos(ct ),
−c (t − a)
(4) Daα(cos(ct )) = t α − a sin(ct ).

In the recently cited work, some important results for the calculation were also established for
(α, a)-conformable differentiable functions: the continuity of a function at a point from its conformable
differentiability in it, Rolle’s theorem, and the mean value and extended mean value theorems.
Also it was introduced a definition of (α, a)-conformable fractional integral and some properties

Definition 1.2. Let α ∈ (0, 1) and 0 ≤ a < b. A function f : [a , b] → R is (α, a)-conformable fractional
integrable on [a , b] if the integral
b b
∫ f (x )dαax = ∫ xx −− aa f (x )dx (2)
a a

exists and is finite. The set of all (α, a)-conformable fractional integrable functions is denoted by
L(1α, a)([a , b]). The (α, a)-conformable fractional integral operator is defined by
t t
 (α, a)f (t ) = ∫ f (x )dαax = ∫ xx −− aa f (x )dx,
a a

where the integral is the usual Riemann improper integral. When the lower bound of the integral is any
number c > a then we use the notation
4  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

t t
 (cα, a)f (t ) = ∫ f (x )dαax = ∫ xx −− aa f (x )dx.
c c

It was observed [35, Theorem 3.1 and 3.2] that

Daα( (α, a)f )(t ) = f (t )

 (α, a)(Daαf )(t ) = f (t ) − f (a) .

Theorem 1.3. Let α ∈ (0, 1] and 0 ≤ a < b. Let f , g : [a , b] →  be continuous functions. Then
(1)  (α, a)(λf ± γg )(t ) = λ  (α, a)f (t ) ± γ  (α, a)g (t ) for λ , γ ∈  ,
(2)  (α, a)f (a) = 0,
(3) if f (t ) ≥ 0 for all t ∈ [a , b], then  (α, a)f (b) ≥ 0,
(4)  (α, a)f (b) =  (α, a)f (c ) +  c(α, a)f (b) for any c ∈ (a , b),
(5) ∫b f (x )daαx = − (α, a)f (b),
(6) ∣ (α, a)f (b)∣ ≤  (α, a)∣f ∣(b) for x α > a.

2 Main results
Next, we give the following definition of an (α, a)-Wronskian and (α, a)-conformable partial derivative.

Definition 2.1. Let f , g be two (α, a)-differentiable functions on [a , b] with α ∈ (0, 1]. Then we set the
Waα( f , g )(t ) = f (t )Daαg (t ) − g (t )Dαaf (t ) .

Definition 2.2. Let f : D ⊂ n →  be a real valued function defined on an open set D ⊂ n and
c = (c1, ⋯ ,cn) ∈ D . If the following limit exists
f (c1, ⋯ ,ci + εci−α(ci − ai ) , ⋯ ,cn) − f (c1, ⋯ ,cn)
lim ,
ε→0 ε (1 − aici1 − α )

then it is denoted by
∂(α, a)f
(c )

and is called the (α, a)-conformable fractional partial derivative of f at c .

2.1 Generalized fractional conformable Sturm-Picone’s theorem

We will focus on the following second-order fractional differential equation given by

Daα(Daαf (t )) + p(t )Daαf (t ) + q (t )f (t ) = 0, (3)

where p and q are continuous functions, α ∈ (0, 1]. Let us remember that two functions φ1 and φ2 are
linearly dependent if there exists c1, c2 ∈  with ∣c1∣ + ∣c2∣ > 0 such that c1φ1 + c2φ2 ≡ 0; otherwise, they are
linearly independent.
On some conformable boundary value problems  5

Lemma 2.1. Let φ1 and φ2 be two solutions of the fractional differential equation (3) in the interval I and
Waα(φ1 , φ2 ) is a differentiable function on I. Then the fractional (α, a)-Wronskian of φ1 , φ2 of order α ∈ (0, 1]
has the form
− ∫t p(s)dαas
Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) = e 0 Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t0)

for all t0 ∈ I.

Proof. Let φ1 and φ2 be two solutions of (3), and some t0 ∈ [a , b]. Then, by an application of the operator Daα
to Waα(φ1 , φ2 ), we obtain
Daα(Waα(φ1 , φ2 ))(t ) = Daα(φ1(t )Daαφ2 (t ) − φ2 (t )Daαφ1(t ))
= Daαφ1(t )Daαφ2 (t ) + φ1(t )Daα(Daαφ2 (t )) − Daαφ2 (t )Daαφ1(t ) − φ2 (t )Daα(Daαφ1(t ))
= φ1(t )Daα(Daαφ2 (t )) − φ2 (t )Daα(Daαφ1(t )) .

