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THE CURRENT WAR - 500 words, 2 pages

Had they not desired to find the difference between each other…
the wars that are current, would have never been a bother,
which I never win in.
In my mind, it’s recurrent, in just a matter of time you win
“I hate myself”.

You sneer at me
Putting fear in me
Why point and laugh at me?
Scared that I’ll go far
Or to cram my head with scars

I have restless nights thinking about the venom that leaves me throbbing
Born to live in a bitter reality

Whatever I do, the current war will never yield.

It became lethal to many, which has never healed
It changed their beauty, their insides are concealed
It changed their individuality,
Whatever I do, the silent weapons keeps seeping through society
But can it ever help me? Would I be the first in all of humanity?

I am a creature to you.
So many flaws,
they stand out to you...

I am somebody
Who you talk about, either about my face, the colour of my skin and my body?
Now I am scarred from the words you say,

If I hide behind other people’s word,

Would you care?
If my insides sang like my bird,
Would you care?
If I am dead,
Would you care?

Would it even matter?

What do I own, rights?

You, who give me sleepless nights.
You, who doesn’t care whether I am bleeding or free…
You tell me.

Because my good doesn’t fit

It isn’t not good enough for you, is it?
I feel the devil’s hand and it clogs my respiratory system; I am sorry I was a bore
Only this and nothing more.
Til there is no more
Without a care in the world, you became as ugly as your sins, all throughout you core you

Your sarcastic words are so sad, why make me feel ashamed for being myself, do you want
me to grieve?
You are superficial, your scornful voices echo through my ear. Your words never ever leave.

The whereabouts don’t matter, I can’t tell them apart

They’re all the same.
Bullets continue to rip at my heart,
They’re all the same.
I fear you more than a tiger, your words like iron. You’re jerking hands take my joy, every

Even though I told you I was bleeding.

You still act the same, do you have a reason, a meaning

You are as cold as ice and your words enter my mind like a slow and silent midnight train.

I’m falling
You are crawling

Do you want more?

Does this count? The fact you rap my head with knots
I knew I was a bore
But now I have suicidal thoughts

In the end, I fear myself

I’m trapped in a body, that I call myself
I feel alone
Trapped in your zone

My self-esteem is falling
Pain hits from every angle
It’s hard exhaling

I was compelled to become tough,

I was compelled so my actions grew rough.

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