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Lovesong essay

• The play I will writing be writing about is 'love song' by frantic assembly. This play centers on a couple during
their old(current) and youthful(past) years together while going back and forth in the different times
allowing the audience to notice similarities and compare their relationship then vs now and giving more
context to certain situations. This is set in the 1960s and is performed in they style of visceral physical
• A moment in the play I would like to speak about is when the young maggie and billy had their romantic and
intimate dance on the kitchen table. This moment was different because there was no dialogue but there
was a clear story told by the actors. The actors kept intense eye contact throughout the dance showing their
chemistry and passion. During the time of this dance billy and maggie were newly wedded and excited to
experience life together, they hadnt yet gone through any hurdles and this gives meaning and subtext to the
dance aswell as acting as a vehicle that allows us to compare their past romance-filled young relationship to
their present old and weak years as a couple. It is clear that they have reached a point in their marriage
where their love is still present but they’ve grown a different type of love. More of a caring and familal love
than romantic and this dance conveys this clearly. This is a dance that would steal the hearts of the audience,
creating a clear link through which the audience can relate to from their daily lives. The characters had little
to no spacial awareness as they kept a close proximity throughout the dance, only parting occasionally to
give eachother a little spin or glare at the other lovingly. This further butresses my point on their affection for
each other. The expressions on their face were ones of joy and liveliness. They both had a smile plastered on
their faces while occasionally raising their eyebrows showing their hope and positivity as a newly wedded
couple. In terms of pace, the dance seems to fluctuate, starting as a slow dance and dramaticly rising in pace
• The other moment I would like to write about is when older margeret is reminding bill of
the time they visited caves in france and essentially telling him to revisit it when shes
gone. This line was said at a time where margaret was incredibly ill and weak and her
words and behavioural patterns lately had resembled that of someone who knew her
time was almost up. She had been clearly trying to supress some negativity in her but in
this scene we see her cave in and almost accept her fate. In this scene she behaves and
talks like someone who knows death is knocking on their door and therefore says certain
things with urgency almost as if time is running out. This is especially shown when she
repeats "do you remember" to ensure her husbands full attention and understanding.
There is a hinge of pain and passion in margerets voice when she reminises about that
day they had in france. She talks through every memory from that day one by one, beign
intentional to list every new one as they come to her head, careful not to let it slip by. She
uses her hand to decribe key bits of the trip running her hand through she air as she
remembered when they " ran our fingers over the walls " almost as if she wants to feel it
again. Her eye contact switched from bill to the air/distance where she seemed to have
reminised the trip. She stayed at a close proximity to him as if trying relive the experience
through him. Her volume/tone was at a projected level but this dramatically shifted when
bill was cheerfuling complimenting her singing in the trip. She cut him off and with a low
stern vioce, looking straight in his eyes as if everything she had been saying let up to that
moment, she said "go back there"
• The final moment I would like to talk about is when bill helps
margeret take pills to end her life. This was an extensiv and ey
moment so there was a lot building up to it. Contextually we know
that margeret had been seriously ill for

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