By using (3), we have

Daα(Daαφ1(t )) = −p(t )Daαφ1(t ) − q (t )φ1(t )

Daα(Daαφ2 (t )) = −p(t )Daαφ2 (t ) − q (t )φ2 (t ) .

Daα(Waα(φ1 , φ2 ))(t ) = φ1(t )( −p(t )Daαφ2 (t ) − q (t )φ2 (t )) − φ2 (t )( −p(t )Daαφ1(t ) − q (t )φ1(t ))
= − φ1(t )p(t )Daαφ2 (t ) + φ2 (t )p(t )Daαφ1(t )
= − p(t )Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) ,

Daα(Waα(φ1 , φ2 ))(t )
= − p (t ) .
Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t )
By using the fact of Daαf (t ) = tα − a
f ′ (t ) , then we have
t − a (Waα )′
Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) = −p(t ) ,
t α − a (φ1 , φ2 )(t )

Waα(φ , φ )(t ) ⎞ α
ln ⎛⎜ α 1 2 ⎟ = ∫ −(s s−−aa)p(s) ds
⎝ Wa (φ1 , φ2 )(t0) ⎠ t0
(sα − a)p(s)
− ∫t s−a ds
⇒ Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) = e 0 Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t0)
− ∫t p(s)dαas
⇒ Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) = e 0 Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t0 )□ □

The following equivalent condition of linear independence can be obtained from Lemma 2.1 using the
classical method.

Theorem 2.1. Two solutions φ1 and φ2 of the fractional differential equation (3) defined on an interval I are
linearly independent if and only if Waα(φ1 , φ2 )(t ) ≠ 0 for all t ∈ I .

To continue this study, we introduce the following self-adjoint fractional differential equation of Sturm-
6  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

−Daα[ p1(t )Daαx (t )] + p0 (t )x (t ) = 0, (4)

−Daα[q1(t )Daαy (t )] + q0(t )y (t ) = 0, (5)

where p1 , p0 , q1, q0, Daαx , and Daαy are continuous functions on some closed interval I ⊂ [0, +∞), and p1 and
q1 are positive on I .

Theorem 2.2. If x , y , and p1 (t )Daαx (t ) , q1(t )Daαy (t ) are Daα -differentiable for t ∈ I and y (t ) ≠ 0, then we obtain

x (t )
Daα⎡ ( p1(t )y (t )Daαx (t ) − q1(t )x (t )Daαy (t ))⎤

⎣ y ( t ) ⎥

x 2 (t ) α x (t ) α
= x (t )Daα( p1(t )Daαx (t )) − Da (q1(t )Daαy (t )) + ( p1(t ) − q1(t ))(Daαx (t ))2 + q1(t )⎛⎜Daαx (t ) − Da y (t )⎟⎞ .
y (t ) ⎝ y ( t ) ⎠

Proof. After a straightforward Daα -differentiation, it follows the desired result. □

Theorem 2.3. Let a and b with 0 ≤ a < b be two consecutive zeroes of a nontrivial solution φ(t ) of (4).
Suppose that
(i ) 0 < q1(t ) ≤ p1 (t ) and (ii ) q0(t ) ≤ p0 (t )

for all t ∈ [a , b]. Then, every solution χ (t ) of (5) has at least one zero in [a , b].

Proof. If φ(t ) and χ (t ) are solutions of (4) and (5), respectively, and χ (t ) ≠ 0 for all. Then by substitution of
these solutions and an applications of the algebraic properties of Daα , we have the Picone’s identity

φ (t )
Daα⎡ ( p1(t )χ (t )Daαφ(t ) − q1(t )φ(t )Daαχ (t ))⎤ = ( p0(t ) − q0(t ))(x (t ))2 + ( p1(t ) − q1(t ))(Daαφ(t ))2

⎣ χ (t ) ⎥

φ (t ) α
+ q1(t )⎜⎛Daαφ(t ) − Da χ (t )⎟⎞ .
⎝ χ (t ) ⎠
Then, by taking the (α, a)-integrating over [a , b], we have
b 2
φ (t ) α
∫⎡⎢( p0(t ) − q0(t ))(φ(t ))2 + ( p1(t ) − q1(t ))(Daαφ(t ))2 + q1(t )⎛Daαφ(t ) − ⎜
χ (t )

