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1. Why is there a need for criminology students to undergo fire technology education?
(at least 200 words)

Criminology students must have to undergo fire technology education as a part of
foundation in the future for it cannot deny the fact that fire can produce anywhere at any time
specially on summer and it cannot tell when does that thing to happen so students must have to
know the basic understanding of fire protection, fire prevention, combustion and behaviour, and
fire investigation to safeguard lives and properties. Students must learn how to supress a fire in
the most safeties and effective way in the available equipment to used. Also, learning under fire
technology will help the student for their profession because once you are a license criminology
and you want to work under the agency of Bureau of fire protection you will have an advantage
to other applicants because you already had a strong foundation with regards to their expertise.
Most of the lessons being thought in fire tech can be used and applied in the Bureau of Fire
Protections agency. Not only that because in learning fire tech we can also help other people
and we can be used in our daily life. How? if there’s fire we can give a hand to help in preventing
the fire to spread. We can give tips our acquaintance the safety methods to be done if there is a

2. What is the proper way to conduct an arson investigation? (at least 200 words)

The proper way of conducting an investigation is at the following statements; first, upon
the arrival at the fire scene the responder should observe the conditions and initiate permanent
documentation of the information. There are things that should be assessed such as any visible
victims, the damage cause by the fire and any witnesses or bystanders and anything identified in
this initial stage can contribute to the investigation no matter how small the detail is, still it can
begin to lead investigators by a hint as to whether a fire was caused intentionally or an outright
attack. After the first responders have contained the situation, investigators should meet with
the incident commander to inform the current status of the fire scene, make introductions,
identify essential personnel, and determine scene safety and integrity issues in order to proceed
with the investigation. The investigator should determine the identities of witnesses and
conduct interviews. Investigators must take visual note of any evidence, such as blood and the
origin of the fire. Taking physical notes, pictures of the crime scene as well as taking videos in
documenting the scene in case of tapering or moving evidence around. During the evaluation
phase, caution tape is placed around the area to block it from public and making authorities
aware of the scene parameters. Then after, in processing evidence the investigator should
identify, collect and preserve the evidence to prevent from contamination. Package and
transport evidence in establishing and maintaining the chain of custody. And lastly, after the
scene has been secured, documented, and cleared of all relevant evidence, the investigators
should release the scene and submit reports to the appropriate database. The information that
can then be accessed later to further investigation, the fire can then be fully investigated

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