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As we have discussed, free will is in between life and Justice- justice is not just about courts and lawyers,

death. rather has to do with our everyday relationship with

others—like being honest, true, and fair
To start, there are 3 views between free will and
necessity. Fortitude- courage under fire. Or in our times, “guts”
Doing the right thing even if it is not popular or
1. Compatibilism- insists that a person’s action is convenient.
free. It is free when the person does what he or she
wants to do. If the person had wanted to choose Theological- only Christians or religious people
something different, he or she could have chosen know about
differently. With that, compatibilism focuses on
immediate situation.

2. Determinism- only states that our choices are

shaped by the strongest motive

3. Libertarianism- libertarianism opposes the

determinism. It denies that “we always act on the
strongest motive.” They believe that free choice is a

3 Dimensions of Human Freedom

1. Freedom as domination- some people increase

their power at the expense of others. Their wealth
makes others poor; their power makes others

2. Freedom as a free Community- freedom is not

defined as a domination, but a liberation. A
community is free when its members are loving,
caring, affectionate, and kind

3. Freedom as the creative passion for the possible-

we cannot be anything we want, but there are certain
things that we can become.

In quest for freedom, there are forces that hinder us

from being free and becoming our best—the 7 deadly
sins. They are called deadly because they can lead
you to other sins—pride, greed, envy, sloth, wrath,
gluttony, and lust.

Just as there deadly sins, there are seven heavenly

virtues. They are antidotes to a deadly sin. These
virtues are divided into 2, cardinal and theological

Cardinal- all people of goodwill has some knowledge


Prudence- means having common sense. Before we

do something, we need to think things over

Temperance- going the right distance and no further

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