Da χ (t )⎟⎞ ⎥dαat
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
a (7)
φ (t )
= ( p1(t )χ (t )Daαφ(t ) − q1(t )φ(t )Daαχ (t )) .
χ (t ) a

Since φ(a) = φ(b) = 0 and χ (t ) ≠ 0 in [a , b], then the right-hand side side of 7 equals to zero. Also, since
q1(t ) > 0, then the third term in the integral is nonnegative, so we must have either
φ (t ) α
(i ) Daαφ(t ) − Da χ (t ) ≡ 0
χ (t )

φ 2 (t ) α
(ii ) ∫⎡⎢φ(t )Daα( p1(t )Daαφ(t )) − χ (t )
Da (q1(t )Daαχ (t )) + ( p1(t ) − q1(t ))(Daαφ(t ))2 ⎤dαat < 0.

⎣ ⎦

In case (ii), we have contradiction because q1(t ) ≤ p1 (t ) and q0(t ) ≤ p0 (t ). From case (i), we observe that
φ (t ) α
Daαφ(t ) − Da χ (t ) = 0
χ (t )

implies that
On some conformable boundary value problems  7

χ (t )Daαφ(t ) − φ(t )Daα(t ) = 0.

This means that φ(t ) = kχ (t ) for some k ≠ 0 on [a , b], which implies that χ (a) = χ (b) = 0; thus,
obtaining a contradiction. □

Theorem 2.4. Let 0 ≤ a < b be two consecutive zeros of a nontrivial solution φ(t ) of equation (4). Let χ (t ) be
any other solution of equation (4), which is linearly independent of φ(t ). Then, χ (t ) has exactly one zero in the
interval (a , b). In other words, the zeros of any two linearly independent solutions of (4) are interlaced.

Proof. Suppose that χ (t ) ≠ 0 for all t ∈ (a , b) . Since φ and χ are linearly independent, we have that
χ (a) ≠ 0, and otherwise, we would have
Waα(φ , χ )(t ) = φ(t )Daαχ (t ) − χ (t )Daαφ(t ) = 0,

and therefore, φ and χ would be linearly dependent, contrary to our supposition. For the same
reason, χ (d ) ≠ 0.
If q1(t ) ≡ p1 (t ) and q0(t ) ≡ p0 (t ) from (6), we have
b 2 b
φ (t ) α φ (t )
∫ p1 (t )⎛⎜Daαφ(t ) − Da χ (t )⎟⎞ dαat = ( p1(t )χ (t )Daαφ(t ) − q1(t )φ(t )Daαχ (t )) . (8)
⎝ χ ( t ) ⎠ χ ( t ) a

Since a and b are zeroes of φ, χ (a) ≠ 0, and χ (b) ≠ 0, then the right-hand side of (8) evaluates to zero. Also
we have that p1 (t ) > 0 and the kernel (t α − a) / (t − a) > 0, then it must be that
φ (t ) α
Daαφ(t ) − Da χ (t ) ≡ 0
χ (t )

for all t ∈ [a , b], from which we obtain that

Waα(φ , χ )(t ) ≡ 0 for all t ∈ [a , b].

Hence, φ and χ are be linearly dependent on (a , b) contrary to the supposition. □

2.2 Green’s function study

In this section, we consider the conformable Sturm-Liouville system

⎧ Daα( p(t )Daαf (t )) + (λρ(t ) − q (t ))f (t ) = 0

β f (a) + β2 Daαf (a) = 0 (9)
⎨ 1
⎪ γ1 f (b) + γ2Daαf (b) = 0,

with ∣β1∣ + ∣β2 ∣ ≠ 0, ∣γ1∣ + ∣γ2∣ ≠ 0, p , q , and ρ continuous functions on [a , b], where 0 ≤ a < b, such that
ρ(t ) , p(t ) > 0 for all t ∈ [a , b].

