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1. Will your report be satirical or mundane?

Explain what your news story is

going to satirize OR explain why your news story is mundane.
Satirical, criticizing whole foods, gasoline prices, and rich people. It will be
satirical because all of those are real world issues.

2. News subject:
Gas Prices have risen so much that Rich People are now eating it as a delicacy,
and it has its own aisle at whole foods

3. Who is involved in this news story? What are these people like?
News reporter - A typical boring news reporter
Interviewer - basic interviewer, oblivious
Kylie Jenner - Stuck up, obsessed with being trendy
Jason Bugle (Whole Foods CEO) - Rich Guy, Health Nut
Broke dude - cant afford gas, is miserable
4. What happened?
Gas prices ($17.38 7/5 per gallon) are so high that rich people have started to
consider it a delicacy.

5. When did this event happen?

2024/2025, as a result of Covid.

6. Where did this occur? What locations are important to the story?
This is a news station in LA. Whole foods and on the streets are the important
places in this story.

7. Why is this news important? Why did it happen?

This news is important because it’s a new trend that has risen to the top of the
charts because of celebrities. This event happened because of a long lasting
economic effect of Covid-19.

8. How did it happen? How did the news affect someone?

Gas prices continue to rise drastically after COVID. This has caused most people
to walk or bike everywhere, and the rich have since declared gas a delicacy.
9. Potential sources for interviewees (family members, those involved or
affected by the event, witnesses, experts...):
Elon Musk
Kylie Jenner
Jason Bugle
Broke College Student

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