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: Hello, we're here to talk about our opinion on the

videos and to talk about the harassement and what we can
do all together to fix this problem. First, i gonna to compare
the videos. So in my mind the video which was realised by
Coomera School is the best cause there's no sound no
voice no speech like when you're bullied you just stay in the
silence of the fear and you don't talk about your situation.

Charles: I totally agree with you this video is the best but I
think the silence is here to give more importance to the
words which are written on the labels.

Hugo : Yeah maybe. The labels are really interested in this

video cause is show how the harassement is in school
person put an idea on you and repeat you or exclude you
because of this idea.
Unlike in the video of the Fairfield School give more
importance to the voice that's not a bad idea to the contrary
is such a good idea but the silence is more understable by
the people who don't speak english and for me the most
important is not really all the ideas but to be understand.

Charles : yeah i agree

Hugo : The morals of the videos are close but still a little
different. The moral of the video of the Coomera School is
that we're all human despite the differences and labels that
others put on us but this video don't gave us solutions to
fight harassement on the other hand the video from Fairfield
School they tell how to stop or counter the harassement on
our scale. They tell to don't share a video if it inclunde
someone saying stop and that share, say, do, click, write,
post means something. The moral tends towards help,
support and respect people. Personally i prefer the 2nd moral
even if I find the other video better.
Charles : I disagree with you according to me the first moral
is the best cause the most important that is we're all human.
So, now we will give our opinion about the harassement.
First I gonna explain what is harassement. To bully
somebody is to exclude him, insulting him or being mean to
him repeatedly in a really destabilizing and violent way. Me I
think harassement is really bad like is really mean and it
does not bring anything to spread hatred on someone
except to make this person sad. And you Hugo what you
think about harassement ?

Hugo : I think like you but i gonna add something : the

harassement or the cyber-harassement are bad things but
they continue to exist cause people feel bad about
themselves, pass it on the others or just to have fun on
somebody and to feel powerful. However i thing too many
people think too much about people's opinions and are
therefore too sensitive to criticism.

Charles : I totaly agree with you. Finally the solutions or the

things to do against the harassement are to respect
everybody, don't be mean with other people all the times,
don't insult people, don't share something which could be
reductive or insulting to someone, don't exclude someone of
an opinion,prejudice or his skin color and respect every
body cause despite the difference we're all human (soit pas
raciste charles)
ps: t'es aigri avec ton italienne

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