Definition 2.3. Let Q denote the square [a , b] × [a , b] in the tε -plane. A function G α(t , ε ) defined in Q is
called a conformable Green’s function of the Sturm-Liouville system given by (9), if it has the following
(1) The function G α(t , ε ) is continuous in Q .
(2) Let ε ∈ (a , b) be fixed. Then G α(t , ε ) has continuous (α, a)-conformable partial derivatives of first and
second order with respect to the variable x, if t ≠ ε , and it satisfies
∂(α, a) α + ∂(α, a) α − 1
G ( ε , ε ) − α
G (ε , ε ) = − .
∂t ∂t p (ε )
8  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

(3) Let ε ∈ (a , b) be fixed. Then G α(t , ε ) have left and right conformable partial derivatives:
∂(α, a)
( p(t )DaαG α(t , ε )) + (λρ(t ) − q (t ))G α(t , ε ) = 0.
∂t α
(4) Let ε ∈ (a , b) be fixed. Then G α(t , ε ) satisfies the initial conditions in (9).

Lemma 2.2. Let φ1 and φ2 be two solutions of (9) that verify the first initial condition. Then, φ1 and φ2 are
linearly dependent.

Proof. Since ∣β1∣ + ∣β2 ∣ ≠ 0, we have

β1φ1(a) + β2 Daαφ1(a) = 0,

β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a) = 0,

and therefore, Waα(φ1 , φ2 ) = 0. □

Lemma 2.3. Let φ1 and φ2 be two solutions of (9) that verify the second condition. Then, φ1 and φ2 are linearly

Proof. Similar to the proof of Lemma 2.2. □

Theorem 2.5. The system given by (9) has no Green’s function if λ is an eigenvalue.

Proof. Let φ1 an eigenfunction of the system given by (9). Let φ2 be a solution of the fractional differential
equation linearly independent of φ1 . From Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 we have that φ2 does not satisfy the initial
conditions in the system.
We know that G α(t , ε ) satisfy the fractional differential equation in (9) over the intervals [a , ε ) and (ε, b],
and so, it has the form

⎧ A1 (ε )φ1(t ) + A2 (ε )φ2 (t ) , t ∈ [a , ε )
G α (t , ε ) =
⎨ B1(ε )φ1(t ) + B2 (ε )φ2 (t ) , t ∈ (ε, b],

and also the function G α(t , ε ) fulfills the condition 4 in Definition 2.3, so
β1(A1 (ε )φ1(a) + A2 (ε )φ2 (a)) + β2 (A1 (ε )Daαφ1(a) + A2 (ε )Daαφ2 (a)) = 0
γ1(B1(ε )φ1(b) + B2 (ε )φ2 (b)) + γ2 (B1(ε )Daαφ1(b) + B2 (ε )Daαφ2 (b)) = 0.

Since φ1 fulfill the initial conditions, then

A2 (ε )(β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a)) = 0
B2 (ε )(γ1φ2 (b) + γ2Daαφ2 (b)) = 0.

On the contrary, if
β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a) ≠ 0
γ1φ2 (b) + γ2Daαφ2 (b) ≠ 0,

so A2 (ε ) = 0 in [a , ε ) and B2 (ε ) = 0 in (ε, b]. From here, we can write

⎧ A1 (ε )φ1(t ) , t ∈ [a , ε )
G α (t , ε ) =
⎨ B1(ε )φ1(t ) , t ∈ (ε, b].

Since G α(t , ε ) is a continuous function, we have
lim G α(t , ε ) = A1 (ε )φ1(ε ) = lim+ G α(t , ε ) = B1(ε )φ1(ε ) ,
t → ε− t→ε
On some conformable boundary value problems  9

which implies that A1 (ε ) = B1(ε ) in (c, d ); therefore,

∂(α, a) α + ∂(α, a) α −
G (ε , ε ) − G (ε , ε ) = 0,
∂t ∂t α
which contradicts condition 2 in Definition 2.3. □

Theorem 2.6. System given by (9) has one and only one Green’s Function if λ is not an eigenvalue.

Proof. Let φ1 and φ2 be two solutions of the considered system such that
φ1(a) = β2 , Daαφ1(a) = −β1 , φ2 (b) = γ2, Daαφ2 (b) = −γ1.

Since ∣β1∣ + ∣β2 ∣ ≠ 0, ∣γ1∣ + ∣γ2∣ ≠ 0, φ1(t ), and φ2 (t ) are no null, they also satisfy the initial conditions,
These solutions are linearly independent, since otherwise it would be
φ1(t ) = δφ2 (t ) , for some δ ≠ 0.

