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What is dance?

Dance is one of the three main performing arts of antiquity, alongside theater
and music. In ancient Egypt, the so-called astro-theological dances were
performed in honor of Osiris. In Greece, dancing was often linked to the
Olympic games. Dance is characterized by the use of the body following
established movements called choreography or improvised movements that
are known as free dance. The dance involves the expression of feelings
potentiated by it.

Where was Hip-Hop born?

Hip-hop music, also known as rap, is a genre of popular music developed in the
United States by African Americans and Latin Americans in the Bronx
neighborhood of New York in the year 1970.
Teacher, can I play a short video please?
The reason I chose this video is because my former dance teacher is on it and
it's also because he's participating in one of my dreams regarding dance which
is Hip-Hop international.

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