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Practice Question

Heart muscle works hard and therefore consumes much ATP.

Which organelles would you expect to be especially numerous in
the heart muscle cells?
A) lysosomes
B) Golgi complexes
C) nuclei
D) mitochondria

Question # = Slide # 1
Practice Question

A reddish chemical, lipofuscin, is found in greater quantities in

cells of older people than in those from younger people. This
chemical should be broken down in the cells. Which specific
type of organelle is not working as well in the seniors?
A) lysosome
B) mitochondrion
C) nucleus
D) rough endoplasmic reticulum

Question # = Slide # 2
Where is the genetic “code” (DNA)
located within a cell?

a) Mitochondria

b) Lysosomes

c) Golgi Complex

d) Plasma Membrane

e) Nucleus

Question # = Slide # 3
Physiological changes can occur with
exercise. For example, results of a regular
running program can result in an increase in
___________ in leg muscle.
a) Number of mitochondria

b) Number of capillaries

c) Both a and b

Question # = Slide # 4





Question # = Slide # 5

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