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removed, and are then carried into the drying apparatus.

are actually employed for manufacturing purposes, viz. the

casting covetous eyes--had been taken possession of in virtue

not the product of the organizing skill of one or a few

Revue alpine (French A. C.), the Jahrbuch, Mitteilungen,

this reaction being followed by

gaseous carbon dioxide. The former needs only grinding to

and it is said that he was initiated into the Eleusinian

(Annalen, 1877, 186, p. 163; 1877, 190, p. 257).

tongue, and appear to be syllables only. Four lerter-names

established on the site of the former Convent of St Radigund.

This state of affairs, however, lasted but a short time. In

expedition to New Orleans (q.v.) is separately dealt with.

the lime-kiln gases being entirely exhausted. The sulphur

southern satrapy and again invaded Phrygia, which he ravaged

Germany (eastwards to the Weser), Spain and Portugal. A second

and economic interests of their colonies in London, to

crops. As to the source of the nitrogren of the root-crops--the

benefit the special title panhypersebastos (i.e. as it were

is generally believed to be by the regidor of Medina del

(2) moral and political science, (3) literature and the fine

national warriors in fifteen different groups round the side.

remarkable acrostics was contained in the verses cited by

correct. It is more probable that they are to be classed among

in the Hist. litt. de la France, vol. xx. pp. 679-718;

Criminal cases.

(Freiberg, 1819); F. A. Schmidt, Georg Agricola's

chair. This chair, now placed in the gallery referred to,

the goods shipped, and this obligation is, by the common

died in the same year soon after his return. His historical

the art were adequate to the task; and in the West, Vincent of

out on lease often together with the stock upon it; or else

death. A physician by himself is helpless in these cases.

the aesthetic importance of the principle of association.

vol. i., col. 31-42; and Edward Grimston's translation of

1882 45 1 31 2 21 10

the Peloponnesian war was the chief leader of the Spartan

history. Great discoveries in Cappadocia, Assyria and

strong and the extinction angle on the plane of symmetry measured

Pure Food Law,'' applicable to the United States generally,

escaped, and one of the oars became broken and fell to the

square. It contains some fine wood-work and a large library

municipium, the territory of which seems to have comprised

Magazine, its Prize Essays and Transactions began to be

against the Confederates of Virginia at Rich Mountain.

than those for England, 72% of the fat cattle entering the

composed mainly of mica and chlorite schists and slates,

of a golden eagle with outspread wings. The most celebrated

for a text which used to be connected almost exclusively with

decision (but see CALIPHATE, ib.) greatly injured the

51 deg. 60' N. and 89 deg. E. Their mean elevation is 5000-5500

Ulva and Mesocarpus the chromatophore is a single plate,

it was estimated that 1,000,859 acres could be reclaimed.

path. Skirmishes at Macon and Milledgeville alone varied

enunciated by Liebig is the fundamental characteristic of

of a transverse wall. The segment so cut off does not usually

lands outside Palestine; they were thus regarded as less

the Jesuits in Ethiopia,'' A New Collection of Voyages,

War,'' which was precipitated by the death of Stephen

Bashgol from that of Chitral, and this continues to denote

there recognition of the United States as an independent

algebra, cossic or algebraic, cossist or algebraist, &c.

to Menaechmus two methods of solving the equation x3=a

almost every European language. In 1798 Dr Aikin retired

(``pulveriser''), a device for effecting the solution of

Montreal, of which he became a junior partner in 1835. In

attested by comparison with other impressions; it may be

In all the countries of Europe the causing of abortion is now

things was to be remedied. For some years the emperor, with

to the pins, and stretched over two narrow bridges of hard

1890 to 1899, 2%. The total value of milch cows increased each

duties; in some cases, indeed, the two are combined. Ad

door to wider knowledge, and much exploration has ensued,

successor of Gorgias and taught at Athens at the same time

Company, whose line from Macon to Culoz traverses the

2. CHLOROPHYCEAE.--A. Borzi, ``Studi anamorfici di alcune

AFIUM-KARA-HISSAR (afium, opium), the popular name of

pegmatite in veins and lenticles, often foliated. The later

was to aggravate the schism by adding a third to the number

lasted the rest of his life, by accepting the chairmanship

(2) the next of kin; (3) the crown; (4) a creditor; (5) a

character, and maintain themselves by plundering the Bulgarian

the accession of Queen Elizabeth, and the beginning of the

scale. Such an instrument is called a soft-iron gravity

daughter of Meinhard IV., count of Gorz and Tirol, who bore

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