Therefore, we have
γ1φ1(b) + γ2Daαφ1(b) = δ (γ1φ2 (b) + γ2Daαφ2 (b)) = 0,

which would imply that φ1 fulfills the initial conditions, but this is not possible because φ1 is not an
Reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 2.5, we have that

⎧ A1 (ε )φ1(t ) + A2 (ε )φ2 (t ) , t ∈ [a , ε )
G α (t , ε ) =
⎨ B1(ε )φ1(t ) + B2 (ε )φ2 (t ) , t ∈ (ε, b],

and knowing that G α(t , ε ) fulfill the condition 4 in Definition 2.3, it follows that
β1(A1 (ε )φ1(a) + A2 (ε )φ2 (a)) + β2 (A1 (ε )Daαφ1(a) + A2 (ε )Daαφ2 (a)) = 0,
γ1(B1(ε )φ1(b) + B2 (ε )φ2 (b)) + γ2 (B1(ε )Daαφ1(b) + B2 (ε )Daαφ2 (b)) = 0,

and it can be reduced to

A2 (ε )(β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a)) = 0,
B1(ε )(γ1φ1(b) + γ2Daαφ1(b)) = 0,

and since φ1 and φ2 are not eigenfunctions, we have that

β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a) ≠ 0,
γ1φ1(b) + γ2Daαφ1(b) ≠ 0,

and then A2 (ε ) = 0 and B1(ε ) = 0 in (a , b).

By conditions 1 and 2 in Definition 2.3, we have
A1 (ε )φ1(ε ) + B2 (ε )φ2 (ε ) = 0,
A1 (ε )Daαφ1(ε ) + B2 (ε )Daαφ2 (ε ) = ,
p (ε )

which allows us to calculate the following:

−φ2 (ε )
A1 (ε ) = ,
p(ε )[φ1(ε )Da φ2 (ε ) − φ2 (ε )Daαφ1(ε )]

φ1(ε )
B 2 (ε ) = α
p(ε )[φ1(ε )Da φ2 (ε ) − φ2 (ε )Daαφ1(ε )]
10  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

Note that the expression φ1(ε )Daαφ2 (ε ) − φ2 (ε )Daαφ1(ε ) is the α -Wronskian of two linearly independent solu-
tions of (9), so it is not zero.
Now, given the following
Daα( p(t )Daαφ1(t )) + (λρ(t ) − q (t ))φ1(t ) = 0,
Daα( p(t )Daαφ2 (t )) + (λρ(t ) − q (t ))φ2 (t ) = 0,

by multiplying the first equation by φ2 , the second by φ1, and subtracting, we have
φ2 (t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ1(t )) − φ1(t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ2 (t )) = 0. (10)

Note that

φ2 (t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ1(t )) + ( p(t )Daαφ1)Daαφ2t − ( p(t )Daαφ1)Daαφ2 t − φ1(t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ2 (t )) + ( p(t )Daαφ2 )Daαφ1t
− ( p(t )Daαφ2 )Daαφ2t = 0,

it follows that
Daα( p(t )φ2Daα(t )φ1(t )) − Daα( p(t )φ1Daα(t )φ2 (t )) = 0,

Daα( p(t )φ2Daα(t )φ1(t ) − p(t )φ1Daα(t )φ2 (t )) = 0,

and hence, p(ε )[φ2 (ε )Daαφ1(ε ) − φ1(ε )Daαφ2 (ε )] is a constant K that does not depend on ε. Then we can define

⎧ 1 φ1(t )φ2 (ε ) , a ≤ t < ε

G α (x , y ) = K
⎪ K φ1(ε )φ2 (t ) , ε < t ≤ b.

This conformable Green’s function satisfies the conditions 1–4 in Definition 2.3. The uniqueness of this
function is easily deduced from the method that we have followed to determine G α(x , y ). □

2.3 The applicability of conformable Green’s function

In this section, we consider the system

⎧ Daα( p(t )Daαf (t )) − q (t )f (t ) = 0

β f (a) + β2 Daαf (a) = 0 (11)
⎨ 1
⎪ γ1 f (b) + γ2Daαf (b) = 0

obtained from (9) for λ = 0. We now propose to solve the nonhomogeneous system:

⎧ Daα( p(t )Daαf (t )) − q (t )f (t ) = −h(t )

β f (a) + β2 Daαf (a) = 0 (12)
⎨ 1
⎪ γ1 f (b) + γ2Daαf (b) = 0,

where h(t ) is a real continuous function in the interval [a , b] for some 0 ≤ a < b.

Theorem 2.7. If the given homogeneous system (11) has the identically null function as its only solution, then
the system given by (12) has only one solution, which is given by
f (t ) = (α, a)(G α(t , ⋅ )h)(b) = ∫ (εε −− aa) Gα(t , ε)h(ε)dε,

where G α(t , ε ) is the conformable Green’s function of (11).

On some conformable boundary value problems  11

Proof. Since the homogeneous system (11) has the identically null function as its only solution, then λ = 0
is not an eigenvalue of (9); therefore, there exists the conformable Green’s function of (11).
Let φ1 and φ2 be two linearly independent solutions of (11) that verify the initial conditions, respectively.
Let us apply the generalized conformable version of the method of variation of the parameters to solve the
fractional differential equation in (11). Then, with
f (t ) = A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t ) ,

we have
Daα( p(t )Daα(A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t ))) − q (t )(A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t )) = − h(t ) ,

and by applying the internal fractional operator, we obtain

Daα( p(t )[φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + A(t )Daαφ1(t ) + φ2DaαB(t ) + B(t )Daαφ2 (t )]) − q (t )(A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t )) = − h(t ) ,

now, by using the linearity property of the fractional differential operator, we obtain

Daα( p(t )[φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + φ2DaαB(t )]) + Daα( p(t )A(t )Daαφ1(t )) + Daα(B(t )Daαφ2 (t )) − q (t )(A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t ))
= − h (t ) ,

and if we apply the fractional differential’s product rule to the second and third term, we obtain
Daα( p(t )[φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + φ2DaαB(t )]) + A(t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ1(t )) + p(t )Daαφ1(t )DaαA(t ) + B(t )Daα( p(t )Daαφ2 (t ))
+ p(t )Daαφ2 (t )DaαB(t ) − q (t )(A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t )) = −h(t ) ,

that is, to say

A(t )(Daα( p(t )Daαφ1(t )) − q (t )φ1(t )) + B(t )(Daα( p(t )Daαφ2 (t )) − q (t )φ2 (t ))
+ p(t )(DaαA(t )Daαφ1(t ) + DaαB(t )Daαφ2 (t )) + Daα( p(t )(φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + φ2 (t )DaαB(t ))) = − h(t ) .

Since φ1 and φ2 are two linearly independent solutions of (11), it follows that
p(t )(DaαA(t )Daαφ1(t ) + DaαB(t )Daαφ2 (t )) + Daα( p(t )(φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + φ2 (t )DaαB(t ))) = −h(t ) .

φ1(t )DaαA(t ) + φ2 (t )DaαB(t ) = 0,
we have
p(t )(DaαA(t )Daαφ1(t ) + DaαB(t )Daαφ2 (t )) = −h(t ) ,

−φ2 (t )h(t )
DaαA(t ) =
p(t )[φ2 (t )Daαφ1(t ) − φ1(t )Daαφ2 (t )]
−φ1(t )h(t )
DaαB(t ) = .
p(t )[φ1(t )Da φ2 (t ) − φ2 (t )Daαφ1(t )]

We know, from the proof of Theorem 2.6, that p(t )[φ1(t )Daαφ2 (t ) − φ2 (t )Daαφ1(t )] is a constant, and it is equal
to K .
Also, by using the initial conditions, we have

β1 f (a) + β2 Daαf (a) = β1(A(a)φ1(a) + B(a)φ2 (a)) + β2 (φ1(c )DaαA(a) + φ2 (a)DaαB(a) + A(c )Daαφ1(a)
+ B(a)Daαφ2 (a))
= A(a)(β1φ1(a) + β2 Daαφ1(a)) + B(a)(β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a))
= B(a)(β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a)) = 0,

and since φ2 is not an eigenfunction of (11), it turns out that

12  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

β1φ2 (a) + β2 Daαφ2 (a) ≠ 0,

it follows that B(a) = 0.

Similarly, if γ1 f (b) + γ2Daαf (b) = 0, then we obtain that A(b) = 0.
So we have
α φ2 (ε )h(ε )
A(t ) = − ∫ (εε −− aa) K


and since A(b) = 0, then

t b b
(ε α − a) φ2 (ε )h(ε ) (ε α − a) φ2 (ε )h(ε ) α φ2 (ε )h(ε )
A(t ) = − ∫ ε−a K
dε + ∫ ε−a K
dε = ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε .
a a t

α φ1(ε )h(ε )
B (t ) = ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε .

Thus, we obtain that

f (t ) = A(t )φ1(t ) + B(t )φ2 (t )
b t
(ε α − a) φ2 (ε )φ1(t )h(ε ) α φ1(ε )h(ε )φ2 (t )
= ∫ ε−a K
dε + ∫ (εε −− aa) K

t a
= a +(G α(t , ε )f )(b) ,

where the Green’s function is

⎧ 1 φ1(ε )φ2 (t ) , a ≤ ε < t

G α (t , ε) = K
⎪ K φ1(t )φ2 (ε ) , t < ε ≤ b. □

Finally, we investigate the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the conformable linear nonhomoge-
neous differential equation of second order (12) in the class of twice continuously Daα -differentiable

Theorem 2.8. Let p , q : [a , b] → R be continuous functions and let p be Daα -differentiable function on [a , b].
Assume that the conformable homogeneous differential equation in (11) has the only null solution. If a twice
continuously Daα -differentiable function f : [a , b] → R satisfies the inequality
∣Daα( p(t )Daαf (t )) − q (t )f (t ) + f (t )∣ ≤ g (t ) (13)

for all t ∈ [a , b], where g : [a , b] → [0, ∞) is given such that of the following integrals exists, then there exists
a solution f0 : [a , b] → R of (12) such that
b t
1 ⎛ (ε α − a) ∣φ2 (ε )∣g (ε ) α ∣φ1(ε )∣g (ε ) ⎞
∣f (t ) − f0 (t )∣ ≤ ∣φ (t )∣
∣K∣ ⎜⎜ 1
∫ ε−a K
dε + ∣φ2 (t )∣ ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε ⎟ ,

⎝ t c ⎠
where K is a nonzero constant and φ1(t ) and φ2 (t ) are two linearly independent solutions of (11) (Theorem 2.7)

Proof. If we define a continuous function s : [a , b] → R by

s(t ) = Daα( p(t )Daαf (t )) − q (t )f (t ) (14)
On some conformable boundary value problems  13

for all t ∈ [a , b], then from (13), it follows that

∣s(t ) + f (t )∣ ≤ g (t ) . (15)

for all t ∈ [a , b].

From Theorems 13 and 14, we have
b t
(ε α − a) φ2 (ε )φ1(t )s(ε ) α φ1(ε )s(ε )φ2 (t )
f (t ) =  aα +(G α(t , .)f )(b) = ∫ ε−a K
dε + ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε , (16)
t a

where K is a nonzero constant and φ1(t ) and φ2 (t ) are two linearly independent solutions of (11) .
We now define a function f0 : [a , b] → R by
b t
(ε α − a) φ2 (ε )φ1(t )f (ε ) α φ1(ε )f (ε )φ2 (t )
f0 (t ) = ∫ ε−a K
dε + ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε (17)
t a

for all t ∈ [a , b]. According to Theorem 2.7, it is obvious that f0 is a solution of the system (12). Moreover, it
follows from (15)–(17) that
b t
(ε α − a) φ2 (ε )φ1(t )(s + f )(ε ) α φ1(ε )(s + f )(ε )φ2 (t )
∣f (t ) − f0 (t )∣ ≤ ∫ ε−a K
dε + ∫ (εε −− aa) K

t a
b t
1⎛ (ε α − a) ∣φ2 (ε )∣g (ε ) α ∣φ1(ε )∣g (ε ) ⎞
≤ ⎜∣φ1(t )∣
∫ ε−a K
dε + ∣φ2 (t )∣ ∫ (εε −− aa) K
dε ⎟

⎝ t a ⎠
for all t ∈ [a , b]. □

3 Conclusion
In the development of the present article, fractional versions of the Sturm-Picone Theorem and the study of
the problem of boundary value determined with the use of a generalization of fractional derivatives intro-
duced by Zarikaya et al. in [35] were established. In addition, the stability criterion given by the Hyers-Ulam
Theorem was studied with the use of the aforementioned fractional derivatives.

Acknowledgments: The authors are gratefully to the Dirección de Investigación from Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Ecuador for the technical support given to this work.

Funding information: This article received financial support from Dirección de Investigación fro Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Ecuador under the project entitled “Resultados Cualitativos de ecuaciones difer-
enciales fraccionarias locales y desigualdades integrales,” code 070-UIO-2022.

Author contributions: All authors contributed equally to and approved the final manuscript.

Conflict of interest: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publications of this
14  Miguel Vivas-Cortez et al.

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