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Charles Adrianne A.

Hipe Date: 18/02/2023


Insight Paper of the article “Why the arts should matter”

by Dr. Jose Dalisay, Jr.

In his essay "Why the arts should matter," Dr. Jose Dalisay, Jr. makes a

passionate case for the value and importance of the arts in society. Through his

writing, he highlights the many ways in which the arts contribute to our individual and

collective well-being, and he argues that we must take the arts seriously if we want

to build a vibrant and thriving culture.

One of the key arguments that Dr. Dalisay makes is that the arts help us

understand ourselves and the world around us. Through literature, music, theater,

and other forms of art, we can explore our own experiences and emotions, as well as

the experiences and perspectives of others. This is a crucial function of the arts, as it

allows us to connect with one another and build empathy and understanding across

diverse communities and cultures.

Dr. Dalisay also emphasizes the economic and social benefits of the arts. He

notes that artistic and cultural events can draw visitors and generate revenue for

local businesses, and that artists themselves can earn a living through their work.

This is an important reminder that the arts are not simply a luxury or an indulgence,

but a vital part of our economy and our communities. Another important argument

that Dr. Dalisay makes is that the arts promote creativity and innovation. Exposure to

the arts can inspire new ideas and ways of thinking, leading to breakthroughs in

science, technology, and other fields. This is particularly relevant in today's rapidly
changing world, where innovation and creativity are essential for success and


Finally, Dr. Dalisay emphasizes the cultural and historical significance of the

arts. Artistic traditions and expressions can help us understand and appreciate the

history and identity of our communities and our nation. This is particularly relevant in

a globalized world, where cultural heritage is at risk of being lost or homogenized.

In conclusion, Dr. Jose Dalisay, Jr.'s essay "Why the arts should matter"

provides a convincing argument for the value and importance of the arts in our lives.

Through his writing, he reminds us of the many ways in which the arts contribute to

our individual and collective well-being, and he urges us to take the arts seriously if

we want to build a vibrant and thriving culture. The arts are not simply a luxury or an

indulgence, but a crucial part of our humanity. They help us understand ourselves

and the world around us, promote creativity and innovation, and contribute to our

economy and our communities. Moreover, they provide a window into our cultural

heritage and identity, allowing us to appreciate and preserve our shared history and


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