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޾ῢ῾ߍ޽߂‫⁀ޚ‬ῢ޿ߋ‪⁈ ߍ⁶ߛ‫⁤ޱ‬
Season/‫ ߐ޹ޢ‬Ŀ2’e\h Year/߈ߊῇ 2022-2023 Date/Ĩ£e2B 28/11/2022 Verification Code :

Received Rs 857.95 ( EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN AND NINETY FIVE PAISA ONLY ) towards consideration as Farmer's share of Premium from
HUSENASAB REHEMANASAB DODAMANIS/o Rehemanasab , cultivator of Gadag District, Gajendragad Taluk & Dh_Dhĺ(GP) (Hobli/GP) insurance Unit with
following Land and Crop Details

Hobli/²lisXĺ Village/’eÎZ Survey No./c®ls Owner Name/¨eĹsB\²lc\h Name of Crop/ Area Sum Premium
¦l­l[²lc\h Acre Gunta/Cent FGunta Insured Amount
‫޴ޚߐެުޤ‬ⁱ‫ ޴ޚߐެ•ޤ‘ޚ‬Ļ¨eūQÃ īÎIJ[2

UªlsD^Ð Dh_Dhĺ 36/* ¡liNÀZĪdh±lsU±e²lsX BN¬l

R) 4 35 0.00 57196.70 857.95

Total / ?Lh¾ 57196.70 857.95

Payment Details :

Premium Amout Rs 857.95 Paid by Cash, Cash No 80990 Dated 19/11/2022

Drawn On : GramaOne IFSC Code ( GRAMAONE )
Bank : GramaOne
Saving Bank A/C No : 33521482012
īÎIJ[2ijiQÃ857.95Cash, Cash U280990Ĩ£e2B19/11/2022Ų^B¤e`Ħľ¡l
ĻQĸľS¦eÎ2ňGramaOne IFSC Code ( GRAMAONE )

Authorized Signatory/ cĿ
ߊ߄޹ߐῗެ߇ߐ‍ߍެߐ⁄߀‫ߐ߇ެ⁤޼ޚ‬/Terms and conditions

bbb⁧⁎⁩߃ߐުῸߍ῔߃ ߍ‵⁓ߛ‫޻ޚ‬ῢߋ΅ߍῇ߄޻ުߒ⁐ߋߌ΅ߍ߄߂޹ߐῗߜ޹ު ߍῡ޸‫޾߃⁔ߍ ޞ‬ῢ῾ߍ޽߂‫⁀ޚ‬ῗ޿ߋ‪⁇ ߍ⁶ߛ‫ߍ῿⁎ߐ߄߂⁤ޱ‬ῡߋ⁕ߑ⁍ߋ ߍ޻ߌ ߍ ߍ޽‫ߍ ⁎⁧޹⁋ߍ῾ޝ‬⁶ߛ‫޾ ⁤ޱ‬ῢ߂޿⁇⁶ߛ߂ߌ‫⁎⁧ޝ‬⁶ߛ ެ߇

 ߍެῇߋߑ‷ެ߇ߐ‍ߍެߑ ߍ‫ޱ‬ῡߋ΅ߍῇ߄޻‫ߊ߈ߍ ޝߑެߍ‍ߐ߇ެ߉ߛ⁢ޝ‬ῇ߂޹ߐῗ‫޽߃⁤ޯߑߋ⁃ޜ޽⁎ߐ޹ޢ‬ῦ߃‫޹ߐ߄‵ޝ‬ῗ⁢The coverage under Pradhana Mantri Fasal Bima Yojane / Restructured Weather Based Crop
Insurance Scheme (PMFBY/RWBCIS) will be strictly as per operational guidelines framed by DAC & FW, GOI and the orders and notification issued by the state government for the relevant year and
2bbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ‫ߍ ޤ‬ῤ‫޹ެޜ‬ῡ ߍ⁒⁀߃޽ߐΊ⁄ߛ޶޹ުῈ޻ߐῙ⁄ߛ‽޻ ߍ⁒⁀߃⁌ῤ ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ⁋ߛ⁀߃߈ῡΏߍῡߋ⁎޻Ῑ⁌ῤ⁧⁎⁩߄´ߍῙެߐ߈‍ߍެߑ⁎ ߍު‫ߐ޽޹ޚ‬Ί߂ߐ޴ߐῒ⁕ߑߛ߆ߐ‍ߍ″⁓ߑ߇ߐῥ߈‌ߍ޼ῡ⁠‫޹ߐ߄ޞ‬ῗ⁢ߋ޻⁋ ߍ⁒⁀߃ߐߜ޹߄⁲ߋ߄ߐ⁎⁩
 ߍ‽⁑޻⁧‫޾޹‷ߑߋ⁃ޜߐ޹ޢ‬ῢ⁢ߛ߉⁄ߛ ߍ߈⁋⁎޼⁎⁩߃‫ߋޝ‬″ῗ‍ߍެߐ‫߄߈⁎޹ޞ‬ⁱߛ⁋޻‫޹ߐ߄ޞ⁠ޚ‬ῗ⁢⁧ߋ⁉ߛ₃޻Ώߍῗ‫ߐ޽߈߄ߍ‍⁋޾ߍ ⁎⁑⁋޼ޝ߉ޚ‬Ί‫޹ޞ‬ῡ޺ῇ޾‽ߋ ߍެߐ߈⁳޻ߐ⁧ߋ⁉ߛ₃߃޾ῢ΅ߍ߄⁤ߑߛ‫޾޻⁧⁧޹⁊ߍ´ޚ‬ῢު߄޸ެ⁍⁕ ߍ޹ῢ
⁓ῤߜ…‫ߐ޽ޜ‬Ί⁧ުῶߍ߈⁳޾ῢ⁶ߛެ(PMFBY) ߂޹ߐῗ޴…ῇ⁏ߛ‘(RWBCIS) ‫޹ޞ⁑⁋޼ޝ‬ῡ޺ῇ⁕ߑ⁍ߋ ߍެߐ޹ῗ⁢The proposer shall disclose all material facts. Any discrepancy discovered later may lead to cancellation of
insurance covered and forfeiture of premium. Material facts for this purpose will include but not restricted to facts like proposerಬs name, season relevant to crop insured, irrigation type and insurable
interest. The claim will be settled based on the crop survey data. Claim will be settled only for cases where insured crop is grown as per crop survey provided the said proposal is eligible for claims as
per Crop Cutting Experiments data (PMFBY) and term-sheet (RWBCIS).
bbbbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ⁤ߑߛ‫⁌߃⁧޹⁊ߍ´ޚ‬ῤ ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ߀޻ ߍ߈ ‫޻ޞ‬Ῑ⁌ῤ⁤ߑߛ‫޾ޚުߍ ⁎‵ߍ ޹‷ޚߐ߂ߐ߇ެ޽⁂ߐ޶߄ޤ޻ުޚߍ῿⁂߂⁀ޚޜ߃‿޻ޚ‬⁄⁕⁀⁍ߋߐ߈߀޻Ὶ⁠⁲ߑ‫ߐ߄⁂ޚ‬Ώߍῗ⁤‍ߍެߑ⁤ߑߛ‫޻ޚߛ⁓‿޻ޚ‬ῢ޻߂ߑ߆ު‫‹ޜ‬ῇ߃⁌ῤ‫޹ެޜ‬ῡ ߍ ߍῇ޶ߐެ߇޽ߐΊ
 ߍ޶޹ުῈ޻ߐῙ޹⁅῜޻Ῑ⁌ῤ⁩ߛ⁌޽‫޽ޜ  ߉ޚޜ‬ῦ⁊ߋ⁌⁢Proposer undertakes to inform the insurer in the event of any change in crop within two days prior to enrolment cut-off date and get the proposal
modified as required through the enrolment centre, otherwise point number (2) will follow.
bbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ߈⁤ߋ⁒ ߍ‽߄⁢ߛ‫޻ޞ‬Ῑ⁌ῤ޾⁴޸ῇ⁕ߑ⁍ߋ⁢ߛ‫޻ޞ‬Ῑ⁌ῤ⁎ ߍ⁧ߛ‽⁓⁕޾⁴߄ު ߍ‵‫޽ޜ‬ῦ߃ ߍެߐ߈´ߍޫެ߇޽ߐΊ߆ެ⁀ῗߋ⁢ߛ‫޻ޞ‬Ῑ⁌ῤߜ޹޹޽Ί⁎ ߍު‫ߐ޽߈޸ߌߐ߆ߍ ޽⁀ޚ‬Ίߋ‫޾ޚ‬⁴޸ῇ ߍ‵ ߍ߈⁀ ߍ޶⁂޻Ῑ⁌ῤ‫޾ߌ޹ޚޜ‬ῢ‌ߍῗ߈⁤߃޽ߐΊ
⁀߄ߋῈ⁋ߋߐ߈ߌުῈ޽ߐΊ⁎ ߍު‫޾ޚ‬⁄߃ߐ΅ߍ⁊Ῑ⁋⁑⁓ߑ‫޹ߐ߄‽ޚ‬ῗ⁢The insurance company reserve the right to reject the proposal if it is not signed / not completely filled / required documents in support of insurable
interest are not enclosed / full share of farmerಬs premium is not paid.
bbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐߋῘ⁍ߛ߃‫ߐ޹޾ޝ‬ῗ⁓ߑ⁶ῤߛ޹ῗ߄޽ߊῒ‫ޚޠ‬ῶߍ޻ߋ‫߁޻ޚ‬ῇެ߇⁌ῤ⁶ߛ‫ެߍ ߃⁤ޱ‬ῇߋߑ‷ެ߇⁌ῤߋߑ‷⁑߄ߐ߈‫ޚޠ޻ޚ⁍ެ߃ߍ ޜ‬ῶߍ޻‍ߍ⁄߃޽ߐΊެ‫޾ޚުߍ ⁎⁕߇ާ߇ެ⁛ޚ‬⁄⁕⁀⁍ߋߐ߈߀޻Ὶ⁠⁲ߑ‫ߐ߄⁂ޚ‬Ώߍῗ⁤‍ߍ⁕ߛ޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ
⁎ ߍު‫޾ޚ‬⁄⁕߂޹ߐῗ‫ߊ޽߄޻ޜ‬ῒ ߙ߆ῡ ߍ޾ު⁋⁕‫ߍ ޤ‬ῤ⁋ߛ⁀߃⁌ῤߋߌު⁋ߋ߆ߐ߀޻Ῑ῿ߍ‵߄ߐΏߍῗ⁤Proposer undertakes to inform insurance company within 72 hours of occurrence of loss caused due to perils mentioned
in the scheme in case of localized calamity/ post-harvest losses. Further, Proposer undertakes to assist insurance company and its loss assessors in every manner.
bbb⁎ ߍޭ޴ު޻⁌ῤ⁧⁇޹ῗ⁤ ߍެ޻ߋ‫߁޻ޚ‬ῇެ߇⁌ῤ(prevented sowing) ⁎ ߍ ߍ߈⁀ ߍ‽޻Ῑ⁌ῤ ߍ⁌⁑߄޻ߐῙ⁕ߑ߇ߐῥ޹ῗ⁢߂޹ߐῗ ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ߂ߐ‫߈ߐ߃ߑ⁢߄ߍ‍⁋޾ߍ ⁎޽⁂ޚ‬⁳⁂߆ῤPayment of claim under prevented sowing will
lead to cancellation of policy and no further claim will be payable.
bbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ‫޹ެޜ‬ῡ⁎޻Ῑ⁌ῤ⁎ ߍ޾⁋‍ߍ߄ ߍ߈⁀ߋ‫߁޻ޚ‬ῇ޻⁌ῤ޹޽Ίެߐ߄ߐ⁀޽߂޹ߐῗ⁎ ߍߋ޻´ߍޫެ߇޽ߐΊߋ⁌ῤߋ⁧ߛ΅ߍެߐ޹ῗ⁢If required, at the time of claim, if any, the proposer may be required to submit identity and
address proof.
bbb޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ‫※ޚޱ‬RTC `ߍ⁠⁲ߑ‫޻⁂ޚ‬Ῑ⁌ῤ‫޻ޚ⁋߄ߍ´⁠ߍ`※ޚޱ޻⁍ޠ‬⁄ ߍ₃ߛ޾ ޾޹ῢ[NoC (No Objection Certificate)] ߋ⁌ῤߋߐ߈⁳޻ߐProposer shall submit NoC (No Objection Certificate) from other joint owners in case
of Joint owner.
bbb ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ߂߄޸⁲ߑ‫߈߈ߐ߄⁂ޚ‬ῡ″ῗ߃⁲ߋ⁋޽⁌ῤ‫‹ޜ‬ῇެ߇޽ߐΊbߋ⁌ῤߋ ߍ߄޻ߐNo Applications should be raised in the name of any deceased person.

⁤ߑ‫߈߄޹ޚ޽߃‿޻ޚ‬ῡ″ῗ߃ߐ߂߄޸⁲ߑ‫޻⁂ޚ‬Ῑ⁌ῤ‫ߌޜ‬ῇ⁎ ߍ޾⁋‍ߍ߄⁵޹ῗ߈޽ߐΊ⁑ῦߛު⁋ߋߐ߈b‫߈޹ߒު⁃ޜ‬ῡ″ῗ߃´ߍޫެ߇޽ߐΊߌ⁀ῗ߄޻ ߍῡ‫ޚ‬‎ ߍ⁔ުߒ⁐‫޴ߛߑ⁠ߍ ޺ޜ‬῰ߍ⁋⁓‫޽ߍ ߍ‌⁔ߍ ޞ‬ῡⁱߛ ߍ⁓ߛ‫޻ޚ‬ῢ῰ߍῢ ߍާ‡⁕ߋ⁌ῤߋߐ߈⁳޻ߐIf the
proposer expires after enrolment, the details of the person authorised to receive claims if any, shall be submitted to the nearest bank branch/ Department (Ag/Hort)/CSC / Grama one.
bbbbbbb⁎ ߍ޾⁋‍ߍ߄߈⁳‫ߍ ޹‽ߛߑ⁙
ߍ῾ޝ‬ῡ‫ޚ‬‎`ߍ⁠⁕ ߍ߈⁀ ߍެߐ⁀ῗ߄ߐ߈⁳޻⁋‫޻ޚ‬b޾ῢ‌ߍῗ޾ު޽ߐ޹޽Ί ߍῡ‫ޚ‬‎`ߍ⁠߃޽ߐΊ‫ߐ޹߂ߐ޹⁋ߐު߈ߐ߄‵ߍ  ޶ߛߑ⁙
ߍ῾ޝ‬ῗNPCI ⁑Ῐ⁀ެ⁀ߋ″ῢ߃ ߍ‵߄ߐ߈ުߐ⁋޹ߐ`ߍ޹⁋޾‽ߋ⁓ߑ߇ῥ޹ުῈ޻ߐῙbClaim
settlement would be done to the Aadhaar linked account, the proposer shall ensure that his account number is seeded with the Aadhaar number and NPCI status is active.
bbbbbb‫ߌޜ‬ῇ⁎ ߍ޾⁋‍ߍ߄߈޽ߐΊ‫޹ޞ‬ῡ޺ῇ޾‽ߋߐ߈ߋ‫޾ޚ‬⁴޸ῇ‫ߍ ߍ ޱ‬Ῑ⁋߃ߐߋ‫޴޾޼ޚ߀ޚ‬ῒ⁎ ߍު‫޾ޚ‬⁄߃´ߍῙ‵߄ߐ޹ῗ⁢⁎ ߍ޾߄‍ߍ߄‫޹ޞ‬ῡ޺ῇ⁓Ὲ ߍ‫ޱ‬ῡߋ΅ߍῇ߄ ߍެ⁌ߛ‫޻ޚߛ⁓ߍ ޺ޜ‬ῢߋ΅ߍῇ߄ ߍެ⁌ߛ‫ߍ ߍ ޱ‬Ῑ߄ ߍ‵߄ߐ߈⁳⁂߆ῤ ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ῿ߍῡ ߍ߆߃޻⁌ῤ
‫ߍ ޺ޜ‬῰ߍῢߌު߄ߛ⁂⁓߃⁌ῤ ߍ߈⁳⁢ߛ⁓ῤߜ…ߋ‫⁌߇ެ޻ߍ ⁎޹⁃ޚ߀ޚ‬ῤߋ΅ߍῇ߄߈޽ߐΊ ߍ※ῇ߃῿ߍΊ‵ ߍ޶ߐ߈‫߆⁀ޚ‬ῤInsurance Company is solely responsible for settlement of eligible claims if any. Neither State government
nor Central government is responsible for the claim settlement. Government(s) shall not be made party in any claim related dispute in any court of law or consumer forum(s).

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