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Water Vs Oil in Tango Rhythm:

It’s Just a Complicated Mixture!

By: Missing Willow (09.02.2017)

Good evening, everyone!

We all have regrets in our lives; it's part of growing up, but what better story than three
people enchanted and tangled to this beat whose sole purpose is to stick your fingers in the wound
and rip them until they bleed? Tango!

Tango is extremely addictive. Where young men from good families have a tendency to
spend time in places they are not supposed to go and with girls, their mothers would prefer they
not marry.

According to's article "The Secret of Tango," the earliest evidence of

Tango being danced in Europe dates from the first decade of the twentieth century. Tango was
probably introduced to France first through the port of Marseille, where Argentine sailors would
dance with local girls, and Tango was the preferred couple dance.

Tango draws you in and exposes you to pleasure, pain, passion, excitement, connection,
freedom, torment, and bliss. Tango is love, and love is tango.

The Holy Grail of Tango is ENTREGA, a trinity composed of three parts man, woman, and
music. And in order to achieve it, the dancers must have the passion and feel deeply together, be
willing to pull all the fire, and surrender themselves without self-consciousness or vanity.

Man and woman have different biological structures and personalities, much like water and
oil, but the key that burns and binds is emotions.

I'd like to take you to the burning love dance…

Now I'm going to reveal to you the enthralling secret of Tango in three parts and how love
plays an important role.


The beat began with such excitement from a man leading a woman into his personal space,
yielding total surrender in the burning pleasure of attraction. The lovers.

Their bodies move back and forth in a smooth cadence, illuminating their love for each
other. The beat the music the body is a sweltering passion of Fire, gentle waving of Water, a
harmonizing breath of Air, and Earth would shake in shame as steps mark roses with thorns on the
ground. STOP! Intense, powerful movement!

The man shifted as he became aware of the strong temptation of freedom. He gradually
began to drift away from her, changing his beat and speeding up and slowing down. He desired to
experience the world without her.

The woman desired more from the man, but she began to sense a slip. Then she began to
beg. She reached out her hands to connect and be connected, but all she got was rejection,
loneliness, and helplessness as she tried her hardest to win him over, pulling him back to her and
holding him so he wouldn't glide any further. She embraced him wholeheartedly.

At that critical moment, another man grabbed her, pulled her, swept her away from the
agony of pain, and whirled her into his arms, locking her in an embrace facing him. He was a man
from her past life, a man who desired her return. The ex-lover.

It was an emotional battle. When his ex-lover desired and yearned for him to give her
pleasure, excitement, and bliss. And the woman's heart was in turmoil because she wanted the
other to give her this deal. It was like a cat-and-mouse game. He tries to steal a kiss from her, but
she waves his hand away.

The music changed to a rush rhythm as the other man realized the woman he had
abandoned was now in the arms of another man. Threat! He dashed towards her, grabbing her
other arm. He drew her in and carried her away. The ex-lover shatters them by lifting her away and
twirling her in the opposite direction.

The music was almost over as the climax tensed and the woman crawled away from the two
men chasing her. They both lifted her and ended up with their bodies locked together, with her in
the middle.

Tango, "Please forget the steps... Hold me close and feel the music!" Allow our love to bleed
and connect all the impossible feelings rushing through our hearts. I am your star, and you are my
moon. Give me your soul, and I'll give you mine."

Thank